
The right way to do equals and hashcode of objects held by AtomicReference

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2021-02-04 19:57:50
问题 AtomicReference doesn't work with Objects.equals() and Objects.hash() . AtomicReference<String> ref1 = new AtomicReference<>("hi"); AtomicReference<String> ref2 = new AtomicReference<>("hi"); System.out.println(Objects.equals(ref1, ref2)); //false System.out.println(Objects.equals(ref1.get(), ref2.get())); //true but potentially not thread safe System.out.println(Objects.hash(ref1) == Objects.hash(ref2)); //false System.out.println(Objects.hash(ref1.get()) == Objects.hash(ref2.get())); //true

The right way to do equals and hashcode of objects held by AtomicReference

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2021-02-04 19:57:20
问题 AtomicReference doesn't work with Objects.equals() and Objects.hash() . AtomicReference<String> ref1 = new AtomicReference<>("hi"); AtomicReference<String> ref2 = new AtomicReference<>("hi"); System.out.println(Objects.equals(ref1, ref2)); //false System.out.println(Objects.equals(ref1.get(), ref2.get())); //true but potentially not thread safe System.out.println(Objects.hash(ref1) == Objects.hash(ref2)); //false System.out.println(Objects.hash(ref1.get()) == Objects.hash(ref2.get())); //true

C#.NET Threading Question

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2021-02-04 19:51:07
问题 I am facing an issue with communication between threads in a C#.NET application. Hope someone will guide me in the right direction about the possible solutions. I have an application in C#.NET.It is a windows form application. My application has two threads - One thread is the main thread (UI thread) and the other one is the child thread. Lets call the child thread the "workerThread" There is only one form used in the application.Lets call this form the "MainForm" The child thread is started

I want to print the fibonacci series using two threads. Like 1st number should be printed by 1st thread and then 2nd number by 2nd thread and so on

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2021-02-04 19:41:51
问题 I want fibonacci series to be printed by threads and the 1st number of the series should be printed by 1st thread then 2nd number by 2nd thread then 3rd by 1st thread and 4th by 2nd and so on. I tried this code by using arrays like printing the array elements using thread but I am not able to switch between the threads. class Fibonacci{ void printFibonacci() { int fibArray[] = new int[10]; int a = 0; int b = 1; fibArray[0] = a; fibArray[1] = b; int c; for(int i=2;i<10;i++) { c = a+b; fibArray

I want to print the fibonacci series using two threads. Like 1st number should be printed by 1st thread and then 2nd number by 2nd thread and so on

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-02-04 19:41:07
问题 I want fibonacci series to be printed by threads and the 1st number of the series should be printed by 1st thread then 2nd number by 2nd thread then 3rd by 1st thread and 4th by 2nd and so on. I tried this code by using arrays like printing the array elements using thread but I am not able to switch between the threads. class Fibonacci{ void printFibonacci() { int fibArray[] = new int[10]; int a = 0; int b = 1; fibArray[0] = a; fibArray[1] = b; int c; for(int i=2;i<10;i++) { c = a+b; fibArray

Behavior of async await with new threads

孤街醉人 提交于 2021-02-04 19:31:38
问题 I am trying to understand the precise behavior of async/await and am having a small amount of trouble wrapping my head around it. Consider this example: public async void StartThread() { while(true){ SomeOtherClass.SomeSynchronousStuff(); var something = await SomeOtherClass.SomeOtherAsyncMethod(); } } public void ConstructorForThisClass() { Thread thread = new Thread(StartThread); thread.Start(); } My understanding of async/await is that what is happening under the covers is that the

predicate for condition variable

心已入冬 提交于 2021-02-04 19:10:10
问题 I am new to multi threading. While writing multi threaded code in C++11 using condition variable , I use the following construct while(predicate) { cond_var.wait(&lock); } However, I have been reading Deitel's third edition book on operating systems(chp 6) where the following construct is being used if(predicate) { cond_var.wait(&lock); } So, what's the difference? Why isn't the book using while? Isn't spurious call an issue? 回答1: Spurious wakeup is always a potential issue. For example, look

predicate for condition variable

耗尽温柔 提交于 2021-02-04 19:09:08
问题 I am new to multi threading. While writing multi threaded code in C++11 using condition variable , I use the following construct while(predicate) { cond_var.wait(&lock); } However, I have been reading Deitel's third edition book on operating systems(chp 6) where the following construct is being used if(predicate) { cond_var.wait(&lock); } So, what's the difference? Why isn't the book using while? Isn't spurious call an issue? 回答1: Spurious wakeup is always a potential issue. For example, look

predicate for condition variable

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2021-02-04 19:07:38
问题 I am new to multi threading. While writing multi threaded code in C++11 using condition variable , I use the following construct while(predicate) { cond_var.wait(&lock); } However, I have been reading Deitel's third edition book on operating systems(chp 6) where the following construct is being used if(predicate) { cond_var.wait(&lock); } So, what's the difference? Why isn't the book using while? Isn't spurious call an issue? 回答1: Spurious wakeup is always a potential issue. For example, look

Java synchronize block on same object in different methods

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-02-04 16:22:25
问题 I am trying to understand the concept of synchronized blocks in java. As of the documents that I have read, I understood that if we acquire a lock ( synchronized block using an instance variable ) then we cannot acquire a synchronized lock on same object in that class. But when I tried practically using the following snippet I found that my understanding is going wrong. I.e I am able to acquire lock (synchronized block on same instance variable) in two different methods at the same time. When