
How do I set the width of the bars in an Oxyplot column plot?

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-01-06 11:46:58
问题 I'm trying to set the width of the bars in my column series, but setting ColumnWidth on the ColumnSeries is having no effect. How can I influence the width of the columns? <oxy:Plot> <oxy:Plot.Series> <oxy:ColumnSeries ColumnWidth="1000" /> </oxy:Plot.Series> <oxy:Plot.Axes> <oxy:CategoryAxis Key="CategoryAxis" /> <oxy:LinearAxis /> </oxy:Plot.Axes> </oxy:Plot> 回答1: Looking at the OxyPlot source, we can see that the actual bar width is calculated as follows. You should be able to achieve your

How to increase the drawing area for an Axis in Oxyplot?

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-01-05 06:54:18
问题 I'm writing a utility to email a stacked column chart which displays tasks for each person. Right now I'm using PngExporter in OxyPlot.WindowsForms to export the plot but I can't seem to figure out how to control the lower bounds of the image. The usernames can be quite long and will spill outside and I would like to extend the drawing area for the bottom axis so that all of the names will be visible. Here's what it looks like right now And here's the code for what I have so far var plot =

How to increase the drawing area for an Axis in Oxyplot?

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2020-01-05 06:54:08
问题 I'm writing a utility to email a stacked column chart which displays tasks for each person. Right now I'm using PngExporter in OxyPlot.WindowsForms to export the plot but I can't seem to figure out how to control the lower bounds of the image. The usernames can be quite long and will spill outside and I would like to extend the drawing area for the bottom axis so that all of the names will be visible. Here's what it looks like right now And here's the code for what I have so far var plot =

draw a point on a graph using oxyplot on wpf application

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-25 09:26:14
问题 In my project I want to draw a point on a real-time graph whenever the graph is equal to a certain value. I don't know how do that. This is the code that I use to show the real time graph: public class MainViewModel { public PlotModel DataPlot { get; set; } public DispatcherTimer graphTimer; private double _xValue = 10; public MainViewModel() { DataPlot = new PlotModel(); DataPlot.Series.Add(new LineSeries()); graphTimer = new DispatcherTimer(); graphTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds

OxyPlot:Cannot setting Axis values

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-25 04:43:23
问题 I have been tying to set the min and max values of y axis by using properties like ActualMinimum and ActualMaximum ,but i doesn't work even I set the MinimumPadding and MaximumPadding to 0. I also tried the Zoom method of axis, it did not work. Sorry that I cannot upload a pic... Could someone please guide me in this regard ? Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks ! 回答1: Please use the properties AbsoluteMaximum and AbsoluteMinimum to limit the axes to a specific value: plotModel.Axes.Add

Oxyplot Wpf (How to Pan to Value of X Axis)

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-25 03:37:24
问题 If my graph shows values of 0-100 on x axis, how can I pan x axis to value of 115 from code behind? 回答1: Since the Maximum Value (assuming Max is 100, from the description is the OP) of your X Axis is already set (at the point when you want to pan from behind), the first step required would be to change the Maximum of the Axis. var axis = Model.Axes.First(x => x.Position == OxyPlot.Axes.AxisPosition.Bottom); axis.Maximum = 120; Model.InvalidatePlot(false); axis.Pan(115); Model.InvalidatePlot

Xamarin app performance degrading over time, eventually leading to crash

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-25 02:44:23
问题 I'm currently developing a Xamarin app that communicates via a Wi-Fi connection with some custom hardware containing a sensor. The job of my app is to retrieve the sensor data from the hardware and display it with oxyplot as a continuous stream of 1-D data. Unfortunately, I noticed that the performance of my app usually degrades over time and at some point it always crashes. The exact crashing time is quite arbitrary but seems to depend on the amount of sensor data (i.e. larger amplitude

Oxyplot graph takes up whole screen for display

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-25 02:44:15
问题 I just started using using oxyplot library for my project. I successfully added a donut chart in my project but the problem with this is that it takes up the whole screen to show the graph. Is tried so many way to solve this but none of them worked. Here is my axml: <LinearLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="vertical" local:layout_behavior="@string/appbar_scrolling_view_behavior" > <OxyPlot.Xamarin.Android.PlotView android:id="@

Error: This PlotModel is already in use by some other PlotView control

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-24 02:31:41
问题 I have two tabs that is bind to one viewmodel which contain a PlotModel of oxyplot and view model selected through a DataTemplate . When click on the first tab the viewmodel was bind properly but when switch to second tab above exception defined in title throw. All of control is same in two tab. Is it possible bind one object to two controls? 回答1: I know what problem you are facing, as I had faced it myself. Oxyplot does not let you bind one model to two plots. The reason: Once you assign a

How can i create doughnut chart using oxyplot in xamarin.android?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-24 01:09:41
问题 I need to create app that shows chart like Highcharts. But i did't get any library for that. So i'm using oxyplot to create charts. I have create pie chart using oxyplot like this. var plotView = new PlotView (this); plotView.Model = PieViewModel(); this.AddContentView (plotView, new ViewGroup.LayoutParams (ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent)); public PlotModel PieViewModel() { var modelP1 = new PlotModel { Title = "Pie Sample1" }; dynamic seriesP1 = new