

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2021-02-12 07:04:10
DevExpress Universal Subscription (又名DevExpress宇宙版或DXperience Universal Suite)是全球使用广泛的.NET用户界面控件套包,DevExpress广泛应用于企业内容管理、 成本管控、进程监督、工业制造、生产调度,智能制造首选控件,帮助企业领跑工业4.0。 它主要的特点是:高效率和高实用性,拥有大量丰富的示例和帮助文档,开发者能够快速上手。在国内,DevExpress也拥有大量用户,资料比较完善,相互交流方便,慧都为广大用户量身定制了: DevExpress视频教程 | Devexpress企业定制培训 | DevExpress汉化资源 | 金牌技术支持 ,帮助用户快速掌握DevExpress,打造成功软件。 更多资源请查看【 DevExpress控件专题 】【 DevExpress 2018更新说明文档 】【 DevExpress中文官方网站 】 【适用范围】:各种桌面、Web应用程序及移动开发,尤擅长Winforms、ASP.NET、WPF应用程序开发,广泛应用于ECM企业内容管理、 成本管控、进程监督、生产调度,在企业/政务信息化管理中占据一席重要之地。 【 DevExpress v19.1.4下载 】 这个列表包含了19.1.4中引入的所有重大更改。 PDF Processing (Common) API

How to check the libjpeg-turbo is built into opencv?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-08-09 12:04:09
问题 I download the opencv3.4.5 from github And the libjpeg-turbo is located at 3rdparty dir. And build it with -D WITH_JPEG=ON and -D BUILD_JPEG=ON added. I can check this in CMakeCache.txt. But i cannot find any thing related with libjpeg-turbo at install/include or install/lib. How to test and verify the libjpeg-turbo is built into opencv? Instead of system libjpeg. 回答1: There should be a binary (executable) in your package called opencv


假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-04-07 21:27:37
项目开发过程中发现Android的质量压缩算法在图片过大,色彩丰富的前提下,压缩的性能不是特别好,经过调查发现Android底层实现使用Skia引擎,封装了了libjpeg图像库。为了适配低版本的Android手机,其内部的压缩算法并没有采用普遍的哈夫曼算法,因为哈夫曼算法比较占CPU,从而选择了其他的算法B,而算法B的效果并没有达到项目预期,所以这里研究一下通过自编译libjpeg来使用哈夫曼算法进行图片压缩的操作。 libjpeg-turbo是针对libjpeg库的一个优化版本,具体的介绍可以移步 官方网站 。接下来记录如何编译出对应的so包文件,这里采用Cmake的方式进行。 首先下载libjpeg-turbo 源码 ,将源码中的所有文件拷贝到cpp文件夹目录下: 这里需要注意的是需要把项目的CmakeList文件改变成libjpeg-turbo文件夹下面的CmakeList文件,然后进行编译,就可以在如下目录中产生so文件了: 第二步是要复制对应的头文件到新项目当中,主要的头文件包括如下几个,当然如果调用时候需要用到其他的头文件,那么在复制进去即可: 然后在CmakeList中增加so库链接,连接到我们项目中的so包中去: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1) set(distribution_DIR ../../../../libs)


安稳与你 提交于 2020-02-26 15:52:15
作者:Lion Yang 链接: 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 业余版概要:安卓的一个核心的部分的代码,为了优化执行速度进行了魔改,结果写错了代码。结果导致 JPG 图片压缩发绿、崩坏。与安卓上的应用无关,它们是受害者( 专业版概要:问题出在 Android 提供的压缩图片接口上,准确的说是一个 Android 里一个叫做 Skia 的库上。而这个 bug 在 2016 年 4 月中旬被修复了,如果按照 Android 的发行来看,那就是从 Android 7 (Nougat) 开始才消除这个问题。 (不是百度的阴谋。(认真) 前言:刚才在社区里和 @StarBrilliant 等人一起研究,现在应该可以下一个精确的定论了。如他的答案所说,问题出在 RGB 色彩空间转换到 YUV 的时候。但问题不仅仅是精度下降,最大的问题是,错误的舍入(向下取整)。另外,JDCT_IFAST 方法会导致图片严重劣化:“格子状崩坏”、灰块、黑白块、画面粗糙,但是题目问的仅仅是变绿,就不在这上面浪费篇幅了。 网页模拟 by @StarBrilliant : JPEGreen Simulator 历史性的修复: Use libjpeg

Link libjpeg-turbo in vs c++ 2017

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-01-13 07:12:22
问题 my problem is fairly simple.. I'm not able to link libjpeg-turbo in my project. I'm looking to try this exemple, but i'm not able to compile : I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong : 回答1: You can download vcpkg from github and run vcpkg.exe in the Powershell prompt( opened in administrative mode) . vcpkg can install many open source projects (both static and dynamic libraries are supported) as packages ready for use in VS 2017 and VS 2015 (SP3) IDE. You can use choose x86 or x64 platform and in

how can i use jpeg_mem_src, jpeg_mem_dest in libjpeg-turbo?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-01-01 12:31:13
问题 libjpeg8 include are those two functions, but in libjpeg-turbo has the following: //jconfig.h #define JPEG_LIB_VERSION 62 ... //jpeglib.h #if JPEG_LIB_VERSION >= 80 /* Data source and destination managers: memory buffers. */ EXTERN(void) jpeg_mem_dest JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, unsigned char ** outbuffer, unsigned long * outsize)); EXTERN(void) jpeg_mem_src JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, unsigned char * inbuffer, unsigned long insize)); #endif if i try to use "JPEG_LIB_VERSION 80" i'll get the

how can i use jpeg_mem_src, jpeg_mem_dest in libjpeg-turbo?

a 夏天 提交于 2020-01-01 12:31:08
问题 libjpeg8 include are those two functions, but in libjpeg-turbo has the following: //jconfig.h #define JPEG_LIB_VERSION 62 ... //jpeglib.h #if JPEG_LIB_VERSION >= 80 /* Data source and destination managers: memory buffers. */ EXTERN(void) jpeg_mem_dest JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, unsigned char ** outbuffer, unsigned long * outsize)); EXTERN(void) jpeg_mem_src JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, unsigned char * inbuffer, unsigned long insize)); #endif if i try to use "JPEG_LIB_VERSION 80" i'll get the

How to compile OpenCV with libjpeg-turbo?

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-01 04:41:06
问题 I am using OpenCV 2.3.1 on OS X Lion in one of my C++ projects. While my project works great as-is, it depends heavily on JPEG decoding and encoding. I would like to gain a speedup by using libjpeg-turbo, but I cannot find the correct way to link with libjpeg-turbo. Depending on my hackery attempts and which files I edit, I either end up with compiling errors or with a useless OpenCV library (everything compiles correctly, but I cannot open or write JPEG files, though no errors appear in the

How to compile OpenCV with libjpeg-turbo?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-01-01 04:41:05
问题 I am using OpenCV 2.3.1 on OS X Lion in one of my C++ projects. While my project works great as-is, it depends heavily on JPEG decoding and encoding. I would like to gain a speedup by using libjpeg-turbo, but I cannot find the correct way to link with libjpeg-turbo. Depending on my hackery attempts and which files I edit, I either end up with compiling errors or with a useless OpenCV library (everything compiles correctly, but I cannot open or write JPEG files, though no errors appear in the

Can a high-performance jpeglib-turbo implmentation decompress/compress in <100ms?

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-30 05:19:08
问题 I'm currently implementing a jpeg resizer in C++ using the jpeglib-turbo library. I've been given the target of 100 milli-seconds for JPEG decompression and recompression using the library. The best I can come up with using the recommended optimisation settings (documented in jpeglib-turbo usage.txt) is around 320ms, so I'm wondering is 100ms even possible/realistic? This would be to decompress/recompress an image of 3000x4000 px from around 6Mb in size to 130Kb. The code that I'm using for