
chrome PDF viewer can't download file

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-22 04:21:41
问题 Here is my situation, I got a server running a PDF generator, when I make a request with some params, it will give me back a PDF file, the PDF is not stored in the server it's generated during the runtime. Everything goes fine, I can get the PDF open in chrome's PDF viewer, but if want to download the file, an error occurred, like the image shows. Because Chrome go to the origin URL to request the file, but the file is not a static resource on the server. I don't know if anybody has run into

chrome PDF viewer can't download file

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-22 04:21:39
问题 Here is my situation, I got a server running a PDF generator, when I make a request with some params, it will give me back a PDF file, the PDF is not stored in the server it's generated during the runtime. Everything goes fine, I can get the PDF open in chrome's PDF viewer, but if want to download the file, an error occurred, like the image shows. Because Chrome go to the origin URL to request the file, but the file is not a static resource on the server. I don't know if anybody has run into

How to display a javascript File object in Chrome's PDF viewer with its name?

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-22 04:11:42
问题 I've got a PDF file in the form of a Blob object (generated with jsPDF), that I want to display in an <iframe> element. I can do that easily this way: iframe.src = URL.createObjectURL( blob ) The PDF is rendered correctly but I get an esoteric string in place of its name (see image below of Chrome's PDF viewer). So I tried to convert the Blob to a File object in order to give it a human-readable name. var file = new File( [blob], 'a_name.pdf', { type: 'application/pdf' } ) iframe.src = URL

How to display a javascript File object in Chrome's PDF viewer with its name?

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-22 04:11:06
问题 I've got a PDF file in the form of a Blob object (generated with jsPDF), that I want to display in an <iframe> element. I can do that easily this way: iframe.src = URL.createObjectURL( blob ) The PDF is rendered correctly but I get an esoteric string in place of its name (see image below of Chrome's PDF viewer). So I tried to convert the Blob to a File object in order to give it a human-readable name. var file = new File( [blob], 'a_name.pdf', { type: 'application/pdf' } ) iframe.src = URL

Display pdf from the weburl iphone sdk

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-20 05:41:56
问题 I am working on one project I want to display the pdf which is on the website, I have the url of the pdf any idea how I can do it. Also I want to create a thumbnail of the pdf which is on the website. 回答1: you could display a pdf in your device. Passing the url to UIWebView directly. UIWebView *webView = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 360, 420)]; NSURL *targetURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIWebView_Class

Download, save( locally ) and display PDF from a link

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-18 03:00:54
问题 I am developing Windows phone 8 application. In my application, i have to display PDF file in offline( without net connection ) mode, within application. For that i have to do the following, Download PDF file from a link( URL ) provided by server side. Save the downloaded PDF file in local storage. Open and display PDF file from local storage. On searching, i found suggestions to use ComponentOne Studio's toolset called 'Studio for Windows Phone'. Unfortunately it is not free. Is there any

Open PDF from Chrome IFRAME failed with default PDF viewer

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-12 18:48:24
问题 The code looks like: <iframe pm-attr-iframe class="widget-body" ng-src="{{vm.iframeUrl}}" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-forms allow-top-navigation"> (not available) </iframe> Click the PDF link inside the iframe, it opens with white content. If right click the mouse and click "Save", it works. If open the URL to any tab or window, the PDF file rendered with default PDF viewer. If I add other PDF viewer to Chrome extensions, it always works. Is it caused by default PDF viewer

react-native-pdf-view - How to populate pdfView with base64 or blob

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-12 14:53:10
问题 I am using the react-native-pdf-view library and I am having trouble populating the PDFView with a pdf. How my project works is that I receive a base64 pdf from the server where I then save to the android file system by using the library react-native-fs like so: (This works fine) saveFile(filename){ var base64Image = this.state.imageBase64; // create a path you want to write to var path = RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath + '/' + filename; // write the file RNFS.writeFile(path, base64Image, 'base64'

PDF viewer in Asp.Net

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-11 19:17:15
问题 I have a list of documents at server. and want to develop a page where the list of documents will be displayed as hyperlinks in left panel/div and while click on a link. the right panel displays the corresponding PDF document from server. can anybody help me out to develop the same using jquery or javascript? thanks in advance i tried below code based on some articles i read Script : <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function previewPdf(url, target) { var div = document

Qoppa PDF Android NullPointer

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-11 09:21:44
问题 I`m trying qoppapdf in my App and it runs into an NullPointer in the following code: PDFDocument pdf = null; try { pdf = new PDFDocument(url, null); } catch (PDFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } PDFPage page = pdf.getPage(0); The error reads: 06-01 17:29:59.687 24761-24761/app W/dalvikvm﹕ Exception Ljava/lang/NullPointerException; thrown while initializing Lcom/qoppa/android/pdfProcess/PDFPage; 06-01 17:29:59.687 24761-24761/app D/AndroidRuntime﹕ Shutting down VM 06-01 17:29:59.687 24761