
Integrate MiniProfiler with .NetCore 3.1

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-06-29 03:33:47
问题 I want to integrate MiniProfiler is a WebApi or View /XX/results-index. The WebApi is authenticated with Bearer Tokens. I only want Group Users in Active Directory can see the results, but I don't get it. I have this code in ServicesCollection: services.AddMiniProfiler(options => { options.RouteBasePath = "/profiler"; options.ResultsAuthorizeAsync = async request => await GetAuthorization(request); }).AddEntityFramework(); private static async Task<bool> GetAuthorization(HttpRequest request)

Unable to setup MiniProfiler w/ Enity Framework 4.0 (Not code first)

北城以北 提交于 2020-01-22 13:05:23
问题 I installed MiniProfiler and MiniProfiler.EF in my project via nuget. Before using MiniProfiler I would open a connection using this in my model repository: public class NotificationRepository { private CBNotificationModel.CB_NotificationEntities db; public NotificationRepository() { db = new CB_NotificationEntities(); } public NotificationContact GetNotificationContacts() { return db.NotificationContacts.ToList(); } } To use mini profiler I created: public static class ConnectionHelper {

Unable to setup MiniProfiler w/ Enity Framework 4.0 (Not code first)

若如初见. 提交于 2020-01-22 13:02:26
问题 I installed MiniProfiler and MiniProfiler.EF in my project via nuget. Before using MiniProfiler I would open a connection using this in my model repository: public class NotificationRepository { private CBNotificationModel.CB_NotificationEntities db; public NotificationRepository() { db = new CB_NotificationEntities(); } public NotificationContact GetNotificationContacts() { return db.NotificationContacts.ToList(); } } To use mini profiler I created: public static class ConnectionHelper {

Log Request time in IIS

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-01-05 07:59:09
问题 I am running on a performance issue with ASP.Net 2.0 Application. A page takes atmost 20+ secs to load in a browser. I would like to know where the problem is occurring, i.e in browser(rendering) or in server(processing). Is there a way to log the time taken for each request in IIS 7.5? Do we need any code in global.asax or filter that do this stuff? I read about integrating MiniProfiler from Not sure will this work for ASP.Net 2.0 web application. Any suggestion or

Is there a port mvc-mini-profiler for Rails?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-31 08:12:22
问题 I'm a big fan of the MiniProfiler created by Jarrod Dixon and the Stack Overflow team for ASP.NET. Is there a port of it for Rails applications? Since the core of the profiler is in JavaScript, JQuery.tmpl and Less it seems that porting the back-end to Rails would be fairly straight forward, the front-end is already done. The front end architecture allows for POST and AJAX request profiling by attaching profiling ids to every request in a custom header ( X-MiniProfiler-Ids ). There is a

“Unable to determine the provider name” error with mvc-mini-profiler 1.9

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-30 10:13:28
问题 I am using entity framework with mvc-mini-profiler. After upgrading from mvc-mini-profiler 1.7 to version 1.9 and solving some issues, I managed to compile my project. Now I am getting the following runtime exception: Unable to determine the provider name for connection of type 'MvcMiniProfiler.Data.EFProfiledDbConnection' I think the problem might be related with the configured db provider factories, because I had the same issue with version 1.7 and solved it by adding the following to my

“Unable to determine the provider name” error with mvc-mini-profiler 1.9

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-30 10:13:05
问题 I am using entity framework with mvc-mini-profiler. After upgrading from mvc-mini-profiler 1.7 to version 1.9 and solving some issues, I managed to compile my project. Now I am getting the following runtime exception: Unable to determine the provider name for connection of type 'MvcMiniProfiler.Data.EFProfiledDbConnection' I think the problem might be related with the configured db provider factories, because I had the same issue with version 1.7 and solved it by adding the following to my

MVC Mini Profiler on IIS 6

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-30 03:49:26
问题 Has anyone been able to get the MVC mini profiler working on IIS 6? I've set up the profiler in my application and it works perfectly in Visual Studio, IIS Express and IIS 7.5 but when I put the exact same application onto IIS 6 it won't work. The problem seems to be around loading /mini-profiler-includes.js, I just get a 404 response. I've checked the route table and the correct routes have been registered by the profiler but apart from that I'm not sure what else to try. 回答1: On IIS 7, ASP

mvc mini profiler - IIS7 issue

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-24 11:09:19
问题 similar to this question mvc mini profiler (1.4) & IIS I am running IIS 7.5 and my app pool is run in integrated mode on a Webforms site and when the requests for the mini-profiler-includes files happen i get a bunch of 404 errors? the only things i have changed are that i removed the MVChelpers folder and the MVC reference because we do not have them installed on our site. It works fine from VS2010 Any ideas what I need to do to fix this? THANKS 回答1: google knows all... sometimes i just need

I do not seem to get LINQ2SQL queries back with mini-profiler?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-24 08:24:21
问题 I have a 2 tier web application. DataAccess and WebSite. So in my dataContext.cs on the DataAccess tier I added the wrapper... //The autogenreated context when I made the linq2sql class public static MyDataContext DataContext { get { //We are in a web app, use a request scope if (HttpContext.Current != null) { if (HttpContext.Current.Items["dc"] == null) { MyDataContext dc = new MyDataContext (); HttpContext.Current.Items["dc"] = dc; return dc; } else return (MyDataContext )HttpContext