
Move div onclick and back onclick

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-24 12:08:46
问题 I have a jQuery code that moves a certain div element on right as I click it, i'd like to move it back to its original position when I click back on it. $(document).ready(function() { $("#wel1").click(function() { $("#sidemenu").animate({left: "80px"}); }); }); Give me a simple example of how to achieve it? 回答1: One possible way to achieve it is to store the state in a variable and check its state on click. $(document).ready(function() { var sideMenu = false; $("#wel1").click(function() { if

Move div onclick and back onclick

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-24 12:07:21
问题 I have a jQuery code that moves a certain div element on right as I click it, i'd like to move it back to its original position when I click back on it. $(document).ready(function() { $("#wel1").click(function() { $("#sidemenu").animate({left: "80px"}); }); }); Give me a simple example of how to achieve it? 回答1: One possible way to achieve it is to store the state in a variable and check its state on click. $(document).ready(function() { var sideMenu = false; $("#wel1").click(function() { if

How to move the cursor by word in command line of tcsh

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-24 10:58:45
问题 I am stucked by this for a long time. How can I move the cursor in the command line of tcsh, as did by ctrl + arrow in vim editor, ipython shell, firefox, word etc. All these above can do this nicely, excetp tcsh, which is really frustrating. 回答1: Try Esc b and Esc f . For future reference, non-programming-related questions like these may be more appropriate at SuperUser. 回答2: tcsh has key bindings to mimic VI-style editing commands. Just put this in your ~/.cshrc file: > bindkey -v You can

Making log file in batch after a MOVE operation

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-24 10:48:31
问题 I just need some help with creating a log file for a batch script I'm running at the moment. As I move files from 1 server to another it would be handy to know when things have been moved over. At the moment I've tried a few things like: if %errorlevel% GTR 0 (echo MOVE FAILURE>Logs\log.txt) else (echo MOVE SUCCESSFUL>Logs\log.txt) But this just gets to be sloppy code, as I would have to put it after every line, and it doesn't tell me the name of the file I have just moved. Here is my code at

c++11 move not take effective?

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-24 10:37:09
问题 I tested c++11 move function, but not become effective. Who can tell me why ? Thanks. The code is as follows: class Base { public: Base() { cout << "Base" << endl;} ~Base() { cout << "~Base" << endl;} Base(const Base& base) { cout << "Copy" << endl; } Base& operator=(const Base& base) {cout << "operator=" << endl;} Base(Base&& base) { cout << "move" << endl;} Base& operator=(Base&& base) { cout << "move=" << endl;} }; Base b; Base&& GetResult() { return std::move(b); } int main() { Base&& tmp

Copy A File In AppleScript

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-24 08:23:59
问题 I have the code below to set a variable in Applescript for the path to the iTunes Music Folder: set username to text returned of (display dialog "RingtoneDude" default answer "Enter your path to your iTunes Ringtones folder here. e.g. /Users/David/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Ringtones" buttons {"Confirm", "Cancel"} default button 1) And then I have the code to call the variable username to copy a file tell application "Finder" copy file theCopy to username end tell but the file theCopy which is

Initialization of member array objects avoiding move constructor

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-24 01:07:27
问题 I'm trying to create and initialize a class that contains a member array of a non-trivial class, which contains some state and (around some corners) std::atomic_flag . As of C++11 one should be able to initialize member arrays. The code (stripped down to minimum) looks like this: class spinlock { std::atomic_flag flag; bool try_lock() { return !flag.test_and_set(std::memory_order_acquire); } public: spinlock() : flag(ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT){}; void lock() { while(!try_lock()) ; } void unlock() {

Move a borderless Winform holding right mouse button, possibly with native methods

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-23 21:26:09
问题 I have a situation where I would like to move a windows form by holding right mouse button on it's client area; the form it's borderless as i've stated. I would like to move it "natively" (if possible, otherwise other answers are ok too). I mean the way it behaves when you hold left mouse button on the titlebar (with mouse-move and things like that I get a lot of strange behaviours, but maybe it's just me). I've read around a lot of things and this post looks helpful http://social.msdn

jquery insert html into list before a child ul-tag

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-23 19:12:35
问题 I have this: <ul id="pickme"> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3 <ul> <li>3-1</li> </ul> </li> </ul> But want this: <ul id="pickme"> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> <li class="new_ul"> <ul> <li>3-1</li> </ul> </li> </ul> With other words I need to insert </li><li class="new_ul"> after the 3 in the list. I have played with .append and .prepend but witout beeing able to insert at the right place. Any help would be appreciated Br. Anders There is a correct answer below. If you use that then it will

How to move future into lambda-expression

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-23 18:23:01
问题 I'm using Visual Studio 2013 and i want achieve this line of code f = p.get_future(); auto task =[f = std::move(f)](){ //use f }; I'm aware of the solution here, but unfortunately this doesn't compile under VS2013 ( error C2558 no copy-constructor available ). 回答1: You can use a shared_future . That is easiest. However, that doesn't help you move. If you really need to move, we can do it with the help of a move_helper function and class: template<class T, class F=void> struct move_helper_t {