
Why does 230/100*100 not return 230? [duplicate]

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-21 08:17:52
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 7 years ago . Possible Duplicate: Is JavaScript’s Math broken? In Javascript, I cannot figure out why 230/100*100 returns 229.99999999999997 , while 240/100*100 returns 240. This also applies to 460, 920 and so on... Is there any solution? 回答1: In JavaScript all numeric values are stored as IEEE 754 64-bit floating-point values (also known as double in many languages). This representation has only finite precision (so not all numbers can be

JavaScript function parseInt() doesn't parse numbers with leading 0 correctly

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-19 20:47:44
问题 I have some zeros prior to a positive integer. I want to remove the zeros so only the positive integer remains. Like '001' will only be '1'. I thought the easiest way was to use parseInt('001'). But what I discovered is that it don't works for the number 8 and 9. Example parseInt('008') will result in '0' instead of '8'. Here are the whole html code: <html> <body> <script> var integer = parseInt('002'); document.write(integer); </script> </body> </html> But can I somehow report this problem?


你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-19 11:32:54
js将字符串转数值的方法主要有三种 转换函数、强制类型转换、利用js变量弱类型转换。 1. 转换函数: js提供了parseInt()和parseFloat()两个转换函数。前者把值转换成整数,后者把值转换成浮点数。只有对String类型调用这些方法,这两个函数才能正确运行;对其他类型返回的都是NaN(Not a Number)。 在判断字符串是否是数字值前,parseInt()和parseFloat()都会仔细分析该字符串。 parseInt() 方法首先查看位置0处的 字符,判断它是否是个有效数字;如果不是,该方法将返回NaN,不再继续执行其他操作。但如果该字符是有效数字,该方法将查看位置1处的字符,进行同样的 测试 。这一过程将持续到发现非有效数字的字符为止,此时parseInt()将把该字符之前的字符串转换成数字。 例如,如果要把字符串 "1234blue "转换成整数,那么parseInt()将返回1234,因为当它检测到字符b时,就会停止检测过程。 字符串中包含的数字字面量会被正确转换为数字,因此 字符串 "0xA "会被正确转换为数字10。 不过,字符串 "22.5 "将被转换成22,因为对于整数来说,小数点是无效字符。 一些示例如下: parseInt("1234blue"); //returns 1234 parseInt("0xA"); //returns 10

javascript, parseInt behavior when passing in a float number

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-19 07:11:13
问题 I have the following two parseInt() and I am not quite sure why they gave me different results: alert(parseInt(0.00001)) shows 0; alert(parseInt(0.00000001)) shows 1 My guess is that since parseInt needs string parameter, it treats 0.00001 as ""+0.00001 which is "0.00001" , therefore, the first alert will show 0 after parseInt. For the second statement, ""+0.00000001 will be "1e-8" , whose parseInt will be 1 . Am I correct? Thanks 回答1: I believe you are correct. parseInt(0.00001) == parseInt

javascript, parseInt behavior when passing in a float number

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-19 07:11:08
问题 I have the following two parseInt() and I am not quite sure why they gave me different results: alert(parseInt(0.00001)) shows 0; alert(parseInt(0.00000001)) shows 1 My guess is that since parseInt needs string parameter, it treats 0.00001 as ""+0.00001 which is "0.00001" , therefore, the first alert will show 0 after parseInt. For the second statement, ""+0.00000001 will be "1e-8" , whose parseInt will be 1 . Am I correct? Thanks 回答1: I believe you are correct. parseInt(0.00001) == parseInt

JS parseint 方法

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-19 01:00:23
做人机大作业学到的JS parseInt方法 var str =“4500元”; var num = parseInt(str); alert(num); 输出:4500 如果字符串前面有非数字字符,上面这种方法就不行了: var str =“价格:4500元”; var num = parseInt(str); alert(num); 输出:NaN 这个例子中会弹出NaN,解决这个问题,最简单的方法是:如果知道字符串格式后,去掉前面的非字符。上面这个例子中,去掉子串"价格:" var str ="价格:4500元"; var num = parseInt(str.substring(1).substring(1).substring(1)); //暂时还不知道什么意思 alert(num); 输出:4500 Js中的parseInt()方法传的可以有非数字字符串,只要字符串前面就照样运行,知道遇到非数字字符停下来。比如,以下这个例子。 var str =“4500元,等级:2”; var num = parseInt(str); alert(num); 输出:4500 不会报错,结果还是一样,因为系统查找到"元"时就停止了,不管后面有没有数字都不会再提取了。所以不会出现45002的结果。Js中有很多这样的例子,比如正则不写/g,默认查找符合的第一个子字符串就跳出,并不会往下面进行

JS 中的数据类型转换

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-18 15:45:02
转成字符串 String 1. 使用 toString 方法 这种方法可以将 number , boolean , object , array , function 转化为字符串,但是无法转换 null , undefined 这两种数据类型。 (1).toString() // "1" true.toString() // "true" var obj = {} obj.toString() // "[object Object]" null.toString() // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of null undefined.toString() // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined // 数组 [1, 2, 3].toString() // "1, 2, 3" // 函数 var fn1 = function(){console.log('hello')} fn1.toString() // "function(){console.log('hello')}" 2. 使用 String() 函数 String 函数可以将任意类型的值转化成字符串。 原始类型值转换: String(123) //

Java Integer parseInt error

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-18 09:06:04
问题 I have following problem: I want to convert some Binary Strings to an integer: eargb = Integer.parseInt(al + re + gre + blu, 2); but I get following exception. Why? java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "11111111111000101000100111111010" 回答1: Your number (4,293,036,538) is too large to fit in a signed int (which has a range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647). Try using a long instead. This has a larger range. 回答2: How about long eargb = Long.parseLong(al + re + gre + blu, 2);


核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-17 22:44:24
/ 计算是不是灰度 阈值越高 越亮 true 暗色 false 亮色 checkGray(color){ let r =parseInt(color.substring(1,3),16)* 0.299 let g =parseInt(color.substring(3,5),16)* 0.587 let b =parseInt(color.substring(5,7),16)* 0.114 let gray = r+g+b console.log(color.substring(1,3)+"|"+color.substring(3,5)+"|"+color.substring(5,7)) console.log(parseInt(color.substring(1,3),16)+"|"+parseInt(color.substring(3,5),16)+"|"+parseInt(color.substring(5,7),16)) console.log(gray) if(gray>100){ return true }else{ return false } } // 获取颜色样式 getColorStyle(color){ let styleString = `width: 80px;height: 20px;margin: 0 auto;background-color:$


佐手、 提交于 2019-12-17 07:53:25
拖拽 鼠标在元素中按下,不松手 在页面中移动,让元素跟随鼠标移动 松开鼠标,拖拽停止 var oDiv = document . getElementsByTagName ( "div" ) [ 0 ] ; //1.按下 oDiv . onmousedown = function ( ev ) { var ev = window . event || ev ; //鼠标的位置-oDiv的offset var a = ev . clientX - oDiv . offsetLeft ; var b = ev . clientY - oDiv . offsetTop ; //2.拖动 document . onmousemove = function ( ev ) { var ev = window . event || ev ; var l = ev . clientX - a ; var t = ev . clientY - b ; //3.元素随鼠标移动 oDiv . style . left = l + "px" ; oDiv . style . top = t + "px" ; } //4.松手取消move document . onmouseup = function ( ) { document . onmousemove = null ; } } 拖拽的问题及解决 问题