
Android: Multiple Option Menus in one Activity

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-02-18 05:17:10
问题 I have an Activity containing a ViewFlipper and would like to show a different option menu for each view in that ViewFlipper . That is, the type of menu displayed when the menu button is pressed would depend on the type of the current view. However, onCreateOptionsMenu() is called only once (when showing the option menu for the first time), so creating the different menus can't be implemented there. How could I solve this? Any suggestions appreciated. 回答1: First read about

Throw/do-not-throw an exception based on a parameter - why is this not a good idea?

那年仲夏 提交于 2021-02-08 13:38:52
问题 I was digging around in MSDN and found this article which had one interesting bit of advice: Do not have public members that can either throw or not throw exceptions based on some option. For example: Uri ParseUri(string uriValue, bool throwOnError) Now of course I can see that in 99% of cases this would be horrible, but is its occasional use justified? One case I have seen it used is with an "AllowEmpty" parameter when accessing data in the database or a configuration file. For example:

How to display/highlight the respective option with respect to the $route.params.id in vs-select in the context of VueJS

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-01-29 15:33:57
问题 I am displaying multiple options coming from the API in vs-select. ComponentA.vue .... <div class="content-right"> <vs-button class="btn" @click="$router.push({name: 'ProjectWorld', params: {uid: out.uid.toString() }}).catch(err => {})">Open Lab</vs-button> </div> .... created (){ this.$http.get('/my-project') .then((res) => {this.out= res.data}) .catch((e) => {console.log(e)}) } I am using cards in the first page and each card has Open Lab button, so which ever button the user clicks it goes

Force Rundeck “Secure Remote Authentication” option to pass to script

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2021-01-29 01:34:57
问题 SSH key authentication is frowned upon in my environment (a point I disagree with) so Rundeck users are forced into entering their SSH password at run time into a "Secure Remote Authentication" option. Short of setting up two separate options, one "Secure" to pass to the scripts and the other "Secure Remote Authentication" for authenticating the SSH sessions, is there any way to force the contents of a "Secure Remote Authentication" job option to also be passed to a script that the job is

multiple select option using material design lite

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-07-03 08:52:26
问题 I'm really curious to know if there is a way to create a multiple select option in a dropdown with material design lite, I've search everywhere and I've only been able to implement it using materializecss, need to know if its possible with material design lite 回答1: It's 13/05/2020. Still nothing for MDL. Depending on what you use, slim select could be useful. I ended up re-designing to exclude the multiselect dropdown myself. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47524544/multiple-select

What's the idiomatic way to handle multiple `Option<T>` in Rust?

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-06-27 07:39:09
问题 Since I'm fairly new to Rust, I need guidance on how error handling is done idiomatically. I find the error-handling boilerplate really annoying. I'm stuck with multiple Option<T> s. It's too verbose to handle each None case manually. In Haskell, for example, you can chain optional value ( Maybe ) operations with a variety of operators: fmap , <*> , >>= , etc.: f x = x * x g x = x ++ x main = print $ g <$> show <$> f <$> Just 2 The same looks impossible in Rust. I'm trying to parse a two

Select options disappearing when appending new option

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-05-17 06:55:14
问题 I'm currently creating a interface to select an option from one select element on double click, and append it to another select element. The issue I am coming across is when doing so, it is added and visible, however all other options disappear in the destination select, until I click on the option and then click off. You can see this in action here: https://i.imgur.com/jSXoIAi.gifv My current implementation is as follows: $('body').on('dblclick', '#availableColumnsSelect > option', function