
MySQL “Error 1005” when adding tables

早过忘川 提交于 2019-11-29 11:55:55
I've recently been working with a MySQL database, and using MySQL workbench to design the Database. When I use the export to SQL function, so I can actually get the layout in to the Database, I get: "Error 1005: Cannot create table" This appears to be related to Foreign Keys in the create table statement. Does anybody have a work around for this that doesn't involve taking the constraints out and putting them back in later? That's a less than ideal solution given the size of the database. When you get this (and other errors out of the InnoDB engine) issue: SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS; It will

MySQL error 150, cannot create table

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-11-28 12:42:55
I'm having trouble creating a table and I don't understand what's wrong. phpMyAdmin sets the error indicator next to the PRIMARY KEY declaration... I don't get why this is wrong... This table is a child table, which has a one-to-many identifying relationship with another table. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ruilen`.`Voorwerpen` ( `voorwerpen_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `naam` VARCHAR( 45 ) NOT NULL , `beschrijving` VARCHAR( 45 ) NULL , `Gebruikers_gebruiker_id` INT NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `voorwerpen_id` , `Gebruikers_gebruiker_id` ) , CONSTRAINT `fk_Voorwerpen_Gebruikers1` FOREIGN KEY (

Problem adding Foreign Key using Alter Table with existing MYSQL Database - can't add it! Help!

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-11-28 11:14:27
I have a production database where I have renamed several column's that are foreign keys. Obviously mysql makes this a real pain to do in my experience. My solution was to drop all the indexes and foreign keys, rename the id columns, and then re-add the indexes and foreign keys. This works great on mysql 5.1 on windows for the development database. I went to run my migration script on my debian server, which is also using mysql 5.1, and it gives the following error: mysql> ALTER TABLE `company_to_module` -> ADD CONSTRAINT `FK82977604FE40A062` FOREIGN KEY (`company_id`) REFERENCES `company` (

MySQL errorno 121

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-11-27 13:52:57
I'm getting this error in MySQL create. I'm doing: CREATE TABLE `blogReply` ( `Id` INT(24) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Primary Key of This Table', `blogId` INT(24) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Blog where this reply was posted', `userId` INT(24) NULL COMMENT 'User the blog was posted by', `name` VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT 'Unknown' COMMENT 'The Name of the user that the reply was posted by', `email` VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT 'Unknown' COMMENT 'The Email of the user that the reply was posted by', `http` VARCHAR(300) NULL DEFAULT 'Unknown' COMMENT 'The Webaddress of the user that the reply was posted by

MySQL “ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'foo.#sql-12c_4' (errno: 150)”

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-11-27 13:25:33
I was working on creating some tables in database foo , but every time I end up with errno 150 regarding the foreign key. Firstly, here's my code for creating tables: CREATE TABLE Clients ( client_id CHAR(10) NOT NULL , client_name CHAR(50) NOT NULL , provisional_license_num CHAR(50) NOT NULL , client_address CHAR(50) NULL , client_city CHAR(50) NULL , client_county CHAR(50) NULL , client_zip CHAR(10) NULL , client_phone INT NULL , client_email CHAR(255) NULL , client_dob DATETIME NULL , test_attempts INT NULL ); CREATE TABLE Applications ( application_id CHAR(10) NOT NULL , office_id INT NOT

MySQL. Can't create table errno 150

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-11-27 07:43:46
I have to create a database with two tables in MySQL, but the script fails with errno 150 (foreign key problem). I double-checked the foreign key fields to be the same on both tables, and I can't find any error. Here is the script: SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0; SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='TRADITIONAL'; DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS `testdb`; CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS `testdb` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ; USE `testdb`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `testdb`.`table1` ; CREATE

MySQL error 150, cannot create table

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-11-27 07:14:50
问题 I'm having trouble creating a table and I don't understand what's wrong. phpMyAdmin sets the error indicator next to the PRIMARY KEY declaration... I don't get why this is wrong... This table is a child table, which has a one-to-many identifying relationship with another table. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ruilen`.`Voorwerpen` ( `voorwerpen_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `naam` VARCHAR( 45 ) NOT NULL , `beschrijving` VARCHAR( 45 ) NULL , `Gebruikers_gebruiker_id` INT NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY

Foreign key not working in MySQL: Why can I INSERT a value that's not in the foreign column?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-11-26 22:38:42
问题 I've created a table in MySQL: CREATE TABLE actions ( A_id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, type ENUM('rate','report','submit','edit','delete') NOT NULL, Q_id int NOT NULL, U_id int NOT NULL, date DATE NOT NULL, time TIME NOT NULL, rate tinyint(1), PRIMARY KEY (A_id), CONSTRAINT fk_Question FOREIGN KEY (Q_id) REFERENCES questions(P_id), CONSTRAINT fk_User FOREIGN KEY (U_id) REFERENCES users(P_id)); This created the table I wanted just fine (although a "DESCRIBE actions;" command showed me that

MySQL “ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'foo.#sql-12c_4' (errno: 150)”

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-11-26 18:17:55
问题 I was working on creating some tables in database foo , but every time I end up with errno 150 regarding the foreign key. Firstly, here's my code for creating tables: CREATE TABLE Clients ( client_id CHAR(10) NOT NULL , client_name CHAR(50) NOT NULL , provisional_license_num CHAR(50) NOT NULL , client_address CHAR(50) NULL , client_city CHAR(50) NULL , client_county CHAR(50) NULL , client_zip CHAR(10) NULL , client_phone INT NULL , client_email CHAR(255) NULL , client_dob DATETIME NULL , test

MySQL errorno 121

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-11-26 16:30:49
问题 I'm getting this error in MySQL create. I'm doing: CREATE TABLE `blogReply` ( `Id` INT(24) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Primary Key of This Table', `blogId` INT(24) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Blog where this reply was posted', `userId` INT(24) NULL COMMENT 'User the blog was posted by', `name` VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT 'Unknown' COMMENT 'The Name of the user that the reply was posted by', `email` VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT 'Unknown' COMMENT 'The Email of the user that the reply was posted by',