
How to import custom attribute types and objectclasses to OpenDJ 3.0?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-06-17 09:34:47
问题 I have OpenDJ v3.0.0 and need to import custom attribute types and objectclasses from OUD - Oracle Unified Directory . Unfortunately I can't use GUI - Control Panel due to a problem with x11 . /tmp/attribute_types_oud.txt =================== dn: cn=schema attributetypes: ( NAME 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{128} X-ORIGIN 'RFC 4519' ) .... /tmp/objectclasses_oud.txt =================== dn: cn

Troubleshooting failure of importing oud schema on OpenDJ 3.0.0

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-06-01 05:46:29
问题 I tried to import exiting schema from Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) into OpenDJ 3.0.0 by following this: However after import-ldif was executed, I noticed following line. category=PLUGGABLE seq=38 severity=INFO msg=Processed 100 entries, imported 0, skipped 80, rejected 20 and... I am not sure why but it looks like no data is imported. I ran following ldapsearch cmd afterward then following response was


爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-24 10:39:47
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 1. 前言 上篇文章为大家简单的介绍了opendj的安装过程,传送带: ,但是是属于命令行安装,对非专业人士非常不友好,本篇为大家讲解如何使用图形化安装并对服务器进行管理,希望能够帮助大家。 首先,非常遗憾的告诉大家一个悲伤的事情,按理说版本升级过程中会延续之前的优势,但是opendj居然没有,什么意思呢??意思就是上篇文章介绍的6.5版本安装,没有图形化界面的安装程序,就是那种无脑安装界面展示,这一点居然丢弃了,你说气人不气人,同时也不自带管理端的界面。这一点真的是无语了。吐槽归吐槽,还是要给大家兑现承诺,即介绍下如何图像化安装并管理。 无奈,新版本没有这个功能,只好回去找老版本,于是找到了3.0版本,注意3.0版本以下不再维护和更新了,并且此版本也是我最先接触的版本,至于中间的版本还有哪些支持,我就没有挨个去看了。首先还是先给出下载链接: 2. 安装 本系统为windows


元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-23 18:09:42
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 上篇博客为大家简介了ldap服务器的基本知识,传送带: ldap系列-基础知识 ,本篇将带领大家一步步安装ldap服务器。 1. 什么是opendj OpenDJ是一种与ldapv3兼容的目录服务,是为Java平台开发的,为身份管理提供高性能、高可用性和安全的存储。其安装过程简单,加上Java平台的强大功能,使OpenDJ成为部署和管理最简单、最快的目录。OpenDJ目录服务器提供了大量的工具,还提供了通过HTTP访问目录数据的REST访问。 OpenDJ可以免费下载、评估和用于开发应用程序和解决方案。您可以获取并修改源代码来构建自己的版本。ForgeRock提供培训和支持订阅,帮助您最大限度地利用部署。目前最新版本是6.5,下载链接: 2. 安装手册 从以上地址下载一个zip包: 解压后如下图所示: 正式安装(非交互式) 打开命令行键入以下内容: setup directory-server --rootUserDn "cn=Directory Manager" --rootUserPassword password --monitorUserPassword password -

Is OpenDJ, OpenAM and OpenIAM free software

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-01 17:21:31
What has been the experience of folks who have already been using OpenDJ and OpenAM? Older versions seem free to use but the new releases don't seem to be free for use. How do they compare to the existing commercial offerings? They look like a better option than using OpenLDAP with CAS but don't look free. Below you can find answers depending on when this question was asked just for the sake of history. ANSWER AFTER April 3rd, 2017 With the recent changes made to the business model here you can find the key details you will need to know: The latest versions of the main products have been

Is OpenDJ, OpenAM and OpenIAM free software

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-01 16:22:34
问题 What has been the experience of folks who have already been using OpenDJ and OpenAM? Older versions seem free to use but the new releases don't seem to be free for use. How do they compare to the existing commercial offerings? They look like a better option than using OpenLDAP with CAS but don't look free. 回答1: Below you can find answers depending on when this question was asked just for the sake of history. ANSWER AFTER April 3rd, 2017 With the recent changes made to the business model here