
LCP time between LightHouse and Performance - Google Chrome

最后都变了- 提交于 2021-02-01 05:01:49
问题 With google chrome chrome dev, I am running a lighthouse Analysis for mobile. Lighthouse shows a 7.0 seconds delay for Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): I decide to dive into this and click on: "View original trace". It redirects me to the Performance tabs: Here it says that the LCP is 749.7ms (= 0.7497 seconds). Where this discrepancy between LightHouse and Performance tab comes from? 0.7497 seconds for Performance 7.0 seconds for LightHouse 回答1: Why is Lighthouse showing much longer load

LCP time between LightHouse and Performance - Google Chrome

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2021-02-01 05:01:28
问题 With google chrome chrome dev, I am running a lighthouse Analysis for mobile. Lighthouse shows a 7.0 seconds delay for Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): I decide to dive into this and click on: "View original trace". It redirects me to the Performance tabs: Here it says that the LCP is 749.7ms (= 0.7497 seconds). Where this discrepancy between LightHouse and Performance tab comes from? 0.7497 seconds for Performance 7.0 seconds for LightHouse 回答1: Why is Lighthouse showing much longer load

Pagespeed insights avoid chaining critical request only lists Initial navigation followed by my domain twice

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2021-01-29 17:51:14
问题 I'm trying to optimize my page speed, and I am receiving this error. I'm kind of confused by what its trying to tell me because it's only listing my domain twice? 回答1: It is merely informing you of the resources requested that are required to render the "above the fold" content. As the initial query was to http and you redirected to https that still counts as 2 requests so it is just informing you. You need to realise the stuff under "diagnostics" has nothing to do with scoring and is purely

Deferred non-critical caused high CLS

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-01-29 05:21:13
问题 I've deferred non-critical CSS/JS and preloaded base CSS of the website. Every lab data on PageSpeed Insights have become better. Except "Largest Contentful Paint" and "Cumulative Layout Shift". Especially, the CLS increases from 0.002 to 1.148! The images on the website are set as background-image which I think there won't be "Images without dimensions" problem. I also tried to fix the font by using font-display , but the CLS is still the same. Are there any other techniques I can use to

start_url does not respond with a 200 when offline: The start_url did respond, but not via a service worker. Lighthouse Audit problem

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-01-27 15:29:57
问题 I am creating a PWA that works offline with a service worker. Right now it works correctly, but there is a problem in Lighthouse Audit. When I run Lighthouse, in the PWA section I get this problem: start_url does not respond with a 200 when offline The start_url did respond, but not via a service worker. How do I pass that audit, even if there are other audits that say that I have successfully installed a service worker? My website is here: and the service worker is

Largest contententful paint (LCP) on lighthouse is a p tag. (Using gatsby)

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2021-01-27 12:50:51
问题 I don't know why my LCP would be a p tag, and I have no idea what I would do to reduce the size of it. Sometimes it gets up to 2.6s and gives a yellow rating(instead of green). This is the p tag. All of those classes are bootstrap classes. <p className="text-center mb-md-5 mt-0 mb-5">{aboutText}</p> This is the variable aboutText const aboutText = `Suddenly Magazine highlights the uniqueness of Saskatchewan, and its sudden rise in popularity and growth mentioned in publications such as USA

How to run lighthouse for the homepage after login from puppeteer

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-01-27 07:02:12
问题 I added two npm "@lhci/cli" and puppeteer.After that I added two config file lighthouserc.js : config details are: module.exports = { ci: { upload: { target: 'temporary-public-storage' }, collect: { puppeteerScript: 'puppeteer-script.js', chromePath: puppeteer.executablePath(), url: [""], headful: true, numberOfRuns: 1, disableStorageReset: true, setting: { disableStorageReset: true }, puppeteerLaunchOptions: { slowMo: 20, headless: false, disableStorageReset: true }

How to run lighthouse for the homepage after login from puppeteer

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2021-01-27 07:00:27
问题 I added two npm "@lhci/cli" and puppeteer.After that I added two config file lighthouserc.js : config details are: module.exports = { ci: { upload: { target: 'temporary-public-storage' }, collect: { puppeteerScript: 'puppeteer-script.js', chromePath: puppeteer.executablePath(), url: [""], headful: true, numberOfRuns: 1, disableStorageReset: true, setting: { disableStorageReset: true }, puppeteerLaunchOptions: { slowMo: 20, headless: false, disableStorageReset: true }

Discuz! Q用户福利|轻量服务器免费试用30天

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-01-13 18:32:52
Discuz! Q的用户福利来啦!你还在抱怨xx家的云服务器太贵吗? 那么腾讯云「 轻量应用服务器 」会是你的不二之选! Lighthouse是什么? 轻量应用服务器(Lighthouse)是新一代面向中小企业及开发者的主机类产品,基于融合简化思维设计,专业服务 建站、应用搭建、论坛、中小型游戏 等用户常见场景,通过整合简化多款云产品和应用服务能力,极大降低了用户云计算学习成本,一站式提升用户服务器和应用管理效率。 Lighthouse产品亮点 1) 轻 松掌握 套餐式购买,服务器、SSD云盘、宽带流量一次性预付费,无意外费用,轻松控制支出 2) 快 速构建 官方热门应用镜像,建站、论坛、电商、VPS管理,30秒快速创建,开机即用 3) 简 单易用 简化云服务器使用,融合产品控制台,提供一站式服务管理 4) 省 IT开支 特有 单实例流量包 计费模式,完美平衡大宽带和高性价比,鱼和熊掌可兼得 目前,轻量应用服务器Lighthouse联手Discuz! Q 推出 30天 免费试用活动! 另外,在免费使用1月基础上,还有两项福利: 1)续费太贵?不慌,送你 550元 续费代金券! (点击下方图片直达领取) 2)在领取页面可以选择优惠价 延长使用时长 加上免费试用算下来, 半年:149,1年:299,不限新老用户。 D妹只想说两个字:真香! 领取方式如下: 1)点击下方图片直达活动页

What is the average mobile rating on Google PageSpeed Insights?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-01-07 03:24:57
问题 We use Google PageSpeed Insights as a marketing tool to compare the download speed of websites we do with what our competitors do. But so many mobile sites are rated in the 30s and wondered if that's what the average mobile rating is. Does anyone know? Thx 回答1: Short Answer The average mobile rating is 31. Long Answer. An article I found after writing the below that answers the question This article from tunetheweb has actually done the hard work for us here and gathered the data from