
Unable to print text of options in select in selenium python

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-25 01:38:33
问题 I try to print out text of all options in select element. But the result is just null string despite the len of that list is true. I have read some other similar questions but no soltion works for me. here are some of my attempts: Attempt 1: select = UI.Select(browserdriver.find_element_by_xpath("//select[@id='Xuất xứ']")) #select = Select(browserdriver.find_element_by_xpath("//select[@id='Xuất xứ']")) options = select.options print(len(options)) for item in options: print(item.text, item.get


|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-24 17:59:13
GCC参数详解 [介绍] gcc and g++分别是gnu的c & c++编译器 gcc/g++在执行编译工作的时候,总共需要4步 1.预处理,生成.i的文件 2.将预处理后的文件不转换成汇编语言,生成文件.s 3.有汇编变为目标代码(机器代码)生成.o的文件 4.连接目标代码,生成可执行程序 [参数详解] -c   只激活预处理,编译,和汇编,也就是他只把程序做成obj文件   例子用法:   gcc -c hello.c   他将生成.o的obj文件 -S   只激活预处理和编译,就是指把文件编译成为汇编代码。   例子用法   gcc -S hello.c   他将生成.s的汇编代码,你可以用文本编辑器察看 -E   只激活预处理,这个不生成文件,你需要把它重定向到一个输出文件里   面.   例子用法:   gcc -E hello.c > pianoapan.txt   gcc -E hello.c | more   慢慢看吧,一个hello word 也要与处理成800行的代码 -o   制定目标名称,缺省的时候,gcc 编译出来的文件是a.out,很难听,如果   你和我有同感,改掉它,哈哈   例子用法   gcc -o hello.exe hello.c (哦,windows用习惯了)   gcc -o hello.asm -S hello.c -ansi  

sending null data using GET method

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-24 09:58:58
问题 I am trying to create a very primal search function using php/sql. Basically, I am using the GET method to submit the form query over several fields in /search.php. So the query will be transmitted in the following form: clothes.php?type=sometype&color=somecolor&mat=somemat&pat=somepattern&uprc=price&brand=brand However, I have scripted clothes.php such that it all fields do not have to be filled for a successful query. clothes.php?type=sometype will return clothes of the specified type. For

Show/hide Select options by class

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-24 09:13:53
问题 I am pre-selecting the most commonly chosen options for apx. 300 Select elements, and would like to differentiate between when those values are still in their initial pre-selected/default state vs. when a user has actively chosen that value by clicking on the form element (indicating that they made an active decision to leave it set to that value) . In order to do that I am creating a pair of options for each value that is being pre-selected (with slightly different values i.e. value="50" vs.

Why doesn't JQuery change select options in IE?

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-24 08:58:59
问题 We're trying to make one drop box change another. We have this code which works fine on Firefox, safari and chrome. But in IE 8+ changing the first dropdown makes no difference to the second. What do we have to change to make it work in IE ? Thanks, We have this jquery: //set up the global variable maxChecks which stops donor ticking too many boxes var maxChecks var checkCount=0 var boxeschecked = 0 //now change the drop down jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $

Set the default value of drop-down list with the last value chosen

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-24 08:24:23
问题 I'm using cakephp 1.2, and I have a search form which has also this menu: Classificazione  <select style="margin-top: 5px;" name="classificazione"> <option value="art0"></option> <option value="C">Articoli</option> <option value="D">Documentazione</option> <option value="A">Libri</option> <option value="G">Materiali</option> <option value="B">Riviste</option> <default value="A"> </select><br /> In the next page I want to set the default value of this menu with what the user has chosen before.

JavaCC: You must either use ReInit() or set the JavaCC option STATIC to false

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-24 07:07:16
问题 i am using eclipse and JavaCC plugin 1.5.27 i want to use the parser to be executed more than only once. it goes perfect, if using only once. running the parser within the program a second time i get an error: ERROR: Second call to constructor of static parser. You must either use ReInit() or set the JavaCC option STATIC to false during parser generation. so i add the ReInit() after parsing, but this does not help. this is the code snipped. public static void myParser(String toanalyze) throws

Change display depending on option selected

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-23 22:14:24
问题 I want to change 2 different div styles with jQuery. While the value is div1 , div1 will be shown. And when the value is div2 , div2 will be shown. I guess I can't do it with "if/else" in jQuery. <style> #div1 { display: block; background-color: red; height:300px; width:300px;} $div2 { display: none; background-color: blue; height:300px; width:300px;} </style> <select id="divit"> <option value="div1">div1</option> <option value="div2">div2</option> </select> <script> function displayVals() {

How to make <option> wider than <select> in IE6?

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-23 21:22:45
问题 The <select> has a width of 60px , but the content of <option> is longer than that. Which is hidden in IE6. How to fix that? 回答1: I've tried to figure this out before and all I could find were javascript hacks. I found one once upon a time that worked well but I don't know where. You could try this: http://brandonbuttars.com/2009/09/css-select-options-internet-explorer-cut-off/ Or plenty of other options on Google: http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=ie6+cutoff+select+options&btnG

Add input text when option selected

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-23 19:33:33
问题 How can I add an an <input type="text"> when a specific option between <select></select> tags is selected, then, if another option is selected, delete that text field using jQuery? 回答1: You should make use of change event. Then you could compare the value for which you want to create the input and add it to the body or to any other element. Living example: http://jsfiddle.net/MKPdb/ Having a list like this, with the id mylist , for example: <select id="mylist"> ... </select> You could use