Docker 有什么优势?
前两天,debian 从 8 全新升级到 9(不喜欢 dist-upgrade),要重装 owncloud (debian 9 已经移除 apt源了),打开 owncloud 的安装文档,真他妈的琐碎,要搭建个高可用的 owncloud 起码还要费我两三个小时,于是打开 立马就找到了一个 owncloud 的 image,我扫了一眼特性,比 owncloud 官方推荐的标准配置强不少: Streamlined Let's Encrypt functionality built right in This will fetch valid, trusted and free SSL certs for your domain and install them into the image! Hurray for green lock icons! Superfast Uses PHP7 with APCu and Zend OpCache for maximum performance Now with image version tags corresponding to OwnCloud