
How is PCI segment(domain) related to multiple Host Bridges(or Root Bridges)? [closed]

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2021-02-05 20:35:53
问题 Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 4 months ago . Improve this question I'm trying to understand how PCI segment(domain) is related to multiple Host Bridges? Some people say multiple PCI domains corresponds to multiple Host Bridges, but some say it means multiple Root Bridges under a single Host Bridge. I'm confused and I don't find

How is PCI segment(domain) related to multiple Host Bridges(or Root Bridges)? [closed]

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2021-02-05 20:35:21
问题 Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 4 months ago . Improve this question I'm trying to understand how PCI segment(domain) is related to multiple Host Bridges? Some people say multiple PCI domains corresponds to multiple Host Bridges, but some say it means multiple Root Bridges under a single Host Bridge. I'm confused and I don't find

Sending the same data to N GPUs

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-01-28 02:05:58
问题 I have 4 GPUs hung off the same PCIe switch (PLX PEX 8747) on a Haswell based system. I want to send the same data to each GPU. Is it possible for the PCIe switch to replicate the data to N targets, rather than do N separate transfers? In effect is it possible to broadcast data to N GPUs over the PCIe bus? I was wondering how SLI / Crosssfire handled such issues? I can imagine large amounts of data being identical identical for each GPU in a given scene being rendered. I remember reading

Are writes on the PCIe bus atomic?

99封情书 提交于 2020-07-09 07:36:11
问题 I am a newbie to PCIe, so this might be a dumb question. This seems like fairly basic information to ask about PCIe interfaces, but I am having trouble finding the answer so I am guessing that I am missing some information which makes the answer obvious. I have a system in which I have an ARM processor (host) communicating to a Xilinx SoC via PCIe (device). The endpoint within the SoC is an ARM processor as well. The external ARM processor (host) is going to be writing to the register space

Writing to persistent memory in PCIe

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-05-29 08:58:49
问题 I want to read and write to a persistant memory(for testing now ddr is connected) in my PCIe device (FPGA) on an Intel Linux system. The memory is exposed in a particular bar (say bar 2). How to access this persistant memory. I looked into examples in PMDK library, but I couldn't find any. When I looked into libpmem library I did find mapping api pmem_map_file() but there is no provision to select the bars. Is it possible to use mmap() call? Currently I am using as shown below to access my


谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-03-30 09:01:06
Intel的核显到底占不占PCI-E通道? https://www.expreview.com/71660.html 本文约 540 字、7 张图表,需 1 分钟阅读 (切换至 标准版 ) 在讨论到CPU的PCI-E通道问题时,我发现很多人都以为Intel的 核显 占用了CPU的4根PCI-E通道,包括很多可以找到的“科普贴”中都写了核显会占用4条PCI-E通道。其实这是一种常见的误区,从 Sandy Bridge 架构开始,Intel的核显就是挂在Ringbus这个内部环形总线上面的,它不会占用CPU的PCI-E通道。 TL;DR: 从Sandy Bridge开始,Intel的核显就挂在Ringbus上面,不占用PCI-E通道。 要看证据的话,我从Sandy Bridge开始摆架构简图/Die Shot: Sandy Bridge Haswell Skylake Ice Lake 可以看到,从Sandy Bridge开始,核显部分都是以节点形式挂在Ringbus上面的。而CPU的PCI-E控制器在另外一端的System Agent组件中,中间隔了万水千山。 如果还要证据的话,简单测试一下核显的内存带宽就知道了,比如我这台工作机上面的HD 4600,分配了32MB的显存,简单跑一下,显存带宽超过9GB/s,很明显这个带宽已经超过了 PCI-E 3.0 x4的上限3.94 GB/s了


前提是你 提交于 2020-03-17 16:45:55
某厂面试归来,发现自己落伍了!>>> 目前,莱特币,也就是LTC价格跟随BTC价格水涨船高,LTC也值钱了,目前价格是26元左右,一个礼拜前,LTC价格还在18元左右浮动,不到一周的时间几乎上涨50%,可以看到莱特币还是有一定的投资意义的。当然获取莱特币的渠道目前来说只有两个:购买或者使用显卡挖矿。 显卡挖矿需要核算成本,也就是在基础平台恒定的情况下,支持的显卡越多,单个成本越便宜,其实不难理解,也就是cpu、主板、内存、电源等都是共用 的,支持4张显卡和支持7张显卡,每一张显卡的成本肯定不同,我们也希望找到能够支持更多显卡的主板,这些主板,我在前面已经推荐过了,请大家自行选择, 今天我还为大家推荐一个挖莱特币的利器: 显卡扩展卡 ,有了这个东西只要你的主板有一个PCIE16X的显卡插槽,就能扩展为7显卡。非常厉害! 看看该显卡扩展卡的指标: 1、性能指标: 提供7条PCI-E 2.0 16X的插槽,所有插槽的运行速度都是PCI-E 2.0 5GT/S @1X的状态(共用一个主板的PCI-E 2.0 16X@1X插槽)。 2、适用对象: 任何提供支持PCI-E 16X@1X的主板都可以使用。 3、使用方法: 3.1、软件及驱动的安装: 和你的卡原来的方法一模一样,无需特别的设置。但由于卡众多,请测试的时候先装一块卡上去测试过安装正常后,再把所有的卡装上去。 3.2