
Command to truncate all filenames at 255 characters

限于喜欢 提交于 2021-02-08 11:11:43
问题 An NTFS directory is open in a bash shell. what command will recursively truncate all filenames in a directory to the 255 character limit required for ext3? 回答1: If you have access to a Windows shell, you can use: @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion REM loop over all files in the cwd for /f %%a in ('dir /a-d /b') do ( REM store this filename in a variable so we can do substringing set ThisFileName=%%a REM now take a substring set ThisShortFileName=!ThisFileName:~0,255! REM finally, the

Command to truncate all filenames at 255 characters

寵の児 提交于 2021-02-08 11:09:28
问题 An NTFS directory is open in a bash shell. what command will recursively truncate all filenames in a directory to the 255 character limit required for ext3? 回答1: If you have access to a Windows shell, you can use: @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion REM loop over all files in the cwd for /f %%a in ('dir /a-d /b') do ( REM store this filename in a variable so we can do substringing set ThisFileName=%%a REM now take a substring set ThisShortFileName=!ThisFileName:~0,255! REM finally, the

Any way to work around the PathTooLongException that FileSystemInfo.Fullname throws sometimes?

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-02-07 05:53:05
问题 I have files on my hard drive that throw a PathTooLongException when I access the Fullname property of a FileSystemInfo object. Is there any way around this (excluding renaming the files which is not an option)? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365247%28VS.85%29.aspx#maxpath mentioned by other answers suggests putting a "\?\" prefix on the file name but in this case the DirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos() is responsible for creating the FileSystemInfo objects and DirectoryInfo doesn't

Is WriteFile atomic?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-02-07 03:07:29
问题 I'm designing a system that will write time series data to a file. The data is blocks of 8 bytes divided into two 4 bytes parts, time and payload. According to MSDN the WriteFile function is atomic ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365747(VS.85).aspx ), if the data written is less than a sector in size. Since the file will only contain these blocks (there is no "structure" of the file so it's not possible to reconstruct a damaged file), added one after each other, it's vital that

Is WriteFile atomic?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-07 03:06:20
问题 I'm designing a system that will write time series data to a file. The data is blocks of 8 bytes divided into two 4 bytes parts, time and payload. According to MSDN the WriteFile function is atomic ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365747(VS.85).aspx ), if the data written is less than a sector in size. Since the file will only contain these blocks (there is no "structure" of the file so it's not possible to reconstruct a damaged file), added one after each other, it's vital that

Is WriteFile atomic?

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-02-07 03:04:02
问题 I'm designing a system that will write time series data to a file. The data is blocks of 8 bytes divided into two 4 bytes parts, time and payload. According to MSDN the WriteFile function is atomic ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365747(VS.85).aspx ), if the data written is less than a sector in size. Since the file will only contain these blocks (there is no "structure" of the file so it's not possible to reconstruct a damaged file), added one after each other, it's vital that

Removing all ACL on folder with powershell

一世执手 提交于 2021-02-05 04:50:24
问题 I'm pretty new to powershell scripting (nearly 1 month since I started learning powershell.) I'm currently working on a script with powershell 2.0 to clean folder NTFS ACL. I want to delete every acl except the administrator one. My problem is that I can't find a way to delete every acl that are not administrator, without knowing them. So I came here to sought for powershell pro. 回答1: This code remove acl : $acl = Get-Acl \\remote_server\share_folder\HAL.9000 $acl.Access | %{$acl

Removing all ACL on folder with powershell

假如想象 提交于 2021-02-05 04:48:34
问题 I'm pretty new to powershell scripting (nearly 1 month since I started learning powershell.) I'm currently working on a script with powershell 2.0 to clean folder NTFS ACL. I want to delete every acl except the administrator one. My problem is that I can't find a way to delete every acl that are not administrator, without knowing them. So I came here to sought for powershell pro. 回答1: This code remove acl : $acl = Get-Acl \\remote_server\share_folder\HAL.9000 $acl.Access | %{$acl


不问归期 提交于 2020-11-29 16:27:31
使用mac电脑的时候我们会有很多的不习惯,为了更好的调整自己的习惯我们可以时电脑中的一些设置调整到我们满意的方向,Mac系统上的Launchpad是系统中快捷启动应用的一种方式,我们在Mac上安装的几乎所有应用都可以在Launchpad中找到并快速启动。那么Mac launchpad怎么管理图标?Mac launchpad怎么排序图标?跟随小编来了解下。 图一:launchpad管理界面 我们在Launchpad中的图标,根据屏幕大小会有不同的布局方式,当然我们也可以快速更改布局,仅需要几条简单的终端命令即可。下面小编列出的命令非常简单,只需要用户拷贝到终端执行即可。 Launchpad管理以及排序图标的方法: 首先,打开Launchpad,进入“其他”文件夹,点击打开“终端”。 图二:launchpad管理界面终端设置 然后,拷贝下文命令至终端: defaults write com.apple.dock springboard-columns -int X;defaults write com.apple.dock springboard-rows -int X;defaults write com.apple.dock ResetLaunchPad -bool TRUE;killall Dock 请将其中的 “X” 替换为你想要的行数及列数,比如改为3行5列:

如何用NTFS For Mac修改Mac上ntfs参数

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-11-08 07:06:07
日常生活中,很多的mac电脑的用户在使用mac的时候需要读取一些NTFS格式的外置硬盘,但是有时往往读取不了,这个一些用户朋友带来了很大的困扰。NTFS For Mac这款软件就是来给大家解决这方面困扰的。下面我们就来给大家介绍介绍如何用NTFS For Mac修改Mac上ntfs参数? 图一: 图标 我们提到过NTFS For Mac提供Mac上NTFS档案系统的高级支援,它对我们还有以下作用: 在所需的 NTFS分区 上启动所有新创建档/档夹的访问权限,设定哪些用户或者组可以访问特定的档和档夹,以及对其内容可以进行哪些操作(读入/写入/执行); 在所需NTFS档上压缩所有新创建的档案/资料夹,用以节约硬盘空间(您可能在对压缩档进行操作的时候发现其表现会受到一些影响); 对所需NTFS分区的所有档案/资料夹取消最后访问时间记录,用以提高硬盘性能。 这些都是它所提供的高级功能,给我们使用时带来了很大的便捷,不必再担心 Mac无法读取外置硬盘 的问题,以及ntfs硬盘修改参数的问题。有如此强大可以解决我们Mac电脑问题的软件,而且现在NTFS For Mac官网还推出了 免费版下载 ,还不赶紧动动手指下载吧! 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/2611400/blog/654922