

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-08-13 06:06:29
      大数据文摘出品    作者:Christopher Dossman    编译:李雷、Luna、云舟   呜啦啦啦啦啦啦啦大家好,本周的AI Scholar Weekly栏目又和大家见面啦!   AI ScholarWeekly是AI领域的学术专栏,致力于为你带来最新潮、最全面、最深度的AI学术概览,一网打尽每周AI学术的前沿资讯。   每周更新,做AI科研,每周从这一篇开始就够啦!    本周关键词 :推荐系统、3D建模、BERT    本周最佳学术研究    新一代推荐系统实验工具   如果你关注推荐系统,那么python版的LensKit推荐系统引擎库(LKPY)可能会引起你的兴趣。这是一个开源工具包,可用于构建、研究及学习推荐系统。   2010年LensKit 的Java版本首次发布,目前该工具已经应用于各种研究的发表、小规模生产部署以及线上(MOOC)和线下(传统教室)教育中。   在本文中,美国博伊西州立大学的研究人员提出了LensKit for Python项目,将原始工具重新构建为灵活易用的Python插件,用于推荐系统研发。   Python版的LensKit(LKPY)使研究人员和学生能够利用强大且不断发展的PyData和Python科学生态圈(包括scikit-learn,TensorFlow和PyTorch),构建健壮、灵活且可重复的实验系统。

Book rating predication using lenskit

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-01-06 17:58:11
问题 I read this website : http://lenskit.org/documentation/evaluator/quickstart/ I first tried to run it using the script " $ lenskit eval " and I just created a new groovy file in my hello-lenskit example and run it using the command line but nothing happened. Then I tried to use it in Java program(hello-lenskit.java). I run into some errors. File dataFile = new File("ml-100k/u.data"); PreferenceDomain domain = new PreferenceDomain(1.0,5.0,1.0); DataSource data = new CSVDataSource("ml-100k"

Book rating predication using lenskit

北慕城南 提交于 2020-01-06 17:58:08
问题 I read this website : http://lenskit.org/documentation/evaluator/quickstart/ I first tried to run it using the script " $ lenskit eval " and I just created a new groovy file in my hello-lenskit example and run it using the command line but nothing happened. Then I tried to use it in Java program(hello-lenskit.java). I run into some errors. File dataFile = new File("ml-100k/u.data"); PreferenceDomain domain = new PreferenceDomain(1.0,5.0,1.0); DataSource data = new CSVDataSource("ml-100k"

How do I setup lenskit recommender toolkit to run in a website?

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-25 02:28:57
问题 I'm using lenskit recommender toolkit in Netbeans 7.4 to build a movie recommendation engine and now I'm finalizing it. So my question is how will I be able to integrate it into Web to build a Movie Recommendation Website? I've already visit the GitHub getting started site for lenskit here and I've found the keyword web integration, click that but nothing helped me. Sorry for the vague question but can you help me or give some advice on how to start? Thank you! 回答1: There are two main things