Adding Multiple NTE segments to HL7 message with Mirth
I am trying to add multiple NTE lines to the end of HL7 messages using Mirth. I can add a single line using for example: tmp=msg; msg['NTE']['NTE.1']="1".toString(); msg['NTE']['NTE.3']="Performed at 123 Radiology".toString(); But... When I want to add a line below that: msg['NTE']['NTE.1']="2".toString(); msg['NTE']['NTE.3']="123 Radiology Drive STE 100".toString(); I can't just use the tmp=msg because it will simply overwrite the previous line. In the end I am trying to add something like this to the end of the message: NTE|1||Test performed at Radiology Imaging NTE|2||123 Test Road NTE|3|