Merge Sort in place for python (Cant find what is wrong)
I was reading about merge sort(In place) in my algorithm book (Intro to algorithms 3rd edition Cormen), and I decided to implement it in Python. The problem is that I can't find what I am doing wrong... I saw some code in C++, but even with that I can't fix it. Here is my code: def MERGE(A,start,mid,end): L=[0]*(mid - start + 1) for i in range(len(L) - 1): L[i] = A[start+i] L[len(L) - 1] = 100000 # centinel, (fix) R=[0]*(end - mid + 2) for j in range(len(R) - 1): R[j] = A[mid+j] R[len(R) - 1] = 100000 i = 0 j = 0 k = start for l in range(k,end): if(L[i] < R[j]): A[l] = L[i] i = i + 1 else: A[k