
Store large dictionary to file in Python

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-12-30 07:44:43
问题 I have a dictionary with many entries and a huge vector as values. These vectors can be 60.000 dimensions large and I have about 60.000 entries in the dictionary. To save time, I want to store this after computation. However, using a pickle led to a huge file. I have tried storing to JSON, but the file remains extremely large (like 10.5 MB on a sample of 50 entries with less dimensions). I have also read about sparse matrices. As most entries will be 0, this is a possibility. Will this reduce

Why is python pickle failing to dump dictionaries in 3.7

心已入冬 提交于 2020-12-30 03:12:57
问题 I recently switched to version 3.7.3 for python and I've been attempting to update the code to fit the new version. Before switching, pickle would have no problem dumping and loading the dictionaries I've sent it but now it keeps giving me a TypeError: can't pickle TaskStepMethWrapper objects error Searching for TaskStepMethWrapper shows that it may be related to asyncio, but this error did not show up when I was using python 3.6. Heres my code def load_guildlist(self): with open("guildlist

Why is python pickle failing to dump dictionaries in 3.7

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-12-30 03:12:53
问题 I recently switched to version 3.7.3 for python and I've been attempting to update the code to fit the new version. Before switching, pickle would have no problem dumping and loading the dictionaries I've sent it but now it keeps giving me a TypeError: can't pickle TaskStepMethWrapper objects error Searching for TaskStepMethWrapper shows that it may be related to asyncio, but this error did not show up when I was using python 3.6. Heres my code def load_guildlist(self): with open("guildlist

Why is python pickle failing to dump dictionaries in 3.7

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-12-30 03:11:18
问题 I recently switched to version 3.7.3 for python and I've been attempting to update the code to fit the new version. Before switching, pickle would have no problem dumping and loading the dictionaries I've sent it but now it keeps giving me a TypeError: can't pickle TaskStepMethWrapper objects error Searching for TaskStepMethWrapper shows that it may be related to asyncio, but this error did not show up when I was using python 3.6. Heres my code def load_guildlist(self): with open("guildlist

Why is python pickle failing to dump dictionaries in 3.7

旧巷老猫 提交于 2020-12-30 03:10:39
问题 I recently switched to version 3.7.3 for python and I've been attempting to update the code to fit the new version. Before switching, pickle would have no problem dumping and loading the dictionaries I've sent it but now it keeps giving me a TypeError: can't pickle TaskStepMethWrapper objects error Searching for TaskStepMethWrapper shows that it may be related to asyncio, but this error did not show up when I was using python 3.6. Heres my code def load_guildlist(self): with open("guildlist


[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-12-27 08:57:59
什么时模块     Python中的模块其实就是XXX.py 文件 模块分类     Python内置模块(标准库)     自定义模块     第三方模块 使用方法    import 模块名    form 模块名 import 方法名    说明:实际就是运行了一遍XX.py 文件 导入模块也可以取别名    如: import time as t import time as t print(t.time()) 定位模块 当前目录 如果不在当前目录,Python则搜索在shell变量PYTHONPATH下的每个目录。 如果都找不到,Python会察看默认路径。UNIX下,默认路径一般为/usr/local/lib/python/ 模块搜索路径存储在 system模块的sys.path变量中。变量里包含当前目录,PYTHONPATH和由安装过程决定的默认目录。 自定义模块    我们自己写的XX.py 文件就是一个模块,在项目中可以引用这个模块调用里面的方法。 __all__[]关键字     __all__ = ["函数名","类名","方法名"] 没有all关键字 所有方法都可以访问到 使用all关键字    总结 如果一个文件中有__all__变量,那么也就意味着不在这个变量中的元素,不会被from xxx import *时导入 模块包   模块包就是为了防止模块重名

JavaScript Blob to download a binary file creating corrupted files

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-12-27 06:20:10
问题 I have a binary file (python pickle file, to be exact). Whenever such a file is requested, I create one on server side, and then send it to the client via flask's send_file as an AJAX request. Next, I need to download this file automatically to the client side, so I have used this answer. The problem is that, the created file on the server normally has a size 300 Bytes, and the file downloaded on the client side is of the size >500 Bytes. Plus whenever I try to reuse the pickle file, it doesn

JavaScript Blob to download a binary file creating corrupted files

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2020-12-27 06:12:34
问题 I have a binary file (python pickle file, to be exact). Whenever such a file is requested, I create one on server side, and then send it to the client via flask's send_file as an AJAX request. Next, I need to download this file automatically to the client side, so I have used this answer. The problem is that, the created file on the server normally has a size 300 Bytes, and the file downloaded on the client side is of the size >500 Bytes. Plus whenever I try to reuse the pickle file, it doesn


谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-12-27 03:47:13
Contents 理论基础 熵 信息增益 算法实现 Python 模型的保存与读取 总结 理论基础 决策树(Decision Tree, DT): 决策树是一种基本的分类与回归方法。由于模型呈树形结构,可以看做是if-then规则的集合,具有一定的可读性,可视化效果好。 决策树的建立包括3个步骤: 特征选择、决策树生成和决策树的修剪。   模型的建立实际上就是 通过某种方式,递归地选择最优的特征,并通过数据的划分,将无序的数据变得有序。( 对于分类而言,希望的是 将一些多类别的数据划分到各自的类别中 ,实现 从数据的混杂到条理 ,这也就是无序到有序的概念 )    如下图所示,PLAN1和PLAN2描述了 通过两个不同的特征,数据从无序变到有序的情况 。从划分结果可以看出,特征1相对于特征2要更优一些,划分结果数据的有序程度更高。   因此,在构造决策树时,第一个需要解决的问题就是 如何确定出哪个特征划分数据是起决定性作用的 ,或者说 先使用哪个特征进行划分能够使数据的不确定性减少的更多 ,从而使数据变得更有序,分类效果更好,也就是接下来要介绍的 熵 和 信息增益 的概念(Id3)。当找到最优的特征后,数据集依据此特征划分为几个数据子集,这些数据会分布在该决策点的所有分支中。此时, 如果某个分支下的数据属于同一类型,则该分支下的数据分类已经完成 ,无需进行下一步的数据集分类;如果

Getting TypeError: can't pickle _thread.RLock objects

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-12-26 09:09:11
问题 Read a number of similar questions, most of them mentioned that you shouldn't try to serialize an unserializable object. I am not able to understand the issue. I am able to save the model as .h5 file but that doesn't serve the purpose of what I am trying to do. Please Help! def image_generator(train_data_dir, test_data_dir): train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1/255, rotation_range = 30, zoom_range = 0.2, width_shift_range=0.1, height_shift_range=0.1, validation_split = 0.15) test