

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-01-31 03:39:49
What does a CSR look like? Most CSRs are created in the Base-64 encoded PEM format. This format includes the "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" and "-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" lines at the begining and end of the CSR. A PEM format CSR can be opened in a text editor and looks like the following example: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIByjCCATMCAQAwgYkxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIEwpDYWxpZm9ybmlh MRYwFAYDVQQHEw1Nb3VudGFpbiBWaWV3MRMwEQYDVQQKEwpHb29nbGUgSW5jMR8w HQYDVQQLExZJbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBUZWNobm9sb2d5MRcwFQYDVQQDEw53d3cuZ29v

Comments in a pem file

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-29 05:58:15
问题 Does anyone know if there exists a way to put comments in a pem certificate such that openssl will ignore the comments while parsing the certificate. Thanks 回答1: Anything outside -----BEGIN FOO----- and -----END FOO----- should be ignored by OpenSSL. This behavior is commonly used to e.g. embed an entire human-readable detailed description of the cert in the PEM file itself, so that anyone reading it can see what it encodes without having to invoke openssl x509 ... on it. 来源: https:/

使用 openssl 生成证书

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-01-29 05:06:34
一、openssl 简介 openssl 是目前最流行的 SSL 密码库工具,其提供了一个通用、健壮、功能完备的工具套件,用以支持SSL/TLS 协议的实现。 官网: 构成部分 密码算法库 密钥和证书封装管理功能 SSL通信API接口 用途 建立 RSA、DH、DSA key 参数 建立 X.509 证书、证书签名请求(CSR)和CRLs(证书回收列表) 计算消息摘要 使用各种 Cipher加密/解密 SSL/TLS 客户端以及服务器的测试 处理S/MIME 或者加密邮件 二、RSA密钥操作 默认情况下,openssl 输出格式为 PKCS#1-PEM 生成RSA私钥(无加密) openssl genrsa -out rsa_private.key 2048 生成RSA公钥 openssl rsa -in rsa_private.key -pubout -out rsa_public.key 生成RSA私钥(使用aes256加密) openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:111111 -out rsa_aes_private.key 2048 其中 passout 代替shell 进行密码输入,否则会提示输入密码; 生成加密后的内容如: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE

C# Export Private/Public RSA key from RSACryptoServiceProvider to PEM string

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-01-26 08:46:23
问题 I have an instance of System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider, i need to export it's key to a PEM string - like this: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICXAIBAAKBgQDUNPB6Lvx+tlP5QhSikADl71AjZf9KN31qrDpXNDNHEI0OTVJ1 OaP2l56bSKNo8trFne1NK/B4JzCuNP8x6oGCAG+7bFgkbTMzV2PCoDCRjNH957Q4 Gxgx1VoS6PjD3OigZnx5b9Hebbp3OrTuqNZaK/oLPGr5swxHILFVeHKupQIDAQAB AoGAQk3MOZEGyZy0fjQ8eFKgRTfSBU1wR8Mwx6zKicbAotq0CBz2v7Pj3D+higlX LYp7+rUOmUc6WoB8QGJEvlb0YZVxUg1yDLMWYPE7ddsHsOkBIs7zIyS6cqhn0yZD VTRFjVST

SpongyCastle: Error while finalizing cipher

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-01-15 09:40:14
问题 in an Android project I need to authenticate my app for an https connection. Using the following method I'm trying to decrypt my private key, provided by the server developers in a .pem file. I use SpongyCastle , and at the top of the same class where the methods are I already changed the security provider like this: static { Security.insertProviderAt(new org.spongycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider(), 1); } In this case my object is an instance of PKCS8EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo . This is

SpongyCastle: Error while finalizing cipher

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-01-15 09:40:05
问题 in an Android project I need to authenticate my app for an https connection. Using the following method I'm trying to decrypt my private key, provided by the server developers in a .pem file. I use SpongyCastle , and at the top of the same class where the methods are I already changed the security provider like this: static { Security.insertProviderAt(new org.spongycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider(), 1); } In this case my object is an instance of PKCS8EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo . This is

Convert a plain public key to PEM

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-01-13 19:21:27
问题 I have generated an EC key pair using Prime-256v1 from a trusted application and export the public key to Normal OS. Key size is 65 bytes. The public key is in plain format (only key hex). The exported public key needs to be given to a library (third party). The library expects the public key in PEM format. After searching for some time, my understanding is first convert from plain key to DER format, and then convert the result to PEM. But I have not been able to find any APIs for the

PublicKey from PEM file on android, java

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-13 06:42:15
问题 Basically I'm trying to verify signature which using openssl looks like this: openssl dgst -sha256 -verify prime192v1-pub-v1.pem -signature signatureFile.bin < dataFile.bin ... and in order to do that on android I need to create PublicKey object. The method that I'm using throws Unexpected key type at line kf.generatePublic(new X509EncodedKeySpec(encoded)) . import org.spongycastle.util.encoders.Base64; import; import java

PEM to PublicKey in Android

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-01-12 03:38:08
问题 I've seen a number of similar questions, but nothing has quite worked for me. I am simply trying to convert an RSA public key that's in PEM format that I've retrieved from a server into a PublicKey in Android. Can anyone point me in the right direction? EDIT: I've successfully used the following code to convert the PEM into a PublicKey, but upon encoding a message, I get unexpected output... public PublicKey getFromString(String keystr) throws Exception { // Remove the first and last lines


旧街凉风 提交于 2020-01-11 13:14:18
java证书转换 将jks格式证书转换为pem格式 keytool - export - rfc - alias yangjie - file yangjie . pem - keystore yangjie . jks - storepass yangjie alias 是证书别名, file 是pem证书名, keystore 是jks证书名, storepass 是store密码 》》》博主长期更新学习心得,推荐点赞关注!!! 》》》若有错误之处,请在评论区留言,谢谢!!! 来源: CSDN 作者: 世界,你好 链接: