
How can I know if my computer is behind NAT? [closed]

耗尽温柔 提交于 2021-01-26 19:25:50
问题 Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 5 years ago . Improve this question I'm trying to understand NAT (Network Address Translation) . Can someone explain how can I determine if my computer is using a NAT (behind a NAT) , or if it using its own IP address ? 回答1: What Barmar said in the comments is the easiest way. Obtaining your IP

How to make 2 clients connect each other directly, after having both connected a meeting-point server?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2021-01-21 04:32:50
问题 I'm writing a toy meeting-point/relay server listening on port 5555 for two clients "A" and "B". It works like this: every byte received by the server from the firstly-connected client A will be sent to the secondly-connected client B, even if A and B don't know their respective IP : A -----------> server <----------- B # they both connect the server first A --"hello"--> server # A sends a message to server server --"hello"--> B # the server sends the message to B This code is currently

AWS Lambda Function with VPC only works when in Private Subnet

久未见 提交于 2020-12-15 06:02:31
问题 I have been working on integrating an Amazon Lambda function with connection to a RDS for the mySQL DB and an external API. To access the API, there needed to be an internet gateway and then security groups that allowed connection from . I have a a public subnet and private subnet. The public subnet routes to the internet gateway but the private subnet routes to a NAT. This lead me to think that if I ran the Lambda function with the Public subnet, it would connect to the internet.

AWS Lambda - NAT Gateway internet access results in timeout

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-08-24 03:45:18
问题 I have a AWS Lambda function which: checks a Redis Elasticache instance, if the item is not found in the cache, goes to Google Places API service. The Redis instance is in a private subnet ; so, to fetch it, I added the VPC and the subnet in which the instance resides. I also specified the security group which allows all the outbound traffic. The Network ACL is the default one which is supposed to all the inbound and the outbound traffic. When adding VPC to Lambda function like that via the

AWS Lambda - NAT Gateway internet access results in timeout

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-08-24 03:45:10
问题 I have a AWS Lambda function which: checks a Redis Elasticache instance, if the item is not found in the cache, goes to Google Places API service. The Redis instance is in a private subnet ; so, to fetch it, I added the VPC and the subnet in which the instance resides. I also specified the security group which allows all the outbound traffic. The Network ACL is the default one which is supposed to all the inbound and the outbound traffic. When adding VPC to Lambda function like that via the

NAT Traversal - Probability of success using STUN

久未见 提交于 2020-06-25 03:32:13
问题 I am developing a P2P application, and I need to use STUN and/or TURN for NAT traversal. I have looked into the issues that an arise when using STUN only (basically it will not always work because it is UDP based and some firewalls won't like that - the reason is not that interesting as per my question), and I keep seeing recommendations about using STUN and TURN for fallback (the ICE scheme). But everywhere I look I just see people STUN as "unlikely to always work". What I am looking for is


生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-04-07 05:52:40
【关键字】DHCP NAT uPnP 私有IP地址 端口扫描攻击 1.引言 针对当前多数家庭用户使用ADSL接入网络以及IPv4地址几乎耗尽而IPv6暂时难以商用化的现状,提出在组件家庭网络时使用DHCP动态主机配置协议和NAT网络地址转换的数据通信解决方案。主要解决公网地址获取,NAT方案选择,DHCP参数配置和NAT穿越等问题。 2.现状分析 计算机和计算机配件,网络设备的价格正在逐渐降低到能飞入寻常百姓家的水平,应运而生的家庭组网话题变得可行。而目前国内大多数住宅用户通过ADSL接入方式实现INTERNET网络服务的。若要实现家庭网络用户之间的网络应用,如在智能家居领域,需要解决动态地址识别以及家庭网络内部设备的NAT穿越功能。 3.方案设计 3.1 网络体系结构设计 家庭子网中包含多种网络设备,安装有网络接口卡,具有网络数据通信能力。如在子网A中拥有PC,网络打印机,Laptop等网络设备。这些设备与路由器相连,若选择无线路由器将会具有便捷的可移动性。路由器向上连接的是ADSL调制解调器,提供调制数据和解调数据的功能。ADSL调制解调器向上连向ISP,图中的ISP可能是同一个也可能是不同的。 3.2方案设计 3.2.1 公网地址 对于每个家庭网络,其NAT使能路由器从ISP那里获取IP地址,作为整个网络对外网的统一标识。获得方式依具体的网络服务提供商而定。可能的方式有: 1

How to connect to JMS queue JBoss EAP 7 behind NAT?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-03-23 01:19:38
问题 I have configured JBoss EAP 7.0 which is behind NAT gateway. JMS client can successfully connect to JMS queues from same server or another saver from same network. But when same JMS client is moved out of that network and try to connect to JMS through NAT gateway it cant connect to the queue. Same behavior is encountered in both development environment and aws ec2 in vpc. Development environment has a NAT gateway and I presume vpc also uses same or similar thing. I started with the code found

How to connect to JMS queue JBoss EAP 7 behind NAT?

点点圈 提交于 2020-03-23 01:18:40
问题 I have configured JBoss EAP 7.0 which is behind NAT gateway. JMS client can successfully connect to JMS queues from same server or another saver from same network. But when same JMS client is moved out of that network and try to connect to JMS through NAT gateway it cant connect to the queue. Same behavior is encountered in both development environment and aws ec2 in vpc. Development environment has a NAT gateway and I presume vpc also uses same or similar thing. I started with the code found

NAT router blocking JMS messages

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-01-16 07:05:12
问题 I have an openjms-0-7-7 instance running on my cloud machine. The connection to the jms topic happens over tcp. I run the client application on my personal computer at home and I am able to send messages to the topic (which then get forwarded correctly to other listeners) but I am unable to receive messages. My PC is connected to the internet through a NAT router. I have tried to reproduce this issue using my university network and it all worked fine (there I am assigned my own external IP