
A simple explanation of Naive Bayes Classification

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-11-27 02:19:43
I am finding it hard to understand the process of Naive Bayes, and I was wondering if someone could explain it with a simple step by step process in English. I understand it takes comparisons by times occurred as a probability, but I have no idea how the training data is related to the actual dataset. Please give me an explanation of what role the training set plays. I am giving a very simple example for fruits here, like banana for example training set--- round-red round-orange oblong-yellow round-red dataset---- round-red round-orange round-red round-orange oblong-yellow round-red round

Save Naive Bayes Trained Classifier in NLTK

感情迁移 提交于 2019-11-26 17:56:44
问题 I'm slightly confused in regard to how I save a trained classifier. As in, re-training a classifier each time I want to use it is obviously really bad and slow, how do I save it and the load it again when I need it? Code is below, thanks in advance for your help. I'm using Python with NLTK Naive Bayes Classifier. classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(training_set) # look inside the classifier train method in the source code of the NLTK library def train(labeled_featuresets, estimator

Implementing Bag-of-Words Naive-Bayes classifier in NLTK

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-11-26 15:17:17
问题 I basically have the same question as this guy.. The example in the NLTK book for the Naive Bayes classifier considers only whether a word occurs in a document as a feature.. it doesn't consider the frequency of the words as the feature to look at ("bag-of-words"). One of the answers seems to suggest this can't be done with the built in NLTK classifiers. Is that the case? How can I do frequency/bag-of-words NB classification with NLTK? 回答1: scikit-learn has an implementation of multinomial

How to calculate probability from probability density function in the Naive Bayes Classifier?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-11-26 13:53:53
I am implementing Gaussian Naive Bayes Algorithm: # importing modules import pandas as pd import numpy as np # create an empty dataframe data = pd.DataFrame() # create our target variable data["gender"] = ["male","male","male","male", "female","female","female","female"] # create our feature variables data["height"] = [6,5.92,5.58,5.92,5,5.5,5.42,5.75] data["weight"] = [180,190,170,165,100,150,130,150] data["foot_size"] = [12,11,12,10,6,8,7,9] # view the data print(data) # create an empty dataframe person = pd.DataFrame() # create some feature values for this single row person["height"] = [6]

A simple explanation of Naive Bayes Classification

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-11-26 10:04:45
问题 I am finding it hard to understand the process of Naive Bayes, and I was wondering if someone could explain it with a simple step by step process in English. I understand it takes comparisons by times occurred as a probability, but I have no idea how the training data is related to the actual dataset. Please give me an explanation of what role the training set plays. I am giving a very simple example for fruits here, like banana for example training set--- round-red round-orange oblong-yellow