
Should I declare log4net logger once per class or in base class?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-29 18:56:10
问题 It seems cleaner to declare a logger and call LogManager.GetLogger in a base class so that everyone who is inheriting can use it. However, on log4net site and other blogs like in this blog post it states that it is better to declare one logger per class because: You can use loggers this way to isolate logging concerns across your objects, and I wholly recommend you do so. This will enable you to throttle and direct log output from individual loggers using log4net's hierarchical configuration

log4net BufferingForwardingAppender performance issue

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-29 10:16:53
问题 EDIT 2 : I have solved the problem (see answer below) Please note that the problem potentially affects all appenders decorated with BufferingForwardingAppender as well as all appenders inheriting from BufferingAppenderSkeleton (respectively : AdoNetAppender, RemotingAppender, SmtpAppender and SmtpPickupDirAppender) * I was doing some very basic benchs of log4net and I tried to decorate a RollingFileAppender with a BufferingForwardingAppender. I experience terrible performance going through

Log4NET AdoNetAppender connection string reference

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-29 08:51:34
问题 I want to use Log4NET to log into my DB and following some tutorials I see that I have to configure a connection string for the DAO appender. I already have a connection string in my web.config for DB connection so I'm wondering if I can reference that instead of setting a new one. I usually change my connection string to switch from dev DB to production DB so it could be very useful to share the same connection parameters. 回答1: Edit: since this was posted, log4net now supports specifying the

logging in log4net to different appenders based on circumstances

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-29 06:50:12
问题 I am using log4net and in one class require logging to a RollingFile appender, but then in another class, I wish to log to the event log + rolling file + console appender. What is the best practice? and could I see some sample code? By the way to make things more difficult, I am using Castle Windsor Logging Facility with Log4net to resolve my Logger instance. If it helps, I was thinking this below, but have no idea if this is best practice, or how to activate a particular logger based on


帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-29 05:16:54
   最近项目需要一个日志工具来跟踪程序便于调试和测试,为此研究了一下.NET日志工具,本文介绍了一些主流的日志框架并进行了对比.发表出来与大家分享. 综述 所谓日志(这里指程序日志)就是用于记录程序执行过程中的信息,以便开发、测试和支持人员在调试或测试时利用这种技术来快速分析和定位程序中的问题和缺陷。日志通常将程序执行中的信息以文本的形式写入日志文件或将程序数据发送到监视器(比如说数据库、远端计算机、邮箱、网页等)。高级一些的日志工具还支持对一些复杂的数据结构、调用栈、线程等进行实时监控和记录。 大多数.NET的日志框架有着一些共同的概念和特性。根据作用来分主要有以下组件或概念:记录器(Logger)、监视器/目标(Monitor/Target)、包装器(Wrapper)、过滤器(Filter)、布局(Layout)、严重性级别(Severity)。 1.记录器:日志的对象,可以同时连接一个或多个不同的监视器,记录各种不同的消息和信息。 2.监视器:用于存储和显示日志消息的媒介,有多种存在形式。如一般的文本文件、数据库、网络、控制台、邮箱等。 3.包装器:用于制定日志记录的方式。如:同步/异步记录,(出错时)回滚记录。 4.过滤器:用于根据严重性级别来过滤和忽略某类消息,只记录特定级别的日志消息。 5.布局:用于格式化输出。定义输出项和输出格式。    6.严重性级别


旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-29 05:16:14
首先我先声明,我的摘要是故意这样写的,如果你是因为看了摘要才进来的,请让我大笑三声:哈哈哈~~ 不过既然你已经进来了,不妨继续往下看看~~ 事件背景 话说最近换工作了,刚接手的项目的项目中遇到一个棘手的事情;一个第三方组件中使用了老版的log4net(1.2.10),另一个第三方组件中使用了新版的log4net(1.2.13) 这下问题来了 当我自己的项目中需要同时使用这2个第三方组件的时候,他们各自引用的log4net版本是不一致的 所以,不管我引用的是哪个版本的log4net,最终的效果 是另一个组件初始化的时候将抛出异常 如下图: 由于2个都是非开源的项目,所以无法重新编译,好在其中一个组件是有技术支持的,所以联系了他们的服务人员 经过一些交涉,问题算是初步解决了 服务还是非常好的!!赞一个!!!! 不过从最后一句话可以看出,其实最终的原因,还是出在设计上!! 为什么一定要耦合log4net? 没错~我承认log4net确实是一款不错的log组件,但是即使是不错也 不是必要的,不可或缺的 ! 想想JQuery,多么好的一个js组件,依然有很多公司没有使用jquery,依赖于jquery的往往被称为jquery插件,因为一旦jquery失效了(或没引用),你的组件就无法使用了 所以在开发自己的组件的时候,就需要 定位清楚 ! 这套组件到底是log4net的插件,还是功能独立的?

NLog 配置

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-29 05:15:52
之前我介绍过如何使用 log4net 来记录日志,但最近喜欢上了另一个简单好用的日志框架 NLog 。 关于NLog和log4net的比较这里就不多讨论了,感兴趣的朋友可以参看 .NET日志工具介绍 和 log4net vs. Nlog 这两篇文章。本文主要介绍一下如何在项目中使用NLog。 在Nuget中安装NLog NLog可以直接使用Nuget安装:  PM > Install-Package Nlog 使用NLog NLog的使用方式基本上和其它的Log库差不多,分为Trace、Debug、Info、Error、Fatal五个等级 private static Logger logger = LogManager .GetCurrentClassLogger(); static void Main( string [] args) { logger.Trace( "Trace Message" ); logger.Debug( "Debug Message" ); logger.Info( "Info Message" ); logger.Error( "Error Message" ); logger.Fatal( "Fatal Message" ); } 不过它提供的方法倒是蛮多的,光Trace就有42种重载形式。虽然功能强大事件好事,但某种程度上也增加了学习成本。

How to use log4net in Asp.net core 2.0

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-29 03:14:05
问题 I configure log4net in my asp.net core 2.0 application as mentioned in this article LINK program.cs public static void Main(string[] args) { var logRepository = LogManager.GetRepository(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()); XmlConfigurator.Configure(logRepository, new FileInfo("log4net.config")); BuildWebHost(args).Run(); } HomeController public class HomeController : Controller { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(HomeController)); public IActionResult

Eliminate duplicate logging in log4net

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-29 02:47:07
问题 I have a program that makes many log4net calls to the "myprogram" loggers. It also calls other code that makes log4net calls to other loggers. I want to capture all logs higher than INFO for "myprogram" and all logs higher than WARN for everything else. This way, I get the work-in-progress messages specific to the task I'm working on, but am still notified of potentially bad things happening in the supporting code. I want this sent to both Console and a log file. I have the following log4net

log4net hierarchy and logging levels

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-29 02:24:07
问题 This site says Loggers may be assigned levels. Levels are instances of the log4net.Core.Level class. The following levels are defined in order of increasing priority : ALL DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR FATAL OFF DEBUG seems to have lowest priority and ERROR is higher. Question If I set Min and Max example DEBUG and ERROR it prints everthing DEBUG, INFO, WARN and ERROR. Without use of min and max filter. If I specify ERROR (Logging level = ERROR) Will it include DEBUG, INFO & WARN <filter type=