
Osmar package in R “Error in file(con, ”r“) : cannot open the connection”

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2021-02-10 12:06:39
问题 I am trying to run the osmar package on my windows 10, R 3.4.2, and have correctly installed osmosis. However when I try to run the code: >library("osmar") > >src <- osmsource_osmosis(file = "c:/users/ben_c/Documents/FYP/FYP_NL_Map/muenchen.osm", osmosis = "osmosis") > > >nl_bbox <- center_bbox(11.575278, 48.137222, 3000, 3000) > >nl <- get_osm(nl_bbox, src) > >plot(nl) I get the warning, after osmosis has run: >Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection >In addition: Warning

Osmar package in R “Error in file(con, ”r“) : cannot open the connection”

故事扮演 提交于 2021-02-10 12:05:56
问题 I am trying to run the osmar package on my windows 10, R 3.4.2, and have correctly installed osmosis. However when I try to run the code: >library("osmar") > >src <- osmsource_osmosis(file = "c:/users/ben_c/Documents/FYP/FYP_NL_Map/muenchen.osm", osmosis = "osmosis") > > >nl_bbox <- center_bbox(11.575278, 48.137222, 3000, 3000) > >nl <- get_osm(nl_bbox, src) > >plot(nl) I get the warning, after osmosis has run: >Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection >In addition: Warning

Osmar package in R “Error in file(con, ”r“) : cannot open the connection”

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2021-02-10 12:05:02
问题 I am trying to run the osmar package on my windows 10, R 3.4.2, and have correctly installed osmosis. However when I try to run the code: >library("osmar") > >src <- osmsource_osmosis(file = "c:/users/ben_c/Documents/FYP/FYP_NL_Map/muenchen.osm", osmosis = "osmosis") > > >nl_bbox <- center_bbox(11.575278, 48.137222, 3000, 3000) > >nl <- get_osm(nl_bbox, src) > >plot(nl) I get the warning, after osmosis has run: >Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection >In addition: Warning

Osmar package in R “Error in file(con, ”r“) : cannot open the connection”

前提是你 提交于 2021-02-10 12:04:49
问题 I am trying to run the osmar package on my windows 10, R 3.4.2, and have correctly installed osmosis. However when I try to run the code: >library("osmar") > >src <- osmsource_osmosis(file = "c:/users/ben_c/Documents/FYP/FYP_NL_Map/muenchen.osm", osmosis = "osmosis") > > >nl_bbox <- center_bbox(11.575278, 48.137222, 3000, 3000) > >nl <- get_osm(nl_bbox, src) > >plot(nl) I get the warning, after osmosis has run: >Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection >In addition: Warning

How to query OSM from the server

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-01-07 03:06:10
问题 Is there any way to connect to the web server of OpenStreetMap? I want to receive the speed limit information given a geoLoc "lat and Lon". I thought of solving this issue by creating a huge database encompases the node's lat and lon and the speed limit and then query the speed limit given a specific geoLoc. but now i am wondering is it possible to connect directly the OSM server and query the speed limit given a specific geoLoc?! whic approach is more efficient? 回答1: You can use Overpass API

How to query OSM from the server

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-01-07 03:06:06
问题 Is there any way to connect to the web server of OpenStreetMap? I want to receive the speed limit information given a geoLoc "lat and Lon". I thought of solving this issue by creating a huge database encompases the node's lat and lon and the speed limit and then query the speed limit given a specific geoLoc. but now i am wondering is it possible to connect directly the OSM server and query the speed limit given a specific geoLoc?! whic approach is more efficient? 回答1: You can use Overpass API

Using osmosis to convert POSTGIS Table to .OSM

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-22 09:15:10
问题 I am using osmosis 0.42 and PostGIS 2.0.1 and I'm trying to export some postGIS tables to .OSM xml files. I am using the --read-pgsql command to read from postgis (instead of --read-apidb as it throws an error while connecting to the DB ).. Unfortunately running: osmosis --read-pgsql host="x" database="x" user="x" password="x" --write-xml file="myfile.osm" produce the following error: Task 2-write-xml does not support data provided by default pipe stored at level 1 in the default pipe stack

Using map.osm and osmarender.xml from Android project in web project

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-12 13:38:52
问题 I edited an .osm file and a style file (osmarender.xml) some time ago and included it in an Android project (using osmosis and the Mapsforge library). Works fine and looks good. Now I would like to reuse these files in a web project using OpenLayers (or Leaflet?). Using this example (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenLayers_osm_file_example) I was able to display my (very local, but still 23 MB) map, however, it was all in yellow (no styles applied, of course) and it was rendered on top

Using osmosis to convert POSTGIS Table to .OSM

久未见 提交于 2019-12-05 15:55:24
I am using osmosis 0.42 and PostGIS 2.0.1 and I'm trying to export some postGIS tables to .OSM xml files. I am using the --read-pgsql command to read from postgis (instead of --read-apidb as it throws an error while connecting to the DB ).. Unfortunately running: osmosis --read-pgsql host="x" database="x" user="x" password="x" --write-xml file="myfile.osm" produce the following error: Task 2-write-xml does not support data provided by default pipe stored at level 1 in the default pipe stack Any ideas? Thanks a lot! Fede I have not found a solution despite the fact that my data in postgis has

Import OpenStreetMap-Data (OSM-File) to a MySQL-Database / SQL-File

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-11-30 09:04:02
问题 Intro I downloaded and extracted the OpenStreetMap Source File (See here). I have a 400GB XML-sourcefile now, and i would like to (1) insert the data in a MySQL Table OR (2) export this to an SQL file, doesn't matter. What I already did / tried I have the XML File^^ and the MySQL Server (5.6.14) I found the tool Osmosis, to convert OSM data and I installed it I read this post: Read cities and streets into a database without api I also read this post: Is this config is capable to import