

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-03-27 06:09:56
<0> . DNS的使用!起初连不上不服务的数据库,是因为没有加入域, sql 基础类的使用 1.连上数据库,我晕了,,表真多,,,,查询所有表名|视图 select * from information_schema.tables where table_type='BASE TABLE' select * from information_schema.tables where table_type='VIEW' 查询视图 select * from information_schema.views --261个 查询存储过程 (注:xtype = p , v ) select * from sysobjects a where a.xtype = 'p' Account Activity Annotation Appointment AttributeMapBase BL_IT_CWRDown BL_IT_CWB Build** Bulk** Business** Calendar** Campaign** Competitor Contact Contract Customer Discount DisplayString DocumentIndex EmailBase EmailExtensionBase entityMapBase EquipmentBase


旧街凉风 提交于 2020-02-10 17:36:23
最近在UC项目上,自己琢磨了一些UC相关的问题,还在比较浅显示的层面,写出来与大家分享,不对之处还请大家帮忙指正。 典型的OCS网络拓扑(局域网内,没有边缘服务器, 除了通讯终端,暂不考虑外部用户): 一般的语音路由方式 手机和固定电话呼叫PC: 拔"接入号"到语音网关,再拔分机号(OC用户的URI线路或者特定应用服务的号码),这时网关根据转换规则把所拔号码送给媒体服务器,媒体服务器再把所拔号码送给OCS,OCS根据号码反向查找到用户的sip uri,依据呼入规则建立了通话连接,双方现在可以通话了。这里的传输是依靠SIP(会话初始协议,Session Initiation Protocol)协议,Media GateWay的作用就是把PSTN或移动网络的信令转换成SIP信令,从而实现了固话网和移动网与IP之间的通信。 上述过程相当于双方之间达成了可以通话的约定,实际上语音(媒体流)的传输走的是RTP(实时传输协议,Real-Time Transport Protocol)协议,起主要作用的是媒体服务器,它负责进行媒体译码。 PC(指的是OCS相关客户端如OC,LIVE MEETING, OUTLOOK等)呼叫手机或固定电话: 通讯过程与上面基本是一样的,只是顺序正好相反。 PC到PC: OCS带有基本的主意组件,所以在没有媒体服务器的情况下也可以实现pc-pc的语音通话

OCS 使用

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2020-02-10 17:35:01
C#/.net 代码样例: using System.Net; using Enyim.Caching; using Enyim.Caching.Configuration; using Enyim.Caching.Memcached; namespace OCS.Memcached { public sealed class MemCached { private static MemcachedClient MemClient; static readonly object padlock = new object(); //线程安全的单例模式 public static MemcachedClient getInstance() { if (MemClient == null) { lock (padlock) { if (MemClient == null) { MemClientInit(); } } } return MemClient; } static void MemClientInit() { //初始化缓存 MemcachedClientConfiguration memConfig = new MemcachedClientConfiguration(); IPAddress newaddress = IPAddress.Parse(Dns


元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-02-10 17:34:35
卸载客户端(毕竟占用一些网络带宽,360把它列为高危,奶奶的真烦人,客户端人比较不爽) 1. 直接卸载 2. 通过域策略卸载 卸载脚本内容如下uninstall_agent.bat ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem File uninstall_agent.cmd rem Untested on W9X (command.com) - please run with cmd.exe rem To only remove service: rem sc.exe delete "OCS INVENTORY" rem On Windows 2000 use delsrv.exe instead of sc.exe %SystemDrive% cd "%ProgramFiles%" if not exist "OCS Inventory Agent" goto end cd "OCS Inventory Agent" if exist uninst.exe call uninst.exe /S del *.* /s /q cd .. rd "OCS Inventory Agent" /s /q :end cd / 因为权限的关系


ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-02-09 00:59:31
前言:   最近因项目需求,需要打包linux-qt程序给客户先用一下子。百度一大堆终于找了几个靠谱的来综合一下,留为备用吧。   由于是先遣版所以仅制作为 免安装程序的格式 。 正文:   博主的qt是5.9.2的,程序名称为ocs,下面看到这个名称替换成自己的就是了。   1.先找个地方,比如桌面创建一个名字为OCS的空文件夹用于放打包后的文件。   2.将项目使用Release模式编译并运行一遍(确保生成可执行程序ocs)。   3.打开程序输出目录(生成的那个可执行程序ocs的目录)。     博主的目录是build-ocs-Desktop-Release。   4.在上一部的目录中新建脚本copylib.sh。   5.在copylib.sh中加入一下内容,并通过指令赋值权限sudo chmod 777 copylib.sh。    1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 LibDir=$PWD"/lib" 4 Target=$1 5 6 lib_array=($(ldd $Target | grep -o "/.*" | grep -o "/.*/[^[:space:]]*")) 7 8 $(mkdir $LibDir) 9 10 for Variable in ${lib_array[@]} 11 do 12 cp "$Variable" $LibDir 13 done

what are difference between “Lync Server 2010 SDK” / “UCMA 3.0 SDK” / and UCC API?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-29 16:06:07
问题 I'm looking for the client side and server side API for Lync 2010. But I found many API that can be able to develop. Anyone what are difference between all of them? Please help Microsoft Lync Server 2010 SDK http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=58ccf6fd-31db-4f15-bafb-c5ef28afc5fc Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 3.0 Software Development Kit http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=4493BAAB-6214-4770-8CF9-69C813E8A9FA Microsoft Unified

Sending formatted text with UCMA 2.0

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-21 05:06:40
问题 Has anyone been successful in sending formatted text over an Instant Message flow using the UCMA 2.0 sdk? It doesn't seem to be very well documented on MSDN. Are there any examples out there? Any books that talk about this? 回答1: Ran into this issue myself earlier today on a project at work. I don't have my code accessible to me at the moment, but it's essentially capable by doing the following... MimePartContentDescription text; MimePartContentDescription html; MimePartContentDescription

Can Microsoft OCS be embedded into an asp.net web page. How long should it take?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-13 06:42:28
问题 I have been told that Microsoft OCS is a bit like Windows Messenger. Can it be added to a web page by inserting and configuring some standard code so we end up with something like this: I know there is an OCS API but I don’t want to spend days piecing an OCS app together from this. I was hoping there would be a component that allows me to stick the whole app on a web page and configure it to operate correctly. I presume this is something that would take less than 2 days if it is possible. Can

Using UCMA 3.0 to build an OCS IM bot. Where do I start?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-11 08:56:57
问题 I'm looking to create an IM bot for OCS which will provide users with certain pieces of information based on a series of external triggers. We use OCS exclusively in our environment, so building a bot on another platform is most likely out of the question. From my research, I found some documentation from Joe Calev on UCMA, but it's very scattered and I would prefer something I can read offline. Plus, it seems a bit unfriendly for those who've never worked with UCMA before. I can't seem to


泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-10 15:16:08
用开源工具OCSNG管理资产信息 (本文提供软件和部署视频) 今天为大家介绍的OCS,它能帮助管理员掌握计算机软件安装和配置,通过Web界面自动为你的资产建立好台账。它的Server和Agent通讯基于B/S架构,而对用户而言,可以通过已B/S方式来查询资产的状况。OcsNG既可以架构在Windows平台也可以是Linux/UNIX平台,前提需要准备好LAMP环境。 一、系统部署 通过首先介绍Windows环境下安装OCSNG-Server,因为在Windows环境下无需考虑各种包的依赖关系,也不用进行繁琐的配置,可谓是傻瓜化安装,特别适合初级管理员,软件下载和环境下面做个基本介绍。 通信服务器:为网络Agent远程通信链路,用来传送文件或信息提供通信服务。 部署服务器:用来为客户机批量部署Agent。 数据库:存储资产信息。 下面的实验在假设OCS Inventory Server IP为。 下载 OCSNG-Windows-Server-Setup.exe 下载 OCSNG-Windows-Agent.exe 安装包中集成了 XAMPP 环境,如果机器系统中已安装了 AMP 环境,请删除干净。 默认安装目录为 c:\xampp\ 路径也修改为其他盘符。 选择完全安装。 系统会自动配置 Apache 环境, 选择 OCS Inventory NG