
How to install leptonica+tesseract on Windows without Visual Studio to use in Anaconda?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-05 22:33:08
I wanted to perform text recognition from images and I want to use Python. I installed Anaconda. Now I want to install Tesseract but I also need to install Leptonica. I did not find any clear instruction how to do it in windows. For Leptonica I do not want to install Visual Studio. So could anybody provide clear instructions how to install leptonica and tesseract on Windows without Visual Studio to use in anaconda ? Thanks. Here is simple set of steps to have tesseract 3.05 dev version as of 04/22/2016 working both on windows 7 and windows 8 machines: 1- install tesseract from its executable

在centos7上编译Tesseract 4.1和Leptonica 1.78

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-05 19:38:47
Tesseract 4.0 源码编译安装时,会需要 Leptonica 依赖。在安装好最新版本后,编译 Tesseract 时依然会有报错: configure: error: Leptonica 1.74 or higher is required. Try to install libleptonica-dev package. 这种情况出现,可以查看一下本机 Leptonica 头文件和库的位置,以及pkg-config的配置,并添加到环境变量中。 编译Leptonica没有任何难度,直接一次就过了。安装完后,Leptonica会安装在如下目录: Leptonica 头文件在 /usr/local/include/ 路径下 leptonica 文件夹中,该文件夹下有很多 .h 结尾的文件。 Leptonica 库在 /usr/local/lib 路径下, 以liblept开头。 然后执行如下命令: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib export LIBLEPT_HEADERSDIR=/usr/local/include export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig 最后,回到 tesseract 源码文件夹下 ./autogen.sh ./configure --with-extra

How to get skew angle from image

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-04 20:03:04
I am facing problem to get the skew angle from image .I am using tesseract api for image processing. I have searched a lot on web but no appropriate solution found. I have used following code: Pix test=ReadFile.readBitmap(bitmap.createBitmap(400, 400, Config.ARGB_8888)); float angle=Skew.findSkew(test); from above code I get angle value 0.0. Please help me to resolve this problem or show the right direction to resolve this problem. TessBaseAPI baseApi = new TessBaseAPI(); baseApi.setImage(bitmap); Pix test = baseApi.getThresholdedImage(); float a = Skew.findSkew(test); Sometimes get 0.0,

OCR: Image to text?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-03 00:57:20
问题 Before mark as copy or repeat question, please read the whole question first. I am able to do at pressent is as below: To get image and crop the desired part for OCR. Process the image using tesseract and leptonica . When the applied document is cropped in chunks ie 1 character per image it provides 96% of accuracy. If I don't do that and the document background is in white color and text is in black color it gives almost same accuracy. For example if the input is as this photo : Photo start

OCR: Image to text?

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-02 14:19:35
Before mark as copy or repeat question, please read the whole question first. I am able to do at pressent is as below: To get image and crop the desired part for OCR. Process the image using tesseract and leptonica . When the applied document is cropped in chunks ie 1 character per image it provides 96% of accuracy. If I don't do that and the document background is in white color and text is in black color it gives almost same accuracy. For example if the input is as this photo : Photo start Photo end What I want is to able to get the same accuracy for this photo without generating blocks. The

Converting Mat to PIX to setImage

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-02 08:54:46
问题 I'm trying to recognize text from a cropped image but I need to pass it from Mat to PIX because X-Platform coding. I tried this, this and this And doing the same function passing Mat and PIX with the same image, results are very very different (with PIX it works perfectly, with Mat it gets messed). What am I probably doing bad? Thanks. PD: (This is one of the code snippets that I'm using) String imgToString(const char* variables, Mat gray) { char *outText; tesseract::TessBaseAPI *api = new

Converting Mat to PIX to setImage

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-02 04:35:57
I'm trying to recognize text from a cropped image but I need to pass it from Mat to PIX because X-Platform coding. I tried this , this and this And doing the same function passing Mat and PIX with the same image, results are very very different (with PIX it works perfectly, with Mat it gets messed). What am I probably doing bad? Thanks. PD: (This is one of the code snippets that I'm using) String imgToString(const char* variables, Mat gray) { char *outText; tesseract::TessBaseAPI *api = new tesseract::TessBaseAPI(); if (api->Init(NULL, "eng")) { String returnString = "Could not initialize

Leptonica OpenCV Java convert Mat to Pix and vise versa

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-02 00:39:15
I use the following lept4j and OpenCV Maven dependencies: <!-- Leptonica --> <dependency> <groupId>net.sourceforge.lept4j</groupId> <artifactId>lept4j</artifactId> <version>1.9.0</version> </dependency> <!-- OpenCV --> <dependency> <groupId>org.openpnp</groupId> <artifactId>opencv</artifactId> <version>3.2.0-1</version> </dependency> I'd like to use OpenCV and Leptonica functions together. In order to do this, I need to be able to convert Mat to Pix and Pix to Mat. This is what I have for now: public static Pix matToGrayscalePix(Mat mat) { if (mat == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(


匆匆过客 提交于 2019-11-29 21:16:37
Tesseract 是一款被广泛使用的开源 OCR 工具,本文将对其进行简单的介绍. 简介 Tesseract(/'tesərækt/) 这个词的意思是"超立方体",指的是几何学里的四维标准方体,又称"正八胞体"。右图是一个正八胞体绕着两个四维空间中互相正交的平面进行双旋转时的透视投影。不过这里要讲的,是一款以其命名的开源 OCR(Optical Character Recognition, 光学字符识别) 软件。 所谓 OCR 是图像识别领域中的一个子领域,该领域专注于对图片中的文字信息进行识别并转换成能被常规文本编辑器编辑的文本。 Tesseract 已经有 30 年历史,开始它是惠普实验室的一款专利软件,然后在 2005 年开源,自 2006 年后由 Google 赞助进行后续的开发和维护。 在 1995 年 Tesseract 曾是世界前三的 OCR 引擎,而且在现在的免费 OCR 引擎中,其识别精度也仍然是出类拔萃的。因为其免费与较好的效果,许多的个人开发者以及一些较小的团队在使用着 Tesseract ,诸如验证码识别、车牌号识别等应用中,不难见到 Tesseract 的身影。 获取,安装与配置 Linux 主流的 Linux 发行版都可以通过包管理器来安装 Tesseract,以 Debian 及其衍生版为例: sudo apt-get install

如何在windows上编译Tesseract OCR

南楼画角 提交于 2019-11-29 21:15:20
获取Tesseract源码的方式有很多。可以直接从repo获取,也可以下载压缩包。不过编译的时候往往也会出现各种奇怪的问题。这里介绍如何简单的配置和编译源码。 参考原文: How to Build Tesseract OCR Library on Windows 编译Tesseract 下载 Windows installer of tesseract-ocr 3.02.02 安装 安装过程中勾选 Tesseract development files : 编译 在安装目录中找到vs2008到工程目录: 找到所有编译相关的库: 打开Visual Studio 2008(没有的可以去官网下载express版本),导入工程编译。最后生成DEBUG和RELEASE两个版本的DLL: libtesseract302d.dll , libtesseract302.dll 在README中注意这段话: Dependencies and Licenses ========================= Leptonica is required. (www.leptonica.com). Tesseract no longer compiles without Leptonica. Libtiff is no longer required as a direct dependency.