bash storing the output of set -x to log file
I have a simple download script and I use set -x which works great; I can see each step it performs, and I can identify errors in the script or in the download: #!/bin/bash set -x #short_date=$(/bin/date +%m%d%y) short_date=$(/bin/date -d "8 day ago" +%m%d%y) #long_date=$(/bin/date +%Y%m%d) long_date=$(/bin/date -d "8 day ago" +%Y%m%d) scp -v -P 1332 -i /home/casper/.ssh/id_rsa_BANK friendly@$short_date.csv /local/casper3/dailymetrics/BANK_$long_date.csv I would like to automate this job. Is there a way I could save the set -x output to a log