PHP: mb_strtoupper not working
I have a problem with UTF-8 and mb_strtoupper. mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); $guesstitlestring='Le Courrier de Sáint-Hyácinthe'; $encoding=mb_detect_encoding($guesstitlestring); if ($encoding!=='UTF-8') $guesstitlestring=mb_convert_encoding($guesstitlestring,'UTF-8',$encoding); echo "DEBUG1 $guesstitlestring\n"; $guesstitlestring=mb_strtoupper($guesstitlestring); echo "DEBUG2 $guesstitlestring\n"; Result: DEBUG1 Le Courrier de Sáint-Hyácinthe DEBUG2 LE COURRIER DE S?INT-HY?CINTHE I don't understand why this is happening? I'm trying to be as careful as I can with the encoding. The string is