
How do you change the Markdown preview font size in IntelliJ IDEA?

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-12-01 09:27:19
问题 How do you change the Markdown preview font size in IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1? The default font size so small it's useless. I've tried changing: Preferences > Editor > Colors and Fonts > Font > Primary font Preferences > Editor > Colors and Fonts > Font > Secondary font Preferences > Editor > Colors and Fonts > Markdown (this doesn't have any font or size options) ⌘->scroll wheel I can change the font size in editor windows, but I haven't found the trick for changing the Markdown preview window

How do you change the Markdown preview font size in IntelliJ IDEA?

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-12-01 09:22:06
问题 How do you change the Markdown preview font size in IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1? The default font size so small it's useless. I've tried changing: Preferences > Editor > Colors and Fonts > Font > Primary font Preferences > Editor > Colors and Fonts > Font > Secondary font Preferences > Editor > Colors and Fonts > Markdown (this doesn't have any font or size options) ⌘->scroll wheel I can change the font size in editor windows, but I haven't found the trick for changing the Markdown preview window

Python docstrings to Github

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-11-30 20:45:10
问题 How do I transcode python doc strings to Github ? Even though it seems like something everyone does, I cannot seem to get a decent solution and I am assuming it should be easy, so it seems unlikely folks are going throw two converters… What I have tried pydoc Actually simple. The output of pydoc is manpages (groff format for UNIX systems). Which is a dead end as man to md is not a thing. Via HTML, pydoc3 -w + pandoc, utterly munges the docstrings to bits. custom code There seems to

Python docstrings to Github

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-11-30 20:42:12
问题 How do I transcode python doc strings to Github ? Even though it seems like something everyone does, I cannot seem to get a decent solution and I am assuming it should be easy, so it seems unlikely folks are going throw two converters… What I have tried pydoc Actually simple. The output of pydoc is manpages (groff format for UNIX systems). Which is a dead end as man to md is not a thing. Via HTML, pydoc3 -w + pandoc, utterly munges the docstrings to bits. custom code There seems to

Python docstrings to Github

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-11-30 20:39:09
问题 How do I transcode python doc strings to Github ? Even though it seems like something everyone does, I cannot seem to get a decent solution and I am assuming it should be easy, so it seems unlikely folks are going throw two converters… What I have tried pydoc Actually simple. The output of pydoc is manpages (groff format for UNIX systems). Which is a dead end as man to md is not a thing. Via HTML, pydoc3 -w + pandoc, utterly munges the docstrings to bits. custom code There seems to

Python docstrings to Github

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-11-30 20:35:03
问题 How do I transcode python doc strings to Github ? Even though it seems like something everyone does, I cannot seem to get a decent solution and I am assuming it should be easy, so it seems unlikely folks are going throw two converters… What I have tried pydoc Actually simple. The output of pydoc is manpages (groff format for UNIX systems). Which is a dead end as man to md is not a thing. Via HTML, pydoc3 -w + pandoc, utterly munges the docstrings to bits. custom code There seems to


生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-11-30 01:27:40
面向对象(OOP)的三大特征: # 封装、继承、多态 继承 什么是继承 继承: # 是一种关系,描述两个对象之间什么是什么的什么的关系 例如:麦兜、佩奇、猪猪侠、猪刚鬣,都是猪 为什么要使用继承 继承的好处: # 继承的一方可以直接使用被继承一方已经有的东西 在 程序 中,继承描述的是类和类之间的关系 ​ 例如:a继承了b,a就能直接使用b已经存在的方法和属性 ​ 此时,a称之为子类,b称之为父类,也称之为基类。 为什么使用继承: # 其目的是为了重用已经有了的代码,提高重用性 如何使用继承 语法 class 类名称(父类的名称): # 在python中 一个子类可以同时继承多个父类 继承小案例(子类直接用父类的方法,无需自己实现) class Base: desc = "这是一个基类" def show_info(self): print(self.des) @staticmethod def make_money(): print("一天赚ta一个亿") class SubClass: @staticmethod def make_money(): print("一天赚ta一百") pass class SubClass2(Base): # 通过继承使用父类的 make_money pass # 无继承 obj1 = SubClass() obj1.make_money() #

Visual Studio Code快捷键[Mac版]

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2020-11-29 23:47:02
这份Visual Studio Code Mac版快捷键,根据官方文档翻译所得 原文PDF下载地址: visual studio code官方下载地址: Visual Studio Code 是微软研发的一款带有GUI 的代码编辑器,功能强大,操作简单便捷,还有着良好的用户界面,设计得很人性化。 笔者推荐你作为自动化测试开发的首选IDE - by 苦叶子 Mac 键盘符号说明 图标 Mac键盘 ⌘ Command ⇧ Shift ⇪ Caps Lock ⌥ Option ⌃ Control ↩ Return/Enter ⌫ Delete ⌦ 向前删除键(Fn+Delete) ↑ 上箭头 ↓ 下箭头 ← 左箭头 → 右箭头 ⇞ Page Up(Fn+↑) ⇟ Page Down(Fn+↓) Home Fn + ← End Fn + → ⇥ 右制表符(Tab键) ⇤ 左制表符(Shift+Tab) ⎋ Escape (Esc) ⏏ 电源开关键 常用 Mac 快捷键 说明 ⇧⌘P, F1 显示命令面板 ⌘P 快速打开 ⇧⌘N 新建 窗口/实例 ⌘W 关闭 窗口/实例 编辑 Mac 快捷键 说明

angular 中引入 markdown

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-11-29 19:52:59
ngx-markdown 是 Angular2+ 的一个第三方库,它的主要功能是将md文件转换为HTML格式,并且支持语法高亮。 GITHUB地址: 安装 1. 安装 ngx-markdown 使用  npm  进行安装,在 `angular`项目目录中执行: npm install ngx-markdown --save 在应用中引入 marked 的支持.引入: " scripts" : [ " ../node_modules/marked/lib/marked.js" //增加此句 ] 2. 安装语法高亮 npm install prismjs --save 为了使 prism.js 语法高亮可以正常执行,需要引入以下文件 : prism.js 的关键库文件, node_modules/prismjs/prism.js 一个高亮主题, node_modules/prismjs/themes 代码语言描述文件, node_modules/prismjs/components 文件 如果你使用的是 Angular Cli 构建工具,可以将下列语句添加到 .angular-cli.json 文件中: " styles": [ " styles.css", + " ../node_modules


依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-11-29 19:51:17
越来越多的人想写个人博客或者打算做自媒体,笔者也是一样. 最近在学习如何写博客,分享下创作经历,避免走弯路. 首先在于定位,不同的定位决定了不同的平台.由于笔者分享的大多是技术类博客,所以主战场是各大主流的技术类博客论坛,当然还搭建了自己的官网. 考虑到前期仅仅是分享技术博客,无需购买专门的服务器,因此寻求免费的解决方案. 笔者采用的是 github 搭建个人项目官网,优点是不花一分钱,就能 免费 开启 https 服务,缺点是国内访问速度慢. 下面分为两部分介绍博客的创作平台,一部分是 个人官网 ,另一部分是 第三方平台 . 个人官网 首先注册 github 账号(例如:用户名 snowdreams1006 ),然后新建特定规则的项目(例如:项目名 ),最后在项目下创建首页 index.html .现在访问 https://用户名 ( )即可. 个人官网的基本流程和特点如下: 利用 gitbook 技术将 markdown 源码文件输出为 html 静态网页. 将项目按照 特定规则 上传到 github 网站公开托管,生成免费网站. 源代码更新后再生成输出文件,然后一起上传到 github ,个人官网自动更新. 项目源码