
Create Personal VPN connection using NEVPNManager

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2020-07-18 08:42:27
问题 I am trying to create VPN connection in my app. I go through this link but did not find any official code to use NEVPNManager and even not found any tutorial to use this NEVPNManager. I am new to VPN concept and don't know that much about it. so Can anyone give some solutions? 回答1: Here is a IKEv2 configuration of VPN using Network Extension (Without shared key and certificate) in Swift 4.2: final class VPNHandler { let

NEVPNManager check is connected after restart the app?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-05-25 19:57:34
问题 I coding a VPN tool, using the NetworkExtension framework. I can connect IPSec through NEVPNManager.sharedManager , and can grab the notification when VPN connect status changed. But when I kill the app, and reopen it, the NEVPNManager.Connect.Status always Zero, than means can't display the correct connect state. How to solve it? 回答1: Try this: func viewDidLoad() { // Register to be notified of changes in the status. These notifications only work when app is in foreground.

Connect to a VPN with certificate - iOS/Swift

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-05-13 04:47:36
问题 I am making a VPN connection that requires the certificate to authentication. The code below is how i set the configuration that VPN requires. The parameter identityData is where i put my certificate as Data. func setupVPN(){ guard let vpnManager = NEVPNManager.shared() else { return } vpnManager.loadFromPreferences { error in var hasProtocolConfig = false; if #available(iOS 9, *) { hasProtocolConfig = self.vpnManager.protocolConfiguration != nil } else { hasProtocolConfig = self.vpnManager.

Connect to a VPN with certificate - iOS/Swift

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-05-13 04:47:30
问题 I am making a VPN connection that requires the certificate to authentication. The code below is how i set the configuration that VPN requires. The parameter identityData is where i put my certificate as Data. func setupVPN(){ guard let vpnManager = NEVPNManager.shared() else { return } vpnManager.loadFromPreferences { error in var hasProtocolConfig = false; if #available(iOS 9, *) { hasProtocolConfig = self.vpnManager.protocolConfiguration != nil } else { hasProtocolConfig = self.vpnManager.

Connect to a VPN with certificate - iOS/Swift

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-05-13 04:47:25
问题 I am making a VPN connection that requires the certificate to authentication. The code below is how i set the configuration that VPN requires. The parameter identityData is where i put my certificate as Data. func setupVPN(){ guard let vpnManager = NEVPNManager.shared() else { return } vpnManager.loadFromPreferences { error in var hasProtocolConfig = false; if #available(iOS 9, *) { hasProtocolConfig = self.vpnManager.protocolConfiguration != nil } else { hasProtocolConfig = self.vpnManager.

NEVPNManager with L2TP Protocol

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-01-24 01:59:10
问题 I'm working with VPN and I ask this question but now I would like to create a VPN profile using L2TP Protocol, not the IPSec protocol. I have all the information I need (user, server, password, pre sharedKey) and the service is correctly ON. I'm trying so to create an App that simply connect to the VPN by creating the right Setting Profile like the app '' in the App Store. I'm using the NEVPNProtocolIPSec Class but I think is wrong. The is no class for L2PT protocol? In the device

iOS keep showing “Proxy Authentication Required” dialog even after passing username and password using NetworkExtension

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-23 03:43:23
问题 I am using NETunnelProviderManager for implementing VPN with HTTP/HTTPS proxy. I have Basic Authentication from the Proxy server to authenticate with it, and I need to update password at regular time interval. So to set credentials for Proxy Server I have implemented somethink like below: self.vpnManager.protocolConfiguration.proxySettings.HTTPSServer = [[NEProxyServer alloc] initWithAddress:proxyServer port:proxyPort]; self.vpnManager.protocolConfiguration.proxySettings.HTTPSServer

“Error Domain=NEVPNErrorDomain Code=1 \”(null)\“” While connecting VPN server

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-19 03:38:38
问题 I'm getting "Error Domain=NEVPNErrorDomain Code=1 \"(null)\"" only first time while connecting to VPN server, later onwards it works perfectly. I've checked NEVPNErrorDomain Error 1 when trying to start TunnelProvider network extension similar to my problem and followed the way its said in this solution but still getting same error. So here is my code for connecting to VPN Server using Network Extension. func initVPNTunnelProviderManager(){ self.vpnManager.loadFromPreferences { (error) ->

Mac App signed with Developer ID fails to start, I get entitlement is not allowed (error code -67050)

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-10 22:55:13
问题 I am developing an application that runs on OSX and uses the NEVPNManager for IKEv2 connections introduced in El Capitan. In order to setup/activate a VPN connection it requires the "Personal VPN" entitlement. If I sign my application with a Development certificate it works as expected on my machine, or on others if they bypass Gatekeeper. However if I sign it with a Developer ID certificate the app fails to start. codesign -vvv and spctl -a say that there's nothing wrong with it's signature

NEVPNManager Connect to VPN in Swift

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-04 09:44:01
问题 I can't find a clear answer on how to do this, so that's why I created this thread. I'm developing a Swift application (Swift 2), where I want to connect with an VPN Server using a function. So I want to create a func connect() { //Handle the connection to the VPN } I received this file from the developer who made the VPN (of course I replaced certs,keys,url's and login's. Now my question is how can I connect to this