

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-02-11 17:26:03
深度学习与遥感论文推荐 期刊论文推荐 1. Yuan, Q., Shen, H., Li, T., Li, Z., Li, S., Jiang, Y., … Zhang, L. ( 2020 ). Deep learning in environmental remote sensing: Achievements and challenges. Remote Sensing of Environment , 241, 111716. 2. Cunha, R. L. F. and Silva, B.: ESTIMATING CROP YIELDS WITH REMOTE SENSING AND DEEP LEARNING, ( 2020 ), ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci ., IV-3/W2-2020, 59–64. 3. Mohan, A., Singh, A. K., Kumar, B., & Dwivedi, R. ( 2020 ). Review on remote sensing methods for landslide detection using machine and deep learning. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications


旧时模样 提交于 2020-07-28 08:23:33
文章题目之所以叫Spring思想,是想强调下学习Spring的过程中,除了掌握Spring的整体架构、深入重要细节的同时,也要注意学习Spring的哲学,就像Spring官网上介绍的 Design Philosophy: Provide choice at every level Accommodate diverse perspectives Care about API design Set high standards for code quality Spring之所以历久弥新,跟它的设计哲学分不开。一个好的可持续发展的项目,注重高可用高性能的同时,也应该注重变化的需求,包容不同的观点,良好的API以及高质量的代码。 要想达到上面所有的要求,除了过硬的个人实力,也需要团队间密切协作。 过硬的个人实力是一步一步学习得来的,Spring为我们提供了最佳的实践,掌握好Spring框架源码,将是个人实力的一次升华,朋友们准备好学习了吗? 敬请关注下一篇文章,跟着我来深入Spirng的世界。 来源: oschina 链接:


家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-04-27 08:39:24
   每天保持读至少 2-3 篇的文献的习惯。 读文献有不同的读法,但最重要的自己总结概括这篇文献到底说了什么,否则就是白读,读的时候好像什么都明白,一合上就什么都不知道,这是读文献的大忌,既浪费时间,最重要的是没有养成良好的习惯,导致以后不愿意读文献。   1、每次读完文献 (不管是细读还是粗读), 合上文献后,想想看,文章最重要的 take home message (传达的意思)是什么 ,如果不知道,就从abstract、conclusion里找,并且从discuss里最好确认一下。这样一来,一篇文章就过关了。take home message其实都不会很多,基本上是一些concepts,如果你发现你需要记得很多,那往往是没有读到重点。   2、 扩充知识面的读法,重点读 introduction ,看人家提出的问题,以及目前的进展 。类似的文章,每天读一两篇,一个月内就基本上对这个领域的某个方向有个大概的了解。读好的review也行,但这样人容易懒惰。   3、为了 写文章的读法 ,读文章的时候,尤其是看discussion的时候,看 到好的英文句型,最好有意识的记一下,看一下作者是谁,哪篇文章,哪个期刊 ,这样以后照猫画虎写的时候,效率高些。比自己在那里半天琢磨出一个句子强的多。 当然,读的多,写的多,你需要 记得句型 就越少。其实很简单,有意识的去总结和记亿

Eclipse RCP application - multi-window design for multiple monitors

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-21 05:06:15
问题 Question about Eclipse RCP and whole perspective/view/editor design - what is the best way to create application which will display multiple windows on multiple monitors? Tutorials and book I've seen always pack RCP/SWT design into views inside perspective within single application window. Should one window rule all others or they all should be equal (closing last one exits application)? How deal with the perspectives and views? Are there any other things we should know? Environment: Eclipse

Removing a view from Eclipse Window -> Show views

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-11 13:25:59
问题 We have an application in which some views only work when attached to certain perspectives. We want to remove those views from the Window -> Show View dialog so that users cannot add them to perspectives where they don't work. Any ideas on how to do this either programmatically or declaratively? I have tried using <visibleWhen /> , but the views are still showing in the dialog: <view class="com.mycompany.ViewClass" id="com.mycompany.ViewId" name="View Name" restorable="true"> <visibleWhen>

Make Eclipse RCP Intro part of a perspective

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-10 19:46:33
问题 For a product we are creating, we want to be able to have the welcome screen display in a perspective (which we are calling "Start Here"). The intro is the only thing that needs to be in that perspective, however, when I try to add our intro view to the perspective, it says that the view already exists in the layout. I have tried programmatically closing the intro, messing around with standby mode etc but I cant get it working. The intro is an XHTML one and we use internal Eclipse "action

Perspective Switching Pane Gone in Eclipse

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-07 17:33:27
问题 The little Perspective Switching Pane is gone from the upper right hand corner of my Eclipse Window after an Eclipse crash. I downloaded the newest version and tried opening that (with my same workspace), but the buttons are still gone. Here is a screenshot: And zoomed in: Any ideas? I can still switch perspectives by selecting Window->Open Perspective Thanks 回答1: It's not just the perspective switcher that's missing, it looks to me; there's no tool bars, ether. You might check Window.

Perspective Switching Pane Gone in Eclipse

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-05 22:17:18
The little Perspective Switching Pane is gone from the upper right hand corner of my Eclipse Window after an Eclipse crash. I downloaded the newest version and tried opening that (with my same workspace), but the buttons are still gone. Here is a screenshot: And zoomed in: Any ideas? I can still switch perspectives by selecting Window->Open Perspective Thanks It's not just the perspective switcher that's missing, it looks to me; there's no tool bars, ether. You might check Window..Preferences..General..Appearance, and fiddle around with the Perspective Switcher control, see if that makes a

How do I hide Referenced Libraries in Eclipse's Java EE perspective?

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-05 09:00:16
问题 Eclipse's normal Java perspective seems to hide Referenced Libraries just fine (in a "Referenced Libraries" folder in your project). Unfortunately, the Java EE perspective does not seem to have this same feature and enabling it is non-intuitive. Can anyone shed some light on this issue? 回答1: The "Referenced Libraries" view is available in the Java perspective, in the Package Explorer view. In the Java EE perspective, the Project Explorer view is the default (as opposed to the Package Explorer

How do I hide Referenced Libraries in Eclipse's Java EE perspective?

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-03 22:12:34
Eclipse's normal Java perspective seems to hide Referenced Libraries just fine (in a "Referenced Libraries" folder in your project). Unfortunately, the Java EE perspective does not seem to have this same feature and enabling it is non-intuitive. Can anyone shed some light on this issue? The "Referenced Libraries" view is available in the Java perspective, in the Package Explorer view. In the Java EE perspective, the Project Explorer view is the default (as opposed to the Package Explorer view). Therefore, if you wish to view the Referenced Libraries, you must open the Package Explorer view in