
How to detect and replace non-printable characters in a string using Java?

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-01-03 13:57:22
问题 For instance I have a string like this : abc123[*]xyz[#]098[~]f9e [*] , [#] and [~] represents 3 different non-printable characters. How can I replace them with "X" in Java ? Frank 回答1: I'm not sure if I understand your questions. If you can formulate it better, I think a simple regular expression replacement may be all that you need. String r = s.replaceAll(REGEX, "X"); REGEX depends on what you need: "\\*|#|~" : matches only '*', "#', and '~' "[^\\d\\w]" : matches anything that is neither a

Input string with non printable chars

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-25 04:19:09
问题 In a Linux console when a C program asks for a string (i.e. username) how can I insert non-printable chars? I search something better then printf '\x48\x83\xc4\x50\x48\xbf\x3d...etc' | ./myProgram.bin or ./myProgram.bin < dataFile I prefer to type chars when needed but I don't know how to write non-printable ones. Thank you 回答1: It worked using xclip (printf '\x48\x83...' | xclip) to copy the string to clipboard. Then, when the program asks for the string, I used SHIFT+CTRL+V to paste the

Remove ALL or particular Non printable character from column in mysql

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-22 11:20:21
问题 I want to remove all OR particular non printable character from my column in mysql. I think this can be achieve using regexp_replace() function but how that I dont know. Non Printable characters has Ascii value from o to 31. I had Think one solution which is as below: IF I write the function that read all characters from the input string one by one and convert into ASCII. Then every-time I compare this Ascii value with input ascii value and if it matches then replace it and my function will

Stripping non printable characters from a string in python

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-16 22:19:28
问题 I use to run $s =~ s/[^[:print:]]//g; on Perl to get rid of non printable characters. In Python there's no POSIX regex classes, and I can't write [:print:] having it mean what I want. I know of no way in Python to detect if a character is printable or not. What would you do? EDIT: It has to support Unicode characters as well. The string.printable way will happily strip them out of the output. curses.ascii.isprint will return false for any unicode character. 回答1: Iterating over strings is

How to check if a character will display in the browser [duplicate]

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-10 18:11:13
问题 This question already has answers here : Detect browser character support in javascript? (4 answers) Closed 5 years ago . If I want to display a special character like ⬀, ⤴ or ➶, How can I see if the user's browser can display it? I don't want the character to come out as ▯; if it would, I'd rather display a normal ↗. So how can I ensure that whatever character I emit is displayed correctly? I found this answer to this question, which unfortunately doesn't work in my situation. The trick

Remove ALL or particular Non printable character from column in mysql

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-06 05:33:47
I want to remove all OR particular non printable character from my column in mysql. I think this can be achieve using regexp_replace() function but how that I dont know. Non Printable characters has Ascii value from o to 31. I had Think one solution which is as below: IF I write the function that read all characters from the input string one by one and convert into ASCII. Then every-time I compare this Ascii value with input ascii value and if it matches then replace it and my function will return replaced string. But in my application data is always in bulk so I think It will consume to much

Using MySQL LOAD DATA INFILE with nonprintable character delimiters

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-06 05:09:46
I have some vendor data that has the SOH (ASCII character 1) as the field delimiter and STX (ASCII character 2) as the record delimiter. Is it possible to load this data with LOAD DATA INFILE without pre-processing the file and replacing those characters with something more common? I got it. LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'myfile.txt' INTO TABLE my_table CHARACTER SET UTF8 FIELDS TERMINATED BY X'01' LINES TERMINATED BY X'02' (col1, col2, col3); You might try FIELDS TERMINATED BY _ascii 0x02 . I don't know if it will work for LOAD DATA INFILE , but it works in SELECT (i.e., SELECT _ascii 0x61 yields 'a

How do I replace or find non-printable characters in vim regex?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-03 02:38:44
问题 I have a file with some non-printable characters that come up as ^C or ^B, I want to find and replace those characters, how do I go about doing that? 回答1: Say you want to replace ^C with C: :%s/ Ctrl V C /C/g Where Ctrl V C means type V then C while holding Ctrl pressed. Ctrl V lets you enter control characters. 回答2: Removing control symbols only: :%s/[[:cntrl:]]//g Removing non-printable characters (note that in versions prior to ~8.1.1 this removes non-ASCII characters also): :%s/[^[:print:

How do I replace or find non-printable characters in vim regex?

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-02 16:13:23
I have a file with some non-printable characters that come up as ^C or ^B, I want to find and replace those characters, how do I go about doing that? ars Say you want to replace ^C with C: :%s/ Ctrl V C /C/g Where Ctrl V C means type V then C while holding Ctrl pressed. Ctrl V lets you enter control characters. lincz Removing control symbols only: :%s/[[:cntrl:]]//g Removing non-printable characters (note that in versions prior to ~8.1.1 this removes non-ASCII characters also): :%s/[^[:print:]]//g The difference between them could be seen if you have some non-printable-non-control characters,

How to remove all special characters in Linux text

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-11-30 06:59:29
问题 How to remove the special characters shown as blue color in the picture 1 like: ^M, ^A, ^@, ^[. In my understanding, ^M is a windows newline character, I can use sed -i '/^M//g' to remove it, but it doesn't work to remove others. The command dos2unix doesn't work, neither. Are there exist any ways that I can use to remove them both? 回答1: Remove everything except the printable characters (character class [:print:] ), with sed : sed $'s/[^[:print:]\t]//g' file.txt [:print:] includes: [:alnum:]