
golang 之 panic

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-05 00:15:44
在go中,当程序出现异常时,会发生panic。当发生panic后,需要使用recover捕获,如果没有捕获,则程序退出。 package main import "fmt" import "runtime/debug" func fun ( ) { fmt . Println ( "fun begin" ) defer func ( ) { //捕获panic if err := recover ( ) ; err != nil { debug . PrintStack ( ) //获取堆栈信息的字符串 fmt . Println ( "xxx" , string ( debug . Stack ( ) ) ) } } ( ) var p * int //产生异常 * p = 0 fmt . Println ( "fun end" ) //这里不执行 for { } } func main ( ) { fmt . Println ( "main begin" ) fun ( ) //因为panic被recover捕获,所以下面继续执行 fmt . Println ( "main end" ) for { } } 输出结果: main begin fun begin goroutine 1 [running]: runtime/debug.Stack(0xc000088060,

golang mutex使用及注意事项

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-05 00:01:58
golang mutex使用及注意事项 关于使用 metux的出现是为了防止资源竞争(race conditions) 调用Lock()获得锁,调用unlock()释放锁。 mutex是互斥锁。若一个goroutine获得锁,则其他goroutine会一直阻塞到他释放锁后才能获得锁。 注意事项 多次调用Lock()函数 使用Lock()加锁后,不能再继续对其加锁(同一个goroutine中,即:同步调用),否则会panic。只有在unlock()之后才能再次Lock()。异步调用Lock(),是正当的锁竞争。当然不会有panic了 如下: package mutex import ( "sync" "fmt" ) var sum = 0 var mutex sync .M utex func A () { mutex .L ock () fmt .P rintln ( "get the lock" ) B () mutex .U nlock () } func B () { mutex .L ock () fmt .P rintln ( "Hello, World" ) mutex .U nlock () } package mutex import "testing" func TestA(t *testing.T) { A() } /** 输出: get the lock


穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-04 17:02:57
在Go语言的函数中 return 语句在底层并不是原子操作,它分为给返回值赋值和RET指令两步。而 defer 语句执行的时机就在返回值赋值操作后,RET指令执行前。具体如下图所示: 在defer函数定义时,对外部变量的引用是有两种方式的,分别是作为函数参数和作为闭包引用。作为函数参数,则在defer定义时就把值传递给defer,并被cache起来;作为闭包引用的话,则会在defer函数真正调用时根据整个上下文确定当前的值。 请看下面一个例子: func f5() (x int) { aa := func(){ fmt.Println(x, "b") } defer fmt.Println(x, "a") defer aa() defer fmt.Println(x,"c") return 5 } func main(){ fmt.Println(f5()) } 执行结果: 0 c 5 b 0 a 5 解释: fmt.Println(x, "a") 一个普普通通的函数调用,在底层究竟做了什么事情 不考虑本次的例子,假如代码如下: x:=4 fmt.Println(x, "a") 当程序执行到fmt.Println(x, "a"),首先在内存中开辟一个空间,可以叫做函数的运行空间,这个运行空间内存放局部变量,等一些东西。 注意,函数体内的x并不是外层的变量x

runtime: goroutine stack exceeds 1000000000-byte limit, fatal error: stack overflow on printing a nested struct

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-04 12:23:29
I have a nested struct. type ConfigOne struct { // Daemon section from config file. Daemon daemon } type daemon struct { Loglevel int Logfile string } And I have a String() string method on that type, which I am trying to return the nested struct elements as func (c ConfigOne)String() string{ return fmt.Sprintf("%+v\n", c) } When I am trying to print it as c := &modules.ConfigOne{} c.Daemon.Loglevel = 1 c.Daemon.Logfile = "/tmp/test.log" modules.Logger.Infoln(c.String()) I am getting the error runtime: goroutine stack exceeds 1000000000-byte limit fatal error: stack overflow runtime stack:

panic 和 recover的区别

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-04 04:53:52
panic: 1.报告致命错误的一种方式,如:数组访问越界,空指针引用等。 2.panic异常发生时,程序会中断运行。 import "fmt" func testa() { fmt.Println("aaaaaaaaa") } func testb(i int) { fmt.Println("bbbbbbbbb") arr := [10]int{} // var arr [10]int arr[i] = 123 // panic("this is a panic test") } func testc() { fmt.Println("ccccccccc") } func main() { testa() testb(10) testc() } 结果: recover: panic异常一旦被引发就会导致程序崩溃。 所以Go语言提供了专用于“拦截”运行时panic的内建函数—recover。 它可以使当前程序从panic的状态中恢复,重新获得流程控制权,并返回panic value。 在未发生panic时调用recover,recover会返回nil。 注意:recover只有在 defer调用的函数 中有效。 import "fmt" func testb(x int) { defer func() { // recover() // fmt.Println(recover())

Golang panic crash prevention

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-04 03:03:30
问题 In Golang a panic without a recover will crash the process, so I end up putting the following code snippet at the beginning of every function: defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } }() just in order to prevent my program from crashing. Now I'm wondering, is it really the way to go? Because I think it looks a little bit strange to put the same code everywhere. It seems to me, the Java way, bubbling the exceptions up to the calling function, until the main function

Capturing panic() in golang

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-03 19:03:24
问题 We have a large-ish golang application that uses the logger (actually, a custom logger), to write output to a log file that is periodically rotated. However, when an application crashes or panic()'s, those messages go to standard error. Is there any way to override the panic functionality to use our logger? 回答1: As far as I know, you can't redirect the output from panic away from standard error, or to your logger. The best thing you can do is redirect standard error to a file which you can do

does kernel's panic() function completely freezes every other process?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-03 08:06:24
I would like to be confirmed that kernel's panic() function and the others like kernel_halt() and machine_halt() , once triggered, guarantee complete freezing of the machine. So, are all the kernel and user processes frozen? Is panic() interruptible by the scheduler? The interrupt handlers could still be executed? Use case: in case of serious error, I need to be sure that the hardware watchdog resets the machine. To this end, I need to make sure that no other thread/process is keeping the watchdog alive. I need to trigger a complete halt of the system. Currently, inside my kernel module, I

6 go中defer关键字的用法

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:03:02
defer关键字 defer是go里面处理异常的一个关键字,应用场景类似于java里面的finally,使用的时候就是所有的其他的正常的函数进程执行完毕之后都要执行defer。 也就是被defer修饰的函数或者语句都是等到所有的作用域内部的函数执行完毕才会执行。 而且defer修饰的语句应该是以压栈的方式存储在某一个指令栈里面,先放进去的后执行。 func main { for i := 1 ; i < 5 ; i ++{ defer fmt . Printf ( "%d" , i ) } fmt . Printf ( "AAA" ) } //输出 AAA12345 defer 与匿名函数搭配使用 func main { defer func ( a , b int ){ fmt . Println ( a + b ) }() f := func ( a , b string ){ fmt . Println ( a + b ) } defer f ( "a" , "b" ) } defer与panic panic你可以理解为抛出异常,然后panic执行之后,如果没有recover的话程序就会abort,但是在之前defer仍然会执行,释放资源做一些收尾的工作。如果是在panic调用之后再调用defer那肯定是来不及的。先做预防 package main import ( "fmt