
How to: CakePHP logging in without password?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-01-15 02:38:07
问题 I'm trying to find a way to log in user without password. The reason is that I have phpBB3 forums in my site and the users already log in there. So I'm now building an expansion to the site to have more than just the forum (Using CakePHP). I thought that I could attach automatic account creation to CakePHP when user creates an account to forums (And ofcourse other link for the existing users). So the users would get CakePHP account that has the same username that they have registered in

How to: CakePHP logging in without password?

随声附和 提交于 2020-01-15 02:38:05
问题 I'm trying to find a way to log in user without password. The reason is that I have phpBB3 forums in my site and the users already log in there. So I'm now building an expansion to the site to have more than just the forum (Using CakePHP). I thought that I could attach automatic account creation to CakePHP when user creates an account to forums (And ofcourse other link for the existing users). So the users would get CakePHP account that has the same username that they have registered in

Creating a forum in phpBB3 from PHP and settings permissions

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-01-13 03:44:07
问题 I'm attempting to create a new forum on an existing forum. I can create the new forum quite easily and view it from the admin console. The problem is I need it to show up at the front end as well for users. This is done via permissions. What I am attempting to do therefore is copy the permissions of the parent forum (which is public) to the forum I create. However the forum still doesn't appear to be showing up on the public facing side. Here's my code (please note the phpBB include files

plupload hangs with no feedback

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-01-05 04:23:23
问题 As per here: Can't upload file attachments to phpBB3 forum on IIS I'm having a problem with the plupload implementation in phpBB3. I find that I get through phpbb.plupload.uploader.bind('FilesAdded', function(up, files) but never get to phpbb.plupload.uploader.bind('FileUploaded', function(up, file, response) unless my file is very small (< 5 KB). Is this simply down to reponses from the server (or lack thereof)? Any tips on figuring out the actual problem? So I can stop trying out a bunch of

How to convert text to phpbb hash?

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-01-03 17:05:10
问题 I am trying to convert a test password (testing4) into a phpbb3 hash. This is the code I have tried: <?php /** * * @package phpBB3 * @version $Id: v3_dbal.xml 44 2007-07-25 11:06:55Z smithy_dll $ * @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group * @license GNU Public License * */ /** * @ignore */ define('IN_PHPBB', true); include ("functions_phpbb.php"); $data['new_password'] = "testing4"; $user_row = array( 'user_password' => phpbb_hash($data['new_password']) )

I can't create thread on PHPBB3 forum

余生长醉 提交于 2020-01-03 05:01:12
问题 My problem is that I get 0 bytes response from server (I'm using Fiddler2 to check this out). Picture: What I'm doing: Log in. I get cookies. Creating thread public void CreateTopic(string subject, string message, string forumId) { HttpWebResponse response = null; string source = string.Empty; string lastClick= string.Empty; string creationTime= string.Empty; string formToken = string.Empty; // GET while(true) { webRequest = (HttpWebRequest) HttpWebRequest.Create(Url + "posting.php?mode=post

phpbb 3.1 passing variable between 2 pages

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-01-03 01:59:04
问题 With phpbb3.1 it appears they have disabled more superglobals. I have tried passing a variable between using sessions, but have had no success. $_SESSION['example'] = 'example'; $example = $_SESSION['example']; Nothing is stored because nothing is there due to phpbb disabling superglobals. What's the next best and most secure way to pass variables in between pages? 回答1: I'm not sure if $_SESSION is included, but try phpBBs request class... $example = $request->variable('example',''); Docs for

Full integrate phpbb into existing website

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-31 17:35:32
问题 I have a website that runs for around 2-3 years before, it has its own forum, however, recently I would like to use the phpbb3 to replace that forum. I encounter the problem when I need to do integration . To be precise, I have an existing database that have fields designed for my own website. What I would like to do is the old user do not need to register again and can login to the phpbb forum, using every functions it provided (e.g. check profile) . Are there any way to implement such

Load Joomla 3.x Framework and Modules in external PHP file

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-29 07:53:06
问题 I am migrating my Joomla 2.5 site to Joomla 3.3. Now I'm struggling with loading the joomla framework and displaying a module in a phpbb-Template. Loading the Joomla framework worked fine in Joomla 2.5 with this code: define( '_JEXEC', 1 ); define('JPATH_BASE', '/var/customers/webs/tf2swiss/joomlasite'); define( 'DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); require_once('../configuration.php'); require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'defines.php' ); require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'framework

Re-enabling Quotes in phpBB Color Code

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-25 03:22:27
问题 In one of their updates, phpBB removed the option for the [color=value]...[/color] BBCode to include quotes around the color value. My implementation of phpBB depends heavily on this functionality working, since industry software has been designed to output with quotes around the value. How can I re-enable this format? I have tried modifying the regular expressions in includes/message_parser.php to include the possibility of quotes (as shown below). This works for most symbols, but it seems