mosquitto with paho

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-09 05:54:37
问题 i want to make stress test on mosquitto, so i create some code as below for (int i = 0; i < 800; i++) { final int j = i; Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { System.out.println(j + " : ************"); try { MqttClient client = new MqttClient("tcp://", SERVER_CLIENTID_PREFIX + j); client.connect(); MqttMessage message = new MqttMessage((j + ":me").getBytes()); message.setQos(2); client.publish(TOPIC_PREFIX + j, message); } catch

Mosquitto Secure MQTT connection

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-08 16:08:32
My Question is regarding TLS/SSL MQTT connection. I've installed moaquitto broker from this website. and done with simple subscribe/publish using paho eclipse library in java. then I created X509 certificates using bouncycastle in java. but now I am stuck at server configurations regarding these certificates.I need to use different certificates for different topics on same broker. What I found is the following mosquitto-auth-plug. But here in mosquitto_auth_plugin we need to define backend databases

How to store MQTT Mosquitto publish events into MySQL? [duplicate]

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-08 08:14:39
问题 This question already has an answer here : Is there a way to store Mosquitto payload into an MySQL database for history purpose? (1 answer) Closed 11 months ago . I've connected a device that communicates to my mosquitto MQTT server (RPi) and is sending out publications to a specified topic. What I want to do now is to store the messages published on that topic on the MQTT server into a MySQL database. I know how MySQL works, but I don't know how to listen for these incoming publications. I'm

Mosquitto Secure MQTT connection

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-08 07:29:12
问题 My Question is regarding TLS/SSL MQTT connection. I've installed moaquitto broker from this website. and done with simple subscribe/publish using paho eclipse library in java. then I created X509 certificates using bouncycastle in java. but now I am stuck at server configurations regarding these certificates.I need to use different certificates for different topics on same broker. What I found is the following mosquitto-auth-plug.

Mosquitto socket read error Arduino client

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-08 03:06:29
问题 I have just downloaded the latest Arduino Library code from Github, and it's broken my MQTT client program. I'm using PubSubClient 1.91 on Arduino, and Mosquitto 1.1.2 (Build 2013-03-07) on Mac OSX. (I also tested against Mosquitto on Windows 7, same problem.) The supplied Mosquitto clients work fine, (Mac over to Windows, Windows over to Mac) so it's some problem with what's coming from the Arduino end. A wireshark trace shows the Arduino client sending the following data packet: 10:15:ff:ff

Android - Paho Mqtt client does not receive messages once network connectivity changes (mobile data disabled and enabled again)

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-07 07:06:50
问题 I am using Mosquitto Mqtt along with paho API to receive push messages on android device. But as soon as the network connectivity changes it stops receiving messages. Here are the steps to reproduce the issue with simple test case: 1) Create a simple activity. 2) On Activity StartUp connects to mosquitto test server ( through paho API. 3) Subscribe to some topic. 4) Publish some message to the topic. Result: Mqtt Client receives all the messages published to the topic.

MQTT linux centOS7 部署

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-06 09:56:55
系统版本centos7 X64 1.设置保存安装包路径 # cd /usr/local/src 2、开始下载源包 官网资源: # wget 3、解压 解压后得到mosquitto-1.6.7文件目录 # tar zxvf mosquitto-1.6.7.tar.gz# mv mosquitto-1.6.7 /usr/local/mosquitto-1.6.7 4、安装MQTT运行依赖环境 1) 以下三个必须安装,不然make时无法通过。 另外安装MQTT之前,我们也可以# cat compiling.txt文件阅读一下官方的说明。 # yum -y install openssl-devel # yum -y install gcc-c++ # yum -y install cmake 2) 以下可选扩展功能,不安装也不影响MQTT使用,只是缺少部分对应的功能 c-ares(用于DNS-SRV支持,默认禁用)c-ares官网: tcp-wrappers(可选,包名libwrapp0 dev) lib-uuid(支持为每个连接客户端生成唯一uuid)

published message store by mosquitto broker when subscriber is offline with QOS=2

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-06 05:21:14
My both publisher and subscriber are both connected to mosquitto (paho) broker with QOS=2 and maintaining persistent session by clean_session=false. When i publish message with subscriber connected to broker, it successfully received by subscriber, now if I disconnect the subscriber , then again publish message and connect subscriber after, I will be able to retrieve message those messages when my subscriber was offline. My question is -- Is there any storage in the broker which stores all the messages when subscriber is offline. If yes, how much long or how many message it can store. Is this


蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-05 16:52:13
  物联网是新一代信息技术的重要组成部分,也是“信息化”时代的重要发展阶段。其英文名称是:“Internet of things(IoT)”。顾名思义,物联网就是物物相连的互联网。这有两层意思:其一,物联网的核心和基础仍然是互联网,是在互联网基础上的延伸和扩展的网络;其二,其用户端延伸和扩展到了任何物品与物品之间,进行信息交换和通信,也就是物物相息。物联网通过智能感知、识别技术与普适计算等通信感知技术,广泛应用于网络的融合中,也因此被称为继计算机、互联网之后世界信息产业发展的第三次浪潮。   而在物联网的应用上,对于信息传输,MQTT是一种再合适不过的协议工具了。 一、MQTT简介   MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport,消息队列遥测传输协议),是一种基于发布/订阅(publish/subscribe)模式的轻量级协议,该协议构建于TCP/IP协议之上,MQTT最大优点在于,可以以极少的代码和有限的带宽,为连接远程设备提供实时可靠的消息服务。作为一种低开销、低带宽占用的即时通讯协议,使其在物联网、小型设备、移动应用等方面有较广泛的应用。   MQTT是一个基于客户端-服务器的消息发布/订阅传输协议。MQTT协议是轻量、简单、开放和易于实现的,这些特点使它适用范围非常广泛。在很多情况下,包括受限的环境中,如:机器与机器(M2M

Android - Paho Mqtt client does not receive messages once network connectivity changes (mobile data disabled and enabled again)

久未见 提交于 2019-12-05 16:41:15
I am using Mosquitto Mqtt along with paho API to receive push messages on android device. But as soon as the network connectivity changes it stops receiving messages. Here are the steps to reproduce the issue with simple test case: 1) Create a simple activity. 2) On Activity StartUp connects to mosquitto test server ( through paho API. 3) Subscribe to some topic. 4) Publish some message to the topic. Result: Mqtt Client receives all the messages published to the topic. Now 5) Disable internet connection on the mobile (mobile data) 6) Publish some message to the topic. 7