
/usr/bin/perl : Symbol look-up error; undefined symbol: Perl_Istack_sp_ptr

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-11 11:23:36
问题 Whenever I am using lcov command (lcov-1.9) for gcc 3.4 compiled objects and the corresponding .gcda files, I get an error. Command I execute: lcov -c -d . --gcov-tool /usr/bin/gcov34 -o datafile Error: /usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error: /u01/R122_EBS/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/perl/lib/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/auto/Cwd/ undefined symbol: Perl_Istack_sp_ptr Is it because something is wrong with Perl? (But, Perl on our development server should be probably be alright.) Or because of

LCOV to exclude entire packages from code coverage analysis

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-11 04:43:39
问题 I'm using LCOV as my graphical means of code coverage to tell me how much of my code I've tested, however it's including folders of code which I do not care about and it's making my coverage lower than it should actually be. Is there a way exclude entire directories where I can ignore a bunch of cpp files which I don't care about? I know about --remove but this doesn't seem to work for this purpose. I want to exclude all folders following this pattern: Src/GeneralSubSystems/GA/ except for

How to deal with .gcda and .gcno files in different directory by lcov & code coverage compare

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-10 20:41:56
问题 I can generate .info files by lcov with .gcda files and .gcno files in the same directory, BUT how can I generate code coverage with .gcda files and .gcno files in defferent location? For example, /Users/swd/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/test1aaeyiowcssrymfbwtudrqqakuvr/Build/Intermediates/ /Volumes/Data/test1/test1/AppDelegate.gcda I tried --add-tracefile but failed, and output 'lcov: ERROR: no valid records found in

SONARQUBE lcov import error - Could not resolve 1 file paths

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-09 12:58:18
问题 I am getting the below error whenever I try to import lcov report in to SONAR 15:00:17.230 WARN: Could not resolve 1 file paths in [/opt/app/workload/jenkins_25172/data/jobs/DEV02/workspace/coverage/], first unresolved path: /opt/app/workload/jenkins_25172/data/jobs/DEV02/workspace/common/actions/actionCreators.js SONAR properties: sonar.login=** sonar.password=** sonar.verbose=true sonar.language=js sonar.sources=. sonar.projectBaseDir=/opt/app/workload/jenkins_25172/data/jobs/DEV02

Sonarqube does not retrieve my JavaScript coverage from LCOV

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-07 13:08:38
问题 I have an application with the following structure: my-application +- pom.xml +- app | +- scripts | | +- app.js | | +- **/*.js | +- 3rd-party-libs +- build +- node_modules +- test I've create the pom.xml only to run the SonarQube analysis. Otherwise, all the tasks are run by Grunt (tests are run with Karma). The content of the pom.xml is the following: <properties> <sonar.language>js</sonar.language> <sonar.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</sonar.sourceEncoding> <sonar.javascript.coveragePlugin>lcov<

Lcov: can not collect branch coverage statistics

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-06 16:48:53
问题 I used the lcov to create coverage information in my project. But I only can get line coverage and function coverage statistics information. lcov version:1.10, gcov version:4.4.5 The commands I used is: lcov -d $OSPL_HOME/src -d $OSPL_OUTER_HOME/src -c -o /work/li/log/ lcov -r /work/li/log/ "*.ll" "*.yy" "*.yy.c" yaccpar "TAO161*" "/usr/include/*" "*/testsuite/*" -o /work/li/log/ After these two commands, I got the results is: Deleted 23 files Writing data

Why doesn't lcov report exception coverage?

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-06 16:01:56
问题 Refer to this coverage report . . I know that my test cases are exercising the exception handling, however the lines are still being reported as not covered. . . This has been the case in all of my objective-c projects for a while now. . . . is there a way to fix this? 来源:

How do I generate coverage reports for fork()'d children using gcov/lcov?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-06 03:44:08
问题 I'm having trouble generating coverage reports for a project of mine -- it seems that the lines in the child process after a fork are never hit, althought they clearly are in reality. Here is the coveralls report of the forking part (The results are the same with lcov+genhtml), and the build logs. The project uses autotools with libtool to build, and packs everything as a static library. (, library, tests I tried to add the coverage flags to the tests, and

C++ using GCOV/LCOV in a CMake project

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-06 00:07:47
问题 I'm working in a C++ Project with a structure similiar to the following: --- /src |--comms |--utils |--interfaces … CMakeList.txt --- /test |---test1/ |--main.cpp |--CMakelists.txt --CMakeLists.txt I do need to control the coverage of my tests and for this purpose I use GCOV and LCOV in this way: Enable coverage flags in all CMakeLists.txt to let the generation of .gcno files. SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-g -O0 -Wall -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-g -O0 -Wall -W -fprofile-arcs

Sonarqube does not retrieve my JavaScript coverage from LCOV

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-05 19:46:27
I have an application with the following structure: my-application +- pom.xml +- app | +- scripts | | +- app.js | | +- **/*.js | +- 3rd-party-libs +- build +- node_modules +- test I've create the pom.xml only to run the SonarQube analysis. Otherwise, all the tasks are run by Grunt (tests are run with Karma). The content of the pom.xml is the following: <properties> <sonar.language>js</sonar.language> <sonar.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</sonar.sourceEncoding> <sonar.javascript.coveragePlugin>lcov</sonar.javascript.coveragePlugin> <sonar.javascript.lcov.reportPath>build/karma/coverage/</sonar