
Outlook - Read another user's calendar

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-11-26 22:55:11
I'm developing an Android App based on Outlook-SDK-Android . The App talks with Outlook Calendar REST API to retrieve, book and delete events (see code examples here and here ). Now I need to read someone else's calendar and I've been provided an Office365 account with delegate access ( author permission level ) towards other users. I've registered my app using the provided account on the new portal . In my App I use the scope " https://outlook.office.com/Calendars.ReadWrite ". (The scope is used in com.microsoft.aad.adal.AuthenticationContext.acquireToken() to initialize an Office REST Client

Outlook - Read another user's calendar

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-11-26 08:28:40
问题 I\'m developing an Android App based on Outlook-SDK-Android. The App talks with Outlook Calendar REST API to retrieve, book and delete events (see code examples here and here). Now I need to read someone else\'s calendar and I\'ve been provided an Office365 account with delegate access (author permission level) towards other users. I\'ve registered my app using the provided account on the new portal. In my App I use the scope \"https://outlook.office.com/Calendars.ReadWrite\". (The scope is