Facebook plugin: init not called with valid version
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I use phonegap build to create debug version for android. I want to use facebook plugin. In Config.xml I have <gap:plugin name="com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect" version="0.4.0"> <param name="APP_ID" value="509210995889450" /> <param name="APP_NAME" value="Food share" /> </gap:plugin> I use the file facebookConnectPlugin.js which is from the official plugin Github for facebook. calling: facebookConnectPlugin.login([], success, fail); I get: Error: init not called with valid version Error at Object. ( http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk