
How to configure Oozie coordinator dataset for previous day

本秂侑毒 提交于 2021-02-10 05:09:21
问题 I want to run workflow based on availability of Control files for previous date. Date format in my directory is ${basePath}/YYYYMMdd/00/_Complete.I want to check the _Complete file inside my 00. My Job will run daily on the previous day data. I tried the options provided in similar questions But still not working. When I am testing it for same day data with below value for instance , it is working But not with (-1) option. Is there any restriction on URI-TEMPLATE formats, meaning do we need

How to configure Oozie coordinator dataset for previous day

落花浮王杯 提交于 2021-02-10 05:07:04
问题 I want to run workflow based on availability of Control files for previous date. Date format in my directory is ${basePath}/YYYYMMdd/00/_Complete.I want to check the _Complete file inside my 00. My Job will run daily on the previous day data. I tried the options provided in similar questions But still not working. When I am testing it for same day data with below value for instance , it is working But not with (-1) option. Is there any restriction on URI-TEMPLATE formats, meaning do we need

How to configure Oozie coordinator dataset for previous day

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-10 05:06:48
问题 I want to run workflow based on availability of Control files for previous date. Date format in my directory is ${basePath}/YYYYMMdd/00/_Complete.I want to check the _Complete file inside my 00. My Job will run daily on the previous day data. I tried the options provided in similar questions But still not working. When I am testing it for same day data with below value for instance , it is working But not with (-1) option. Is there any restriction on URI-TEMPLATE formats, meaning do we need

Oozie keep adding a old version of httpcore jar to classpath

佐手、 提交于 2021-02-08 15:16:26
问题 I'm keep getting an exception because Oozie add a wrong version of httpcore jar to classpath. I tryed different options such as oozie.launcher.mapreduce.task.classpath.user.precedence oozie.launcher.mapreduce.user.classpath.first oozie.launcher.mapreduce.task.classpath.user.precedence does not respond at all and when I use oozie.launcher.mapreduce.user.classpath.first, application cannot load even one class. In class path I can see two versions of http-core. httpcore-4.4.1.jar httpcore-4.2.4

Running shell script from oozie through Hue

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2021-02-07 13:18:23
问题 I am invoking a bash shell script using oozie editor in Hue. I used the shell action in the workflow and tried below different options in shell command: Uploaded the shell script using 'choose a file' Gave local directory path where shell script is present Gave HDFS path where shell script is present But all these options gave following error: Cannot run program "sec_test_oozie.sh" (in directory "/data/hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/user/appcache/application_1399542362142_0086/container

Oozie Build Fail: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:3.1.0:single

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2021-01-29 22:06:26
问题 I'm trying to install the Oozie 5.2.0 with java version "1.8.0_221" and maven version 3.6.3. After I unzip the Oozie file I put the following command: bin/mkdistro.sh assembly:single -P hadoop-2,uber -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dhadoop.version=2.7.4 -Dhive.version=2.1.1 -e But, I got the following response and failed: [INFO] Reactor Summary for Apache Oozie Main 5.2.0: [INFO] [INFO] Apache Oozie Main .................................. SUCCESS [ 34.428 s] [INFO] Apache Oozie Fluent Job ...........


不羁岁月 提交于 2021-01-12 20:32:29
SOAR 全称 Security Orchestration, Automation and Response,即安全编排自动化与响应,最早由Gartner在2015年提出。 安全团队注重威胁检测,往往购买了各种安全设备,同时自研安全产品,试图通过增加检测功能,追求更小的MTTD(平均威胁检测时间),以及更大的威胁检出率。但面对外部日新月异的攻击手法,频频爆出的高危漏洞,不断增加的安全服务,企业安全运营面临巨大的压力,一方面出现安全人力不足,另一方面,对安全运营的专业能力要求过高。这个时候,急需一个系统来提升安全运营的标准化和自动化水平。 SOAR提出了通过事件智能分析、事件编排、安全工具整合的方式,加快事件的快速预警和响应,从“人到安全工具”交互转变为“机器到安全工具”交互,应急响应转换为持续自动化响应,从而降低人工成本、降低MTTR、提高安全运营生产力。近来SOAR产品备受关注,目前国内比较知名的厂商有雾帜智能,绿盟,盛华安,360等,阿里云-云安全中心也上线了SOAR相关功能,如自动化溯源等。国外有Rapid7/Splunk也很早在SOAR领域开始了布局。 SOAR作为安全编排与自动化,情报和事件响应平台融合的新兴安全解决方案,可以帮助企业在有限的人力下,处置更多的威胁,降低MTTR(平均威胁处置时间)。爱奇艺内部引入SOAR之后,通过开发安全组件拉通各个安全服务

#Note# Analyzing Twitter Data with Apache Hadoo...

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2021-01-10 08:33:36
#Note# Analyzing Twitter Data with Apache Hadoop 系列 1、2、3 Andy erpingwu@gmail.com 2013/09/28-2013/09/30 markdown的语法高亮格式在oschina的blog上有问题,在git.oschina.net上没有问题 http://git.oschina.net/wuerping/notes/blob/master/2013/2013-09-30/AnalyzingTwitterDatawithApacheHadoop.md Analyzing Twitter Data with Apache Hadoop by Jon Natkins September 19, 2012 http://blog.cloudera.com/blog/2012/09/analyzing-twitter-data-with-hadoop/ 这是这个系列的第一篇,讲的是如何用 Apache Flume , Apache HDFS , Apache Oozie , 和 Apache Hive 去设计一个能够分析 Twitter数据的,端到端的数据 pipeline。 相关代码在 Cloudera Github . Who is Influential? Now we know the question we


别来无恙 提交于 2021-01-08 00:42:44
1.单个节点宕机后,想可能存在的问题: 时间同步是否正常运行 hbase对时间是否同步很敏感 2.zookeeper报警 ZooKeeper 服务 canary 因未知原因失败。 该警报是在重启CM的时候会触发的一个警报。 警报的展示如下: 报错解释: 这是 ZooKeeper 服务级运行状况测试,用于检查基本客户端操作是否正常以及是否在合理时间内完成。该测试将对定期执行以下操作序列的“Canary”测试的结果进行报告。 首先,与 ZooKeeper 服务连接并建立会话(根会话),并创建一个永久 znode 作为所有 Canary 操作的根。然后,Canary 测试将与该服务的每个 ZooKeeper Server 进行连接并建立会话(子会话)。每个子会话均用于在 Canary 根中建立一个临时子 znode。创建子 znode 后,注意每个子会话的每个子 znode 都会寄存“等待 znode 删除”事件。然后,Canary 测试会删除每个子 znode,再验证每个子会话是否接收了每个子 znode 的删除通知。最后,Canary 测试会关闭所有子会话,删除根 znode 并关闭根会话。 如果对 ZooKeeper 服务建立根会话失败、创建永久或临时 znode 失败、删除 znode 失败或检索根 znode 的子 znode 失败,该测试将返回运行状况“不良”。 当

CentOS7安装CDH 第五章:CDH的安装和部署-CDH5.7.0

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-11-26 09:31:50
相关文章链接 CentOS7安装CDH 第一章:CentOS7系统安装 CentOS7安装CDH 第二章:CentOS7各个软件安装和启动 CentOS7安装CDH 第三章:CDH中的问题和解决方法 CentOS7安装CDH 第四章:CDH的版本选择和安装方式 CentOS7安装CDH 第五章:CDH的安装和部署-CDH5.7.0 CentOS7安装CDH 第六章:CDH的管理-CDH5.12 CentOS7安装CDH 第七章:CDH集群Hadoop的HA配置 CentOS7安装CDH 第八章:CDH中对服务和机器的添加与删除操作 CentOS7安装CDH 第九章:CDH中安装Kafka CentOS7安装CDH 第十章:CDH中安装Spark2 CentOS7安装CDH 第十一章:离线升级CDH版本 CentOS7安装CDH 第十二章:YARN的资源调优 CentOS7安装CDH 第十三章:CDH资源池配置 CentOS7安装CDH 第十四章:CDH的优化 1. CDH的下载 以 CentOS7.5 和 CDH5.7.0 举例: 1.1. cm的tar包下载 下载地址: http://archive.cloudera.com/cm5/repo-as-tarball/5.7.0/ 请选择需要的版本。 1.2. parcels包下载 下载地址: http://archive