
Android Launcher application compilation on Eclipse

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-11 00:46:34
问题 I am modifying the Android Home (Launcher) application and configured an eclipse project from the Android source checkout. Eclipse project shows number of errors which are about unresolved imports and unavailable flags. Upon checking in the internet at , I found that the home application will not compile with the public SDK, but as part of the OS compilation, it is generated. My question is how can I resolve the compilation errors in my

Conflict between vuforia plugin and prime31 facebook plugin for android on unity

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-10 18:37:49
问题 Really emergent as client needs it these days. T_T I have both vuforia plugin and prime31 facebook plugin in my android app on unity. The difficulty lies in the androidmanifest.xml file. Both of them take the role of MAIN and LAUNCHER activites. But in api, it seems one will always override the other. Is there anyway to make them work together ? Some people have already posted this issue online but no efficient method exists. Really appreciate your help !!~~ My AndroidManifest.xml is as the

Google App Engine Launcher Python Path

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-10 14:09:08
问题 When I install the Google App Engine SDK and run the launcher, it asks me to configure the python location: And when I open Preferences , it asks for a path to a python executable: Which path should I insert and what is the difference: C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Python27\pythonw.exe 回答1: Looks like Google App Engine couldn't find your python installation. It looks for Python by checking the PATH environment variable, so it's best to use it. The short answer is use C:\Python27\pythonw.exe . I

Desktop Launcher for Python Script Starts Program in Wrong Path

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-10 13:16:08
问题 I can not launch a python script from a .desktop launcher created on Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon. The problem is that the script will be launched in the wrong path - namely the home folder instead of the directory it is placed in. Thereby it can not find other vital files accompanying it in its folder and hence does not work. To examine that misbehaviour I created a short script to check the folder a python script is executing in: #!/usr/bin/env python import subprocess import time subprocess

Set google as search bar in home screen Custom launcher programmatically

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-10 12:33:52
问题 I am creating 'my own launcher . In that case I want to put Quick search bar` in my home screen i.e. Google now launcher. How can I do that. I have gone through multiple threads but not found any relevant answer. I don't want to show the widget picker .I want asap user install this launcher search bar should be there. Thanks in advance. 回答1: The search bar is not displayed because the launcher doesn't have permissions to show the widget. As you probably already figured out, if a user

Android hidden app [duplicate]

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-10 10:18:20
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 6 years ago . Possible Duplicate: Application without app icon I want to create security - app. I want to hide the icon of app on launcher (user can't see them) after configuration. I tried to use service, but this isn't good solution, because I see still icon . I heard about editing mainfest, but i can't make them.Please, help me, and don't remove my post. Thanks, 回答1: This looks like an answer to your needs:

Block/unblock an application from my application: Android

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-10 03:44:00
问题 I want to block/unblock (where user can not use/access the blocked application) some application in an android device from my application. But I couldn't find any solution/ idea about this. I read Android how to programmatically hide launcher icon, but this hide the application launcher icon of same application. How can I do this? Please share some idea/links about this. 回答1: If Android OS on the phone is not rooted you won't be able to block another application. Os doesn't give rights to do

How do I launch other app from my own app in Windows Phone 8.1?

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-08 09:10:13
问题 I know this is possible because some app like Transparency Tiles is doing it. I know we can use Launchers for common tasks or built-in apps in Windows Phone. But how about third party apps like demonstrated by Transparency Tiles? I have also read that you can launch some apps by URI as long as the app (internal or 3rd party) has registered the URI "scheme" with the phone. Is there a list online where we can find the third party URI scheme? 回答1: Nevermind. I think I've found some clues Nokia

Homescreen App Widget Configuration Activity crashes under GEL Launcher

可紊 提交于 2019-12-08 08:30:26
问题 When I use a configuration Activity for my app widget it crashes once I leave the activity with RESULT_OK set using my Nexus 5 with Android 4.4.2 and GEL Launcher (the default launcher). When I try the same with the Android SDK API Examples Widget, the same happens. Therefore I assume it is not the fault of my code. The same code works using my Nexus 4 with its default launcher and same Android version. The error log (using API Examples Widget) is as follows: I/GEL ( 8852): handleIntent

Android Launcher分析和修改2——Icon修改、界面布局调整、壁纸设置

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-07 15:17:29
今天主要是说说Launcher里面图标、布局、壁纸等的设置 问题 。毕竟我们一般 修改 Launcher,这些都是需要 修改 的地方,也是比较容易修改的部分。按照效果图(效果图在上一篇文章),,分开说明如何修改,以及里面涉及的逻辑 分析 。 1、图标大小和标题大小 Android 原生图标大小都是通过配置文件设置,配置文件路径是/res/values/dimens.xml 。需要注意的是,values对应的文件夹很多,因为是多国语言支持。而dimens.xml在默认的values文件夹下面或者values-land和values-port(针对不同分辨率和平板类型,需要根据你运行情况找对应的dimens修改,如果需要使用多种分辨率,最好所有dimens都修改好)。下面是配置workspace的按钮属性配置。下面是针对values-land修改的cell大小。 <!-- Workspace cell size --> <dimen>88dp</dimen> <dimen>96dp</dimen> <dimen>88dp</dimen> <dimen>96dp</dimen> <dimen>32dp</dimen> <dimen>0dp</dimen> <dimen>0dp</dimen> <dimen>24dp</dimen> <!-- Folders --> <dimen>68dp