
How Android handle multiple

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-04 10:38:19
问题 I'm making couple of Android library apps for a project. To simplify the question, let's say I have two libraries( utilLib , screenLib ) in this project(now will be referred to as app ). There's String resource with the same name inside each project but with different values. Like this: utilLib <string name="app_version">1.0</string> <string name="hello">UtilLib Hello</string> screenLib <string name="app_version">0.7a</string> <string name="hello">ScreenLib Hello</string> app <string name=

In Elm, is there a way to merge union types ? (for modularity purpose)

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-04 08:27:35
Starting from those three declarations : type SharedMsg = SharedAction type Page1Msg = Page1Action type Page2Msg = Page2Action I there a way to obtain an equivalent of the following one? Like a way to "merge" union types ? type Msg = SharedAction | Page1Action | Page2Action ============================= Context : I am splitting an Elm application into one module per page with their own folders. Some actions will be shared, and some actions will be page-specific. If I was to use the method, I feel that I would have to re-write every shared action that a page uses in its own PageMsg

Integrating Modules with Application in Prism aka CompositeWpf

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-03 23:05:47
From MSDN : It is likely that most of the views in your modules will not have to be displayed directly, but only after some action by the user. Depending on the style of application, you may want to use menus, toolbars, or other navigation strategies for your users to access views. In the initialization method of the module, you can also register with the application's navigation structure. In the event handlers of your navigation structure (that is, when a user clicks on a menu item), you might use View Injection techniques to add views to the appropriate regions. I've a similar scenario, I'm

Lua and C++: separation of duties

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-03 16:58:26
问题 Please help to classify ways of organizing C++/Lua game code and to separate their duties. What are the most convenient ways, which one do you use? For example, Lua can be used for initializing C++ objects only or at every game loop iteration. It can be used for game logic only or for graphics, too. Some game engines provide full control to all subsytems from scripts! I really do not like this approach (no separation at all). Is it a good idea to implement all game objects (npc, locations) as

Creating Android Modular Applications on Eclipse

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-03 16:23:08
I am currently porting a framework for building applications on J2ME to Android. This framework consists of several projects that compile to libraries (jars). Each individual JAR can contain graphical data (resources, J4ME screens, etc.). Every project generally has a well defined entry point (module). When someone wants to build an application using the framework he must only create a Midlet project and add library dependencies and use the imported classes. We have been using the same approach to develop the Android framework. In this case we have only used normal Java Projects inside Eclipse

Is there a way to modularize a JavaFX application?

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-03 15:43:50
I've started toying with JavaFX 2 and I really like the ease with which one can create a UI with FXML. However, once you get past the basic examples and you need a UI with many windows, it seems illogical to have the definition for the whole application's UI in a single FXML file. Is it possible to write separate components in separate FXML files and then include them as needed? Say for example that I wanted a window to popup when the user clicks on an item from the main menu; could I write the definition for that window in a separate FXML file, load it at runtime and add it to the node tree?

How to achieve modularity structure of app subcomponents on Android?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-03 15:32:27
My Android main application will consist in a main program, with a few pre-installed modules. Then I want to offer different modules later, best would be as separate files. Modules like: location, weather, agenda. How would you accomplish this? I want to keep in the database the modules that are installed/present. So I must put sometimes the modules into database, maybe by detecting if there are present at launch time. The main app will work based on these modules. How can I build these modules as separate files? They won't be an entry point in my application. So they must not be an

Modularize AngularJS application : one or multiple AngularJS modules?

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-03 14:13:57
I try to build a modular application using AngularJS. My first idea is to group each module by functionnality with this kind of folder structure : /core controllers.js directives.js app.js /modules /users controllers.js directives.js /invoices controllers.js directives.js /messages controllers.js directives.js ... Notice that the "core" folder contains basics features that will always be in the app. Others modules can be add or remove independently. As my application will be large, I also want to use lazy loading. I implemented this solution : which

What are the best resources if you wanted to create an application with modularization? [closed]

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-03 13:49:13
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed last year . In my analysis of the newer web platforms/applications, such as Drupal, Wordpress, and Salesforce, many of them create their software based on the concept of modularization: Where developers can create new extensions and applications without needing to change code in the "core" system maintained by the lead

ANTLR: call a rule from a different grammar

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-03 13:04:05
问题 is it possible to invoke a rule from a different grammar? the purpose is to have two languages in the same file, the second language starting by an (begin ...) where ... is in the second language. the grammar should invoke another grammar to parse that second language. for example: grammar A; start_rule : '(' 'begin' B.program ')' //or something like that ; grammar B; program : something* EOF ; something : ... ; 回答1: Your question could be interpreted in (at least) two ways: separate rules