
Python 3: How to ignore line breaks when using input()

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2021-02-19 08:28:23
问题 while count != 5: input_text = input("Please insert a number of lines of text \n") if count != 5: print("Count is " + str(count)) For the code above, when prompted to supply input, if I paste in a text with multiple line breaks. The code will run for the number of line breaks! I just want it to run ONCE for the entire text. Can anyone help? 回答1: You can use but it will require you to manually send the EOT character: >>> import sys >>> x = the quick brown fox

Add line breaks or spaces between elements when using jQuery .append()

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2021-02-18 19:52:40
问题 I have a jQuery set of elements that I get from my DOM by calling: $(".some-selector"); All my elements are DIVs each in its own line. My DIVs are set CSS (among other things) display: inline-block; which prevents them from rendering as block elements (each in its own line). The problem is that when these DIV are rendered they have spaces between them because there's line break in the document between each element. I'm comfortable with that. I could of course use float:left that would get rid

How to add a line break to text in UI5?

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2021-02-13 17:26:30
问题 The escape character \n and Unicode character \u000a will only work in JavaScript. However, I'm trying to add a line break in XML view as below. But doesn't work: <u:TimelineItem text="First Line\n SecondLine" /> 回答1: New lines in text controls can be added with the following characters: In XML views or XML fragments: Line feed : or . In combination with carriage return : or . In JS or i18n*.properties files: Line feed : \n or \u000a . In combination with carriage return : \r\n or

Is there a way to have line breaks in text without using dangerouslySetInnerHTML?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2021-02-10 07:49:06
问题 I need to replace \n to <br> . But it is taking this as in text. How can I do that without using dangerouslySetInnerHTML ? 回答1: var yourNewValueWithBr = yourOldValue.replace(/\n/g,"<br />"); After replacing this text, you will need to use dangerouslySetInnerHTML to render it as HTML. 回答2: Insert the text as you normally would, and fix the line breaks with CSS: white-space: pre-wrap; Don't use dangerouslySetInnerHTML unless you really have to. 回答3: This solution replaces \n to <br> and works

Trim white-spaces at the end of lines only before a specific tag

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-02-08 09:29:44
问题 could you please help me?! I'm dealing with the following problem: the lines in my xml begin with the <lb> element. Some of these elements have an attribute <lb break="no"> . I need to transform the line-by-line text into a floating text and also trim whitespaces before <lb break="no"> , so that the word is written without spaces. At the same time it is necessary to leave all the whitespaces that are presented in the text, as there are many different tags that go one after another. If I'm

javascript Replacing \n with <br> inside createTextNode

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-02-05 05:52:06
问题 I have a String with \n - line breaks in Javascript, that I want to replace for another text using createTextNode() in Javascript. <script type="text/javascript"> function changeText() { var Explanation="Test\n Test2"; var parent3 = document.getElementById("The_Explanation"); parent3.innerHTML=''; var myP3 = document.createElement("p"); var myText3 = document.createTextNode(""+Explanation); myP3.appendChild(myText3); parent3.appendChild(myP3); } </script> All tries to get the line break into

How can I add a newline character to a String in Java?

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2021-02-04 19:51:28
问题 In a Java application, I am creating a String like below (by concatenation): String notaCorrente = dataOdierna + " - " + testoNotaCorrente; My problem is that I want to add also something like an HTML newline character at the end of this String (that will be shown into an HTML page). How can I implement it? 回答1: The newline character in Java is "\n" which will look like this: String notaCorrente = dataOdierna + " - " + testoNotaCorrente + "\n"; However, this will not display as you expect on

Giving a specific position to cursor in terminal (up-line) after previous line breaks

拟墨画扇 提交于 2021-01-29 05:42:01
问题 I am working on a script to show in the terminal an empty matrix with dot representing all the elements to be filled. Then, I want to ask to the user which element he wants to select for each position. I had some issues that I couldn't solve with the code given by the professor: Printing string elements on terminal at certain position. I have found another way by writting the following code: for y in range(0, nbLines): for x in range(0, nbColumns): print("{0}\t".replace('\t', ' ' * 5).format(

Printing a UITextView (with a bluetooth printer) does not preserve line breaks

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2021-01-07 04:54:07
问题 In my app, I have a UITextView instance and a UIButton instance dragged onto my View Controller. Whenever the Button is pressed, it takes the text in the TextView, and sends the data to a printer to be printed. In my ViewDidLoad() method, I am compiling a string and loading that into my TextView. My full class looks like this: class CSTSummaryViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var summaryReport: UITextView! @IBAction func Print(sender: AnyObject) { let printController =

Printing a UITextView (with a bluetooth printer) does not preserve line breaks

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-01-07 04:53:29
问题 In my app, I have a UITextView instance and a UIButton instance dragged onto my View Controller. Whenever the Button is pressed, it takes the text in the TextView, and sends the data to a printer to be printed. In my ViewDidLoad() method, I am compiling a string and loading that into my TextView. My full class looks like this: class CSTSummaryViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var summaryReport: UITextView! @IBAction func Print(sender: AnyObject) { let printController =