Calendar Id randomly changed
问题 Whats the reason that make a calendar change it's id when using microsoft graph ??? This happened today for one of our clients who's been using his main Calendar for over 2 years, and suddenly today, the id is changed and we are unable to add any event since we have the 'old' id Endpoint being called: /me/calendars/AAMkAGFmMzAxNmRkLTg4YTEtNDNhZS1iYjExLWE1OThlYThlNTRmOQBGAAAAAACxNL6zUoo_Qr9AY8vFoIfmBwBstbpyrelbSJu1keAu6bMkAAAAAAEGAABstbpyrelbSJu1keAu6bMkAAAAAFB8AAA=/events Error returned: {