
Phabricator,gerrit,gitlab code review方式对比

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-29 18:24:44
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> CR方式\ 对比项目 Phabricator Differential Phabircator Audit Gerrit Gitlab cr类型 Pre-commit Review Post-commit Review Post-commit Review Post-commit Review cr操作 通过命令行工具Arcanist提交diff自动生成Review Request。 一次完整的review流程如下: 1、新建分支:feature01 2、提交代码,执行命令: arc diff origin/dev 3、在打开的notepad 界面中,填写 Test Plan,Reviewers,Subscribers 4、打开命令行显示的url: 页面中进行review 5、代码提交人查看review结果,修改代码后,直接提交代码到远程分支 通过将仓库托管在Phabircator中,通过Herala的方式配置规则强制Code Review 需要将仓库url改为Gerrit url。Gerrit通过hock的方式将修改同步到远程的gitlab仓库。review流程如下: 1、修改代码后,提交到Gerrit 2

Using an Elastic Load Balancer for SSH traffic

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-25 12:56:11
问题 I am wanting to setup an AWS Elastic Load Balancer in front of a Phabricator installation. I would like the ELB to balance HTTP, HTTPS and SSH traffic. Is this possible or do I need to run my own SSH load balancer with HAProxy or similar? To clarify, I am aiming to load balance git operations which occur over SSH, as distinct from administrative SSH. 回答1: In my case of Phabricator + AWS ELB setup Allowed ELB port for phab instances. Configured VirtualHost redirection from HTTP to HTTPS in

Phabricator Is there a way to change default “Accept” policy in “Differential” to require “all” reviews to accept, rather than “some”?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-25 03:56:18
问题 As per 'Differential' documentation: Once everything is satisfied, some reviewer accepts the change and the author pushes it to the upstream. This means any reviewer can mark the overall review state as 'Accepted', even though some reviewers may have open questions. Is there a way to change it so review is marked "Accept"ed when all reviewers have accepted it? 回答1: even though some reviewers may have open questions This is

Phabricator extremely slow

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-24 14:24:37
问题 I am using Phabricator for code reviews, and after tinkering with it, I have gotten it set up more or less exactly as I want. I just have one problem, that I can't really find a solution to. Navigating the phabricator app is smooth and has no delays. But when I write a comment (or chose any other action) in the Leap Into Action and press Clowncopterize it takes forever before it is done. The gears (busy indicator) in the lower right corner keep spinning for up to 60 seconds. I can't figure

phabricator 结合 arcanist 使用

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-24 02:20:48
简介 arcanist 是 phabricator 接口的命令工具,主要用于提交 diff 和 push review 通过的commit。 安装 下载源码,然后指定系统的环境变量即可 $ some_install_path/ $ git clone $ some_install_path/ $ git clone 指定环境变量 -- 修改 .bash_profile(如果装有 zsh, 则修改 .zshrc),下面的 /Users/Grissom/mydocs/arc/arcanist/bin 就是我本机 arc 源码所在的路径 $ export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/mysql/bin:/Users/Grissom/mydocs/arc/arcanist/bin -- 然后运行以下命令使之起效 $ source .bash_profile -- 查看是否安装好 $ arc help -- 配置arc的默认编辑器,我使用vim $ arc set-config editor "vim" --配置默认的phabricator的uri,uri为团队的phabricator主页的url $

How do you find the PHID of a Phabricator object?

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-21 07:32:49
问题 I need to get the PHIDs for one project and several users in our Phabricator install. It seems like it should be trivial to find out how to do this, but I've searched the docs to no avail. Am I looking in the wrong place or something? 回答1: Easiest way: Go to the project Click New Task Look at the URL, it will have a parameter like: ?projects=PHID-PROJ-owipizovyry4fatifwfd PHID is "PHID-PROJ-owipizovyry4fatifwfd" Option 2: Go to your Conduit [phabricator_url]\conduit Find the method project

How do you find the PHID of a Phabricator object?

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-21 07:31:05
问题 I need to get the PHIDs for one project and several users in our Phabricator install. It seems like it should be trivial to find out how to do this, but I've searched the docs to no avail. Am I looking in the wrong place or something? 回答1: Easiest way: Go to the project Click New Task Look at the URL, it will have a parameter like: ?projects=PHID-PROJ-owipizovyry4fatifwfd PHID is "PHID-PROJ-owipizovyry4fatifwfd" Option 2: Go to your Conduit [phabricator_url]\conduit Find the method project

How do you delete Phabricator project or task

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-21 03:35:18
问题 I use Phabricator for code review, but I can't delete a project once it was created. The only thing I can do is change the project status from active to archived. The other problem is Task, same to project, I can't delete a task once it was created. Sometimes, people try to test Phabricator, maybe he or she creates some mock projects, it makes sense to delete them after testing. 回答1: It is possible, but only by using the command line administration tools. Remove a task? ./phabricator/bin

Is there any way to get Phabricator to push diffs to a repository?

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-13 17:02:21
问题 Our team has recently started experimenting with using Phabricator for code reviews. Apart from Phabricator, we have a test-system that automatically builds and tests any code pushed to a specific branch on our main git repo. Is there any way to get arc diff to automatically push the diff to that specific branch? The tests usually take a couple of hours, and I would prefer if it would be possible for people to review the code while it is being tested. Could it somehow be integrated as a unit

phabricator LDAP connection failed

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-13 16:24:32
问题 I'm trying to configure LDAP authentification in Phabricator. the setup on /config/group/ldap/have been done. However, when trying to login using LDAP, phabricator is answering tby the following error: >>> UNRECOVERABLE FATAL ERROR <<< Call to undefined function ldap_connect() /sfrphabricator/phabricator/src/applications/auth/ldap/PhabricatorLDAPProvider.php:110 ┻━┻ ︵ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ︵ ┻━┻ Is there any configuration trick for ldap authentification for phabricator ? 回答1: If you have another DN for