
Save video on the gallery and store the path to the video

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-24 13:33:39
问题 I have an app in which the user can record a video, this video is saved in the photo gallery, and I store the path to the video so that in the future the user could see again the video inside the app. The problem is that the method that I use I think it's giving me some kind of temporary path, and after some days, the video still in the gallery, but the path is not valid anymore and make the app crash. This is the code I'm using: func imagePickerController(picker: UIImagePickerController,

How to fetch a photo from Photos Library into Unity Game on an iOS device?

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-24 12:27:41
问题 I have a Unity application for iOS and I need to fetch an image from the iPhones photos library and then use it within unity as a texture/2D sprite. I can not find any information on how it could be done. Any help is much appreciated. :) 回答1: For something like this, I think that you are going to need a native plugin. You can either write it yourself (maybe the harder way) or try to find one from the asset store. I don't remember if this is the case anymore, but you may need to have paid for

How to check whether an image is captured in portrait mode or landscape mode using camera in android?

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-24 03:54:06
问题 I am creating an app which open the photo gallery and a photo will be displayed in another activity by selecting that photo from the gallery. My problem is that the photos which I captured in portrait mode will be rotated after display. But the photos which I captured in landscape mode will be displayed correctly. That's why, I have to check whether an image is captured in portrait mode or landscape mode using camera in android so that I can rotate the portrait captured photos. Can anyone

Facebook Graph will not let me access any photo albums from a public group

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-24 01:41:13
问题 I am having a bit of trouble grabbing photos from a public album from the group 'WirralGSB' - I set the website up in October originally and it was fine until a couple of days ago. I think the issue lies in that I do not have an access key. I made an access key through an app that I made but these were only valid for 30 minutes or so and then they expired and the website no longer displays the images. The website is: this page --should-- contain a

fixed window-size in prettyphoto

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-24 00:57:38
问题 I'm using prettyphoto for a photo gallery in a django-app. My Images have a maximum height/width (with sorl-thumbnail), but the apect-ratios are different. Because of that, the window of prettyphoto also changes it's apect-ratio and the go-forward/go-back Buttons change positions (they move) everytime it loads the next/previous image. Is there a way to make prettyphoto have a fixed window size? Or add borders to the images so that their format is, for example, square. But I don't want to crop

How to change the size of the grid of TTThumbsViewController

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-22 18:05:08
问题 I'm using the Three20 Photo Gallery and wondered if it's possible to have two different grid sizes in two different galleries. So in Gallery one I use the standard size (up to 4x4 thumbs) and in the other I only want a 2x2 gallery size. Is that possible and if yes how (I suppose subclassing comes into play)? I would really appreciate some code samples. Thanks a lot. 回答1: I did the same thing and my solution was like this 1, Extend TTThumbsDataSource and override (NSInteger)columnCount { //

iPhone:How to implement “move and scale” functionality for image fetched from photo library

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-21 10:51:03
问题 As shown in the following figure I want to implement "move and scale" functionality for the image fetched from the photo library. If you have any idea or code then provide me. Thanx in advance. 回答1: See this answer by Jane Sales From The answer for this question Set dimensions for UIImagePickerController “move and scale” cropbox The solution I recommend is to disable editing for the image picker and handle it yourself. For instance, I put the image in a scrollable, zoomable image view. On top

iPhone:How to implement “move and scale” functionality for image fetched from photo library

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-21 10:50:59
问题 As shown in the following figure I want to implement "move and scale" functionality for the image fetched from the photo library. If you have any idea or code then provide me. Thanx in advance. 回答1: See this answer by Jane Sales From The answer for this question Set dimensions for UIImagePickerController “move and scale” cropbox The solution I recommend is to disable editing for the image picker and handle it yourself. For instance, I put the image in a scrollable, zoomable image view. On top

Android pick image from gallery not working (Android 6.0 & Android 5.1.1)

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-21 05:22:08
问题 I'm using the code below to pick an image file from device gallery: First I call this piece of code: Intent i = new Intent(); i.setType("image/*"); i.setAction(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(i, "Select Picture"), RESULT_LOAD_IMAGE); This is my onActivityResult method: @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (requestCode == RESULT_LOAD_IMAGE &&

recommendation for gallery script

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-21 05:04:56
问题 i'm looking for a good/lightweight gallery script. jquery, plain javascript or flash. any ideas? it should be possible to display thumbnails and click for bigger view, but also possibility to click through a series of images (previous/next button) thanks 回答1: Flash based: Monoslideshow Flabell Slideshow Javascript + AJAX: Building an Image Gallery with Progressive Enhancement alt text MinishowCase (source: