
Is Kinect SDK 2 compatible with Xbox 360 Kinect?

旧时模样 提交于 2021-02-06 15:50:36
问题 I am trying to develop a face recognition app for fun using Kinect for Xbox 360. I would like to figure out which SDK and version of Visual Studio should I use for best access to the Kinect. 回答1: Is Kinect SDK 2 compatible with Xbox 360 Kinect? No , the Kinect SDK 2.0 is not compatible with any Kinect v1 sensor. From Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0 [...] requires the new Kinect for Windows v2 sensor, or an Xbox One Kinect with the Kinect Adapter for Windows. SDK 2.0 is not

Sending keyboard events to another application in C# that does not handle Windows events

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-02-06 10:16:05
问题 here is my situation: we are writing an application that must transform Microsoft Kinect coordinates into keyboard and mouse events. When we need to take control of the mouse, everything works as we intended in ANY kind of application. The problem arises when we need to send keyboard events (like key down or key up) to applications that doesn't handle Windows events, like games, for example. We tried the SendKeys class of the .net framework, and it only works with Windows applications. When

Requirements for Kinect programming

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2021-02-05 20:31:48
问题 I wish to program with the Kinect ToF camera, however I am not certain of the hardware and software requirements to do so. I have come across a number of articles/books that cover this topic, but there seems to be some inconsistencies that have left me somewhat confused. Questions What Kinect product do I need to buy to ensure that I have all the necessary components for using it for software development on a computer? (i.e. all cables included "in-the-box") What are the hardware requirements

Requirements for Kinect programming

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2021-02-05 20:30:29
问题 I wish to program with the Kinect ToF camera, however I am not certain of the hardware and software requirements to do so. I have come across a number of articles/books that cover this topic, but there seems to be some inconsistencies that have left me somewhat confused. Questions What Kinect product do I need to buy to ensure that I have all the necessary components for using it for software development on a computer? (i.e. all cables included "in-the-box") What are the hardware requirements

Can't set frame width and height with [OpenCV] cv2.VideoCapture.set()

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-05-29 05:51:15
问题 I am trying to reduce the frame/window size of my video capture to 320x180 but I can't seem to do it. I am using a Windows Kinect for Xbox One and its connected to my pc using an adapter. I have tried setting the cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH to 320 and cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT to 180 but once I try and get the values it returns 1920 and 1080. I have also tried installing and reinstalling the Kinect SDK and drivers. import cv2 import numpy as np vid = cv2.VideoCapture(0) vid.set(cv2.CAP_PROP

Processing教程:如何使用Kinect V2做交互设计 - Hello World

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-03-29 19:45:51
做体感设计,从巨硬家的K设备入门是一个非常便捷的渠道。 需要准备: 1、Kinect for Windows v2 (K4W2) 一台 2、Kinect SDK v2 一台 3、带USB 3.0接口的Win10 4、Processing 3.0 5、最新的N卡驱动(我这里是2080ti) 6、DirectX 11 然后就可以开始测试了。 共有三步: 1、下载并安装Kinect v2 for Processing库 2、接好Kinect v2 3、在Processing中运行HelloWorld Processing的HelloWorld需要自己写,很简单,共3步: 1、引用库并声明1个Kinect实例 import KinectPV2.*; KinectPV2 kinect; 2、在setup中对齐进行初始化 size(1920, 1080); kinect = new KinectPV2(this); kinect.enableColorImg(true); kinect.init(); 3、在draw中显示实时画面 background(0); image(kinect.getColorImage(), 0, 0, 1920, 1080); fill(255, 0, 0); text(frameRate, 50, 50); 如果一切正常,此时你就可以看见Kinect的画面了。


青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-03-16 05:09:39
编者按:在人与人的交谈中,除了语言上的你来我往,我们还会有意无意地用到我们的双手,做出各种手势。行为科学家对手势之于对话的意义感到好奇,而Kinect for Windows传感器则让这项研究变得容易。台湾清华大学的研究者和微软亚洲研究院合作,最终得出了有趣的实验结果。 文章译自: Kinect for Windows helps decode the role of hand gestures during conversations 我们都知道除了语言外,人类还有很多其他的交流方式——例如生气的一瞥或是勉强地点头。但除了这些明显的肢体语言,我们在交流中还频繁地使用我们的双手。对话中的手势虽然无处不在,但分析它仍然很难。我们很难得知,这些伴随着谈话的自发的手部动作是否、以及如何塑造沟通的过程和结果。行为科学家想了解这些非语言交际行为的作用。基于这个情况,技术开发者也同样渴望建立一个帮助人们更为顺畅地交流、理解信息的工具。 为了破解和他人说话时发言者双手动作的潜在含义,研究人员需要以高效且经济的方式追踪分析手部的动作路径。台湾清华大学的 王浩全 教授和他的团队意识到他们可以通过使用 Kinect for Windows 传感器去捕捉记录面对面交流过程中的手势和语音,从而解决这个问题。 “我们之所以想用Kinect,是因为它是市面上最流行和实用的运动传感器

【转】Azure Kinect DK 在 Ubuntu 16.04 系统下安装

孤人 提交于 2020-03-04 17:07:26
本人计划安装 v1.3.0 版本,但是git clone后,发现在其目录下并无该文件 “./script/”。 所以按照博客中所述,改为安装 1.2.0 版本的sdk。安装成功。 2020.03.04 这里我安装的是1.2.0版本的sdk,因为我后续要安装Ros版本,现在的Ros版本更新到1.2.0了。 1.下载sdk git clone -b v1.2.0 2.下载文件 到这个网站中下载libk4a1.2里的deb文件: 解压缩deb文件,获得,然后把复制到/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/文件夹中 3.下载依赖项 cd Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK sudo ./script/ 注意!!不知道为什么,直接运行它的脚本,有些依赖项可能下载不下来。可以直接按着脚本,自己手动的进行apt-get install