
Swift - Is the correct place to call .removeObserver always deinit()?

北战南征 提交于 2021-02-08 08:01:33
问题 New StackOverflow user here (first time posting, long time lurking w/o an account). Before I begin, these are some previously answered questions that I've found to be helpful but have not completely resolved my issue: How to safely removeObserver (Swift) The right place to call .removeObserver for NSNotificationCenter = Swift deinit()? From these I have constructed a BaseView controller with which to control the behaviour of my app under various circumstances (e.g. an API call to check for

Swift - Is the correct place to call .removeObserver always deinit()?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2021-02-08 08:01:25
问题 New StackOverflow user here (first time posting, long time lurking w/o an account). Before I begin, these are some previously answered questions that I've found to be helpful but have not completely resolved my issue: How to safely removeObserver (Swift) The right place to call .removeObserver for NSNotificationCenter = Swift deinit()? From these I have constructed a BaseView controller with which to control the behaviour of my app under various circumstances (e.g. an API call to check for

Detect when keyboard is fully visible and prevent keyboard appearance handling code from adding extra offset for hidden element

纵饮孤独 提交于 2021-01-29 05:41:02
问题 I want to know if the keyboard is fully visible and not if it's in in-between states of presentation. Unfortunately, all the answers use UIKeyboardDidShow , UIKeyboardWillShow , or UIKeyboardWillChangeFrame to check if keyboard is visible. All of these trigger listeners multiple times as the keyboard appears. So I can't use any of them to definitively tell if the keyboard is fully visible. I want to know if the keyboard is fully visible and prevent an action from triggering in my

How to handle AVPlayer .AVPlayerItemPlaybackStalled Notification

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-12-15 09:11:09
问题 I'm using AVPlayer and sometimes the player randomly pauses. I'm observing \.timeControlStatus but the only response I get .paused . I'm also observing \.isPlaybackLikelyToKeepUp , \.isPlaybackBufferEmpty , and \.isPlaybackBufferFull but nothing fires for those. However using Notification.Name.AVPlayerItemPlaybackStalled I do get a print statement that says "stalled". Even though \.rate fires when the the player pauses, that fires before .AVPlayerItemPlaybackStalled fires, sometimes \

How to handle AVPlayer .AVPlayerItemPlaybackStalled Notification

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-12-15 09:05:39
问题 I'm using AVPlayer and sometimes the player randomly pauses. I'm observing \.timeControlStatus but the only response I get .paused . I'm also observing \.isPlaybackLikelyToKeepUp , \.isPlaybackBufferEmpty , and \.isPlaybackBufferFull but nothing fires for those. However using Notification.Name.AVPlayerItemPlaybackStalled I do get a print statement that says "stalled". Even though \.rate fires when the the player pauses, that fires before .AVPlayerItemPlaybackStalled fires, sometimes \

How to handle AVPlayer .AVPlayerItemPlaybackStalled Notification

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-12-15 09:05:34
问题 I'm using AVPlayer and sometimes the player randomly pauses. I'm observing \.timeControlStatus but the only response I get .paused . I'm also observing \.isPlaybackLikelyToKeepUp , \.isPlaybackBufferEmpty , and \.isPlaybackBufferFull but nothing fires for those. However using Notification.Name.AVPlayerItemPlaybackStalled I do get a print statement that says "stalled". Even though \.rate fires when the the player pauses, that fires before .AVPlayerItemPlaybackStalled fires, sometimes \

Type 'NSNotification.Name' has no member 'UITextField'

邮差的信 提交于 2020-08-01 01:11:03
问题 With Swift 4.2, getting following error, that was working fine with Swift 4. Type 'NSNotification.Name' has no member 'UITextField' Here is my error code. NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.UITextField.textDidChangeNotification, object: textField, queue: OperationQueue.main) { (notification) in loginAction.isEnabled = textField.text != "" } Full Code: @IBAction func alertWithLogin(){ let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "Please Enter Credential",