
AS3 NetStream doesn't seem to close

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-12 02:54:20
问题 I'm using the following code to reuse a single FLVPlayback component variable. Would anyone know why the NetStream doesn't stop? public function clearVideoPlayer(newSource:String):void { if (_videoFLV) { removeChild(_videoFLV); _videoFLV.getVideoPlayer(0).close(); _videoFLV = null; } _videoFLV = new FLVPlayback(); _videoFLV.autoPlay = false; _videoFLV.autoRewind = false; _videoFLV.width = 320; _videoFLV.height = 240; _videoFLV.source = newSource; addChild(_videoFLV); } But after running the

Cancel a live stream “fast motion” catch-up in Flash

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-11 03:49:08
问题 When streaming a live stream, if you hide the browser window/tab (e.g. by going to a different tab or minimizing the browser) - where the live stream is playing in and then after awhile you go back to it - then everything that 'happened' in the stream since the window was hidden is played back in fast motion until it reaches to the "live point". How can I cancel this functionality? I'm assuming this relates to the 'smart seeking' functionality that the NetStream have, however, even when I set

netstream play in the middle of a video

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-08 11:01:35
问题 I'm using the netstream and video object to play a video in flash. Specifically a mp4 video. What I'm trying to do is start playing the file from a specific position (Ex. 20seconds). However with doesn't work unless the stream has been loaded past 20seconds. Is there a way to specify starting to load at 20s? Or any other way of accomplishing this? 回答1: You can use some sort of CDN cache server (so the actual file will be served via this cache server) which support

NetStream.client custom callback handler problem

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-08 08:49:30
问题 I'm trying to add a custom callback handler to a NetStream client in a p2p application. The problem is, when I add such a handler, the NetStream Client doesn't function as it did before. It seems the NetStream.client object is changed. I know the default object is this. But changing the client to this doesn't solve the problem. The remoteControlStream, is the incoming stream. And the localControl stream is the stream being published This is the localControlStream that's being send by the peer

How to implement the Adobe HTTP Streaming spec without using their Streaming server

寵の児 提交于 2019-11-30 02:31:41
As of Flash 10.1, they have added the ability to add bytes into the NetStream object via the appendBytes method (described here ). The main reason for this addition is that Adobe is finally supporting HTTP streaming of video. This is great, but it seems that you need to use the Adobe Media Streaming Server ( ) to create the correct video chunks from your existing video to allow for smooth streaming. I have tried to do a hacked version of HTTP streaming in the past where I swap out the NetStream objects

In AS3 while using NetStream for video playback how do I seek when I use appendBytes

三世轮回 提交于 2019-11-29 12:00:16
I am trying to use NetStream to play from a byteArray. Please see this for what I am talking about. I am able to get this to play the video. However now I need to be able to see to a particular second. I am not able to do this. If I go through the bytearray I know I can get the metadata and the keyframes as required and the offset ( in bytes) as to where each keyframe is at. However there is no way to seek to a particular offset. It only supports seek in seconds and that doesn't seem to work on the byteArray. How do I go about this ? I got I worked: // onmetadata function get all timestamp and

How to implement the Adobe HTTP Streaming spec without using their Streaming server

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-11-28 23:31:26
问题 As of Flash 10.1, they have added the ability to add bytes into the NetStream object via the appendBytes method (described here The main reason for this addition is that Adobe is finally supporting HTTP streaming of video. This is great, but it seems that you need to use the Adobe Media Streaming Server ( to create the correct video chunks from your existing video to allow for smooth streaming. I have tried

AS3 NetStream AppendBytes Seek issue

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-11-28 12:27:10
I'm having trouble with NetStream in AS3. The project I am working on allows users to browse a video (locally) and play it back. The issue I am having is that; from what I can tell it doesn't do anything, although I get inside a NetStatusEvent function and NetStream.Seek.Notify is triggered. I'm using NativeProcess and the following function is this makes any difference. public function ProgressEventOutputHandler(e:ProgressEvent):void { videoByteArray = new ByteArray(); nativeProcess.standardOutput.readBytes(videoByteArray, 0, nativeProcess.standardOutput.bytesAvailable);

In AS3 while using NetStream for video playback how do I seek when I use appendBytes

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-11-28 06:05:28
问题 I am trying to use NetStream to play from a byteArray. Please see this for what I am talking about. I am able to get this to play the video. However now I need to be able to see to a particular second. I am not able to do this. If I go through the bytearray I know I can get the metadata and the keyframes as required and the offset ( in bytes) as to where each keyframe is at. However there is no way to seek to a particular offset. It only supports seek in seconds and that doesn't seem to work