
libssh's functions couldn't be found on qt

五迷三道 提交于 2021-02-05 11:15:35
问题 I have cloned libssh library and built it with cmake. Building process was like this : git clone mkdir build in libssh directory. cd build cmake -DUNIT_TESTING=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. after this line i got this error about cmocka: Could NOT find CMocka (missing: CMOCKA_LIBRARIES CMOCKA_INCLUDE_DIR) then : rm CMakeCache.txt cmake .. make sudo make install Now I want to use this library on qt but I have some issues

SuSE的命令安装软件 zypper

余生长醉 提交于 2021-01-08 09:55:31
转自: SuSE的命令安装软件 zypper,yast2 redhat yum debain apt-gt suse 是 zypper se xxxxx 是搜索软件包 zypper in xxxxx 跟你的apt-get install xxxx等价 zypper rm xxxx 删除 zypper up xxxx 更新软件 其他的你再看看帮助吧 suse 团队 参考资料: SuSE其实提供一个类似图形化界面的工具yast,来实现管理,不需要你手工配置。如果是使用,那么我肯定就用这个工具,不过如果是学习,那么还是老实修改配置文件,这比较深入了解。 下面全部都是修改配置文件实现的修改。和使用yast修改的效果是一样的。 安装SSH SuSE有两个命令安装软件,zypper,yast2。 zypper,可以看。 不同linux版本,ssh的名字有所差异。所以要确认一下。 zypper search ssh localhost:~ # zypper search ssh Loading repository data... Reading

curl 源码编译.

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-08-12 06:21:07
LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH 下载 地址 查看编译选项: ./configure --help Host setup: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Install prefix: /opt/bin/curl770 Compiler: gcc CFLAGS: -Werror-implicit-function-declaration -O2 -Wno-system-headers -pthread CPPFLAGS: LDFLAGS: LIBS: -lidn2 -lssl -lcrypto -lssl -lcrypto -lldap -llber -lz curl version: 7.70.0 SSL: enabled (OpenSSL) SSH: no (--with-{libssh,libssh2}) zlib: enabled brotli: no (--with-brotli) GSS-API: no (--with-gssapi) TLS-SRP: enabled resolver: POSIX threaded IPv6: enabled Unix sockets: enabled IDN: enabled (libidn2) Build libcurl: Shared=yes,


荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-08-11 07:15:34
目录 概述 支持的平台 安全相关 支持TimescaleDB agent升级 垂直菜单 部署 安装要求 数据库要求 前端要求 服务端要求 Agent 2 Java gateway 安装 配置镜像源 安装数据库 添加源 安装 启动并设置开机自启 修改root密码 Zabbix server,Web前端,agent及相关依赖 创建初始数据库 为Zabbix server配置数据库 为Zabbix前端配置PHP 启动Zabbix server和agent进程 配置Zabbix前端 概述 Zabbix 5.0已经正式发布,相比4.0,它在可用性,安全性和完整性方面都有一系列重要改进。 支持的平台 除了现有的官方软件包和appliances外,Zabbix 5.0现在还支持以下平台: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 Debian 10 Ubuntu 20.04 Raspbian 10 Mac OS/X RHEL 8 CentOS 8 MSI for Windows Agent 安全相关 SAML用于在安全身份提供者处提供单点身份验证,这意味着用户登录认证需要满足防火墙的安全策略,然后SAML用于向Zabbix和其他应用程序声明身份。SAML方式的支持使Zabbix具备开箱即用的与各种本地和云身份提供商(如Microsoft ADFS、OpenAM

C: can I forward port for external application with libssh?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-01-24 12:06:45
问题 I'm implementing VNC connection for xen VM in my app. In order to connect I have to forward the port as XenServer accept only local connection. I do it like this: ssh -L 5903:localhost:5903 root@ After it a can connect my VNC to localhost with corresponding port. But I have to frequently reconnect to different hosts, and using bash is not a good idea as I have a windows build also. Installing ssh-client is not always possible. I read

C: can I forward port for external application with libssh?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-01-24 12:06:12
问题 I'm implementing VNC connection for xen VM in my app. In order to connect I have to forward the port as XenServer accept only local connection. I do it like this: ssh -L 5903:localhost:5903 root@ After it a can connect my VNC to localhost with corresponding port. But I have to frequently reconnect to different hosts, and using bash is not a good idea as I have a windows build also. Installing ssh-client is not always possible. I read

Channel in libssh gets closed for no obvious reason

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-01-17 08:25:01
问题 I am building a small library which uses libssh to log into a remote host, and fire some commands on a remote shell. I am basically following the tutorial, in that I connect the session, verify the host & user, then open a channel, and request a shell (I do not request a PTY). After this I am firing commands by writing them on the channel as plain strings, followed by an \n for the command gets executed (1). After each command, I am reading back both from the stdout as well as the stderr

Channel in libssh gets closed for no obvious reason

旧时模样 提交于 2020-01-17 08:24:32
问题 I am building a small library which uses libssh to log into a remote host, and fire some commands on a remote shell. I am basically following the tutorial, in that I connect the session, verify the host & user, then open a channel, and request a shell (I do not request a PTY). After this I am firing commands by writing them on the channel as plain strings, followed by an \n for the command gets executed (1). After each command, I am reading back both from the stdout as well as the stderr

phpseclib vs libssh2

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-24 05:00:42
问题 In one of my projects am going to connect with alot of servers remotely through SSH using PHP. There are two solutions for it, phpseclib and the ssh2 PECL Extension for PHP which is based on the libssh2 library. So can anyone please compare both and mention their pros and cons etc? 回答1: phpseclib has pretty much zero server requirements. So long as the server supports PHP it'll work. libssh2, in contrast, has to be installed on the server for it to work and a lot of servers don't have it

How to copy a file in C/C++ with libssh and sftp

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-18 04:16:58
问题 I'm posting here because I need help with some code relating with libssh . I read all the official documentation here but still I don't understand the things i need to do if someone can en light me I would be pleased. Actually I want to copy a file from a client to a remote server but I don't understand how to do it with the library libssh and the function sftp in libssh. The situation is that: The ssh session is open and the sftp session is open too, I can create a file and write in it from