
How to view the source of an Orbeon form saved in eXist-db?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-23 03:53:30
问题 From the Orbeon XForms tutorial tutorial, I understand that Orbeon saves data in eXist-db (built into Orbeon). The sample application saves the data of a book in xml format in eXist-db. According to the tutorial, to view the data in browser, I first have to disable the orbeon-exist-filter in web.xml , and can then open http://<host_name>/orbeon/exist/rest/db/orbeon/my-bookcast/books.xml . I also understand that when I have made a form using Orbeon Form Builder (without any code using only

How to create Orbeon custom control XBL with predefined visibility, control name, default value?

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-23 01:47:08
问题 I have created a custom control (hidden text box with some predefined value), where I want to set visibility=false() , controlName="Mycustom" , default value="This is my custom control" in XBL file. So that whenever we use that custom control from Orbeon Form Builder, it will come with all default values with no need to set anything. XBL: <xbl:xbl xmlns:xh="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xf="http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:ev="http://www

Orbeon static autocomplete not working as expected

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-20 07:28:33
问题 I'm using Orbeon v2017.1 and I'd like to add an autocomplete field with a static itemset. I've tried implementing it as it is defined here https://doc.orbeon.com/form-runner/component/autocomplete#static and I've also tried creating a service and action which will fill the data, but it displays it as radio buttons instead of populating the dropdown. Is there a working example for this version of Orbeon which I could look at? EDIT: Here is an example of two autocomplete fields (dynamic and

Orbeon static autocomplete not working as expected

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-20 07:28:29
问题 I'm using Orbeon v2017.1 and I'd like to add an autocomplete field with a static itemset. I've tried implementing it as it is defined here https://doc.orbeon.com/form-runner/component/autocomplete#static and I've also tried creating a service and action which will fill the data, but it displays it as radio buttons instead of populating the dropdown. Is there a working example for this version of Orbeon which I could look at? EDIT: Here is an example of two autocomplete fields (dynamic and

How to add MongoDB data source in Orbeon

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-19 10:06:20
问题 How do I add a MongoDB data source to Orbeon CE? I have been browsing through all the xml config files without any luck and the Orbeon documentation doesn't help very much. Any help would be appreciated. It is supposed to be achievable through the persistence api. Edit: And when having added the data source \ service under, for example, /fr/service/mongodb/* how do you make procedure calls to it from a form application, i.e. how do you use the /crud and /search to add and retreive information

XBL Orbeon custom control to show different success message on form save

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-18 09:49:47
问题 I am using yForm (Orbeon Form Builder) to generate form run time, where we have a requirement to set different custom success message for each form (eg: "Your contact form save successfully", "Your address form…"). I would like to configure this success message from Form Builder, so that whenever an end user saves that form, it can see the corresponding custom message. 回答1: I'll assume that by "success message", you are referring to the message shown next to the buttons that are at the bottom

Catching save event in Form Builder

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-13 06:53:20
问题 I would like to send submission after form has been saved in Form Builder, I was trying something like this at first (in my XBL file): <xf:action ev:event="fr-data-save-done" ev:observer="fr-form-model"> <xf:message event="#all" level="modal">Saved</xf:message> <xf:send submission="my-submission" ev:event="#all"/> </xf:action> The code above is placed in XBL file between xbl:template, outside xbl:model (though I tried to put it inside xbl:model with no luck). Unfortunately it's not working,

Orbeon - change font to get polish letters

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-13 04:50:13
问题 I'm using Polish characters in forms. Unfortunately, during the generation of the PDF file in automatic mode, all Polish diacritical characters are not printed (ie: text 'zażółć gęślą jaźń' is printed as 'zaó gl ja'). I tried to set properties in file properties-local.xml: <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.pdf.template.font.path.vera" value="path_to_font/font.ttf"/> <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.pdf.font.family.vera" value="Arial"/> or with wildcards: <property as="xs:string" name

Orbeon Nightly Build is not letting me connect to MYSQL database

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-13 04:19:50
问题 I am trying to update existing orbeon installation with nightly build and use the existing MYSQL database, but the new version is not letting me connect to mysql databse. It is defaulted to eXist database. I set the property oxf.fr.persistence.service.mysql.datasource to mysql : <property as="xs:anyURI" name="oxf.fr.persistence.service.mysql.datasource" value="mysql"/> but no use. can some one please help me with this connection issue. 回答1: The way you configure which persistence layer to use

Orbeon security doesn't work correctly for orbeon embedded api

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-13 02:07:08
问题 I set up j_security_check with form authentication on my orbeon app and it works fine. Orbeon is under URL https://localhost:8444/orbeon/. The problem is that I have embedded orbeon API in my jsp page which is under URL https://localhost:8444/BackOffice/form.jsp. On this page I display some orbeon form and when I try to go to this jsp page login page pop up instead. I changed the cookie path to / (instead of /orbeon ) in web.xml: <session-config> <session-timeout>60</session-timeout> <cookie